Wednesday, June 19, 2019

They’re in Fiji Again!

Survivor used to be more original when it came to finding a place to film a season. There was more that they did on a typical basis. Starting with the nineteenth season, they started doing something different in an effort to save money. Nowadays, seasons are typically filmed back to back in the same location so that they can reuse certain resources. Something that most of us might have picked up on is the fact that they seem to always be using Fiji as a location for each new season.

They originally went to Fiji for the fourteenth season. From the thirty-third season onward, all of the show’s seasons have been made in Fiji. That seems to be the only place that they go to anymore. Why is that? I have no idea. I’m sure that there’s a link out there that explains it. I just haven’t found or looked for it yet. If I had to guess, I’d say that it is yet another cost saving measure. And while we may want to have new locations each season, the producers returning to Fiji might be the only way that we keep getting new seasons at all.

Does anyone care that they just keep going to the same place over and over again? Would they rather see more variety in their Survivor locations? Well, I’m not sure that people care or have complained. I do not even want to write this post to complain about the constant reuse of Fiji as a location. I merely want to point it out and write a rather quick blog post about it. Maybe I’ll find something better to write about during Survivor’s break as the months wear on.

There’s not much else to say that I can think of right now. Survivor keeps doing seasons in Fiji and it does not look like there will be an end to this trend for a while. I don’t know why they keep going there so if anyone knows for sure, they can tell me more about it here. That’s really all I need to say. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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