Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Episode 39.4

I think that I like the Island of the Idols twist thus far. People are paranoid enough to think that you can get an idol if you go there and they are right. They won’t know unless they go there that the idols have only a temporary life if you get them at all. While they could easily save you if you know you are a target or are just paranoid, you could easily wind up like Vince who was also the victim of an alliance. I wonder how important that alliance will be that season as it could wind up easily dictating votes like the black widows brigade or easily fall apart like every other woman’s alliance.

In the last blog post, I mentioned a song called Dammit Janet from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Here is a link to that song in question. I might mention another song from it later this month since it is one of the few Halloween movies that aren’t horror themed, I think.

There is something I already wonder about the next season. SPOILER. Since Rob and Sandra are going to be players next season, I wonder if them knowing as much as they do this season will help them more than the other players would. Plus, weren’t they being mentors due to wanting to play again? I guess that we will see what happens later. END SPOILER. Who knows what the future will bring? But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we return to the Lairo tribe after their tribal council. Karishma does understand what was going on and that she was the plan b. Aaron wants to take out Dean and Chelsea since they are a couple. Dean talks about what he likes about her. Missy thinks that Chelsea could mess up the woman’s alliance, but still wants to vote out Dean first to keep them strong. Jamal talks about how he was left out of different votes. He goes off looking for the idol. He does find it. Now he knows that the tribe is not in control of him.

A boat comes next. Everybody look at the motherfucking boat! They have to go based on draw on a unanimous decision. Noura volunteers herself to go. She gets sent as a result. She arrives at the island and is created by the duo of people here. The lesson of the day is persuasion. For some reason, we are shown clips from Micronesia and Erik’s blindside then Yul’s idol ploy with Jonathan. Sandra helped get rid of Coach and Rob helped influence Lex. She now has to be a caller at the challenge to get a non idol advantage. Perception is not always reality. Wasn’t that from One World? Sandra thinks that she is being too big a risk taker this time around.

In the second segment of the show, Noura lies some about the challenge when back at the tribe. She is trying to claim to be taking or needing a certain role in the challenge. Kellee likes the bad lie that Noura was doing since this keeps the reality of the island off of her. Many do not believe her lie and some think that she’s going to be a bad caller and shouldn’t have that role in the challenge.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. Who will be the caller? It is not Noura as she was told to sit out of the challenge instead. She lost her vote. The yellow tribe does very badly at the challenge. Would the purple tribe be doing as well with Noura as the caller? But the caller on the purple tribe might have delayed things. Still, the purple tribe wins due to the switch. Missy wants to control Karishma’s vote and make it so she’s not in trouble.

In the fourth segment of the show, we return to the tribe after their loss and Karishma thinks that she will be voted out. But like the tenth doctor, she doesn’t want to go. What was up with those bees? I have not seen something like that before. What do they mean? Elizabeth does not want Dean to be voted out as she feels that he does more around camp. Elizabeth tells Elaine of Aaron’s plan to vote out Dean and neither of the women want to do this. Missy wants a name that people can agree on. She wants to vote out Chelsea instead of Dean. Elaine isn’t sure that’s a good idea.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. There might be another blindside. We see that Karishma feels on the outs still. I love the Ferris Bueller reference that Jeff makes. Elaine never seems to know much, according to Sandra. Missy points out that Karishma has a weak game. Karishma like chaos as it can help her. No one would be shocked if they were voted out of the game. They are like families and like complete strangers. They are more the second one than the first. Rob thinks that the vote is up in the air to the point of being anyone on the tribe. Once the votes are cast, Chelsea is the one who is voted out after she failed to play her idol.

On the next Survivor, Lauren admits possibly to what she did to Dean’s possible girlfriend. We then get to the swap at hand. What all will happen? Well, we’ll be waiting, waiting for the next episode. Yes we’ll be waiting, waiting for the next episode.

Total confessional count: Lauren- 4, Elizabeth- 7, Missy- 7, Janet- 2, Kellee- 6, Dean- 3, Tom Laidlaw- 3, Jason- 6, Aaron- 8, Jack- 2, Noura- 6, Karishma- 8, Tommy Sheehan- 6, Jamal- 6, Dan- 4, Elaine- 6, Chelsea- 4; Rob- 7, Sandra- 6.

New confessionals this episode: Jack- 0, Noura- 5, Karishma- 2, Tommy Sheehan- 1, Jamal- 2, Dan- 1, Elaine- 1, Chelsea- 1, Lauren- 2, Elizabeth- 1, Missy- 3, Janet- 0, Kellee- 2, Dean- 2, Tom Laidlaw- 0, Jason- 1, Aaron- 3; Rob- 2, Sandra- 1.

Jack, Janet, and Tom Laidlaw had no new confessionals this episode. Noura had the most with five. As for total confessionals, Aaron and Karishma have the highest with eight.  Jack and Janet have the lowest with two apiece. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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