Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Could I, Adam Decker, Do Survivor?

A lot of Survivor fans probably want to play the game at some point if they haven’t already. I might want to play Survivor at some point. But could I actually do what many have done by playing the game? I do not know if I’m cut out for it. I have never applied for it (yet, at least), although I wouldn’t mind if I were recruited to play the game. Still, if I actually had the chance, would it be something that I should do with my life? Should I ever play Survivor?

One might never know unless they play what type of player they will be. They also might not know what their edit will be like on the show. For instance, Malcolm of Survivor: Philippines thought that he would be getting a villains edit, but instead got a heroes edit. One thing that you think that most people would never want to do is be a quitter.

If I wanted to do Survivor and had any inclination going into it that I might quit it, I’d spare myself any potential hatred I’d get from fans and never play. I don’t think that I’d have it as easy as other players do since I’m on medication that I’m not sure would be allowed on the show. Kathy quit Micronesia in part because of not being able to take medicine to the point of being depressed and unable to play the game in her mind. I’d have a hard time playing due to my Tourettes Syndrome. I’m not playing Survivor just to quit it. But I feel that I could wind up like Kathy even if I did have my medication.

While I’d more than love to work for Survivor, I’d rather not be a contestant. I’d rather be a creative consultant, if such a job were to exist. Someone comes up with ideas for twists, challenges, and other things to be featured in the game. I’d more than love to be one of them. I just hope that I didn’t say too many bad things in this blog, on twitter, or elsewhere that would make them weary of hiring someone. Still, they would know some of what I want to do and then be able to use it.

All of this is not to say that I wouldn’t play Survivor if things worked out to do so. I just know that there are plenty of better people whom you could pick from instead. Of course, I like to think that a lot of worse people than me have played the game. Still, that might be more of what they are looking for. I’m not as confrontational as they might be looking for. I could be boring. The only goal of mine would be not to quit the game and I don’t think that I would, no matter how hard things got for me.

In conclusion, not much can be said about whether or not I would play Survivor. Maybe I will or maybe I won’t. I don’t know if I’m cut out for it. I’d honestly rather just blog about it for as long as the show is still on and not let playing the game taint my views of it. Working with the show in other ways might work for me, but I’m not sure that I’d care much about that as long as I can do something with my life that actually has a purpose. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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