Thursday, March 19, 2020

Episode 40.6

Even if one doesn’t want to read all of my blogs, they can be helpful if you want to find out why I did one thing there that I didn’t do in another blog or if certain blogs were updated at a certain time instead of another time (and by time I mean day of the week as the actual time of day doesn’t matter). Know that certain blogs not being updated when they normally are might not be an issue should I yield it to some other blog instead. The main issue that you should know is if all the blogs randomly stop updating for no seemingly good reason and I’m not able to communicate somewhere what happened and why. I would hope that I can tell people what happened, but know that this may not be the case. Also note that this blog is affected right now by me going to church, there is a change in that thanks to Covid19.

With services at my church cancelled for the foreseeable future, you might wonder how it will affect this blog. Well, I’m going to keep posting this blog on Thursdays in the future until it is Holy Week as I hope that services return to their normal schedule at some point. I am hoping that I can return to the services as they would return as normal later. I can listen to them on the radio and may do this during the show. I won’t even know how the services will be different with the changes in what is going on as I’m not sure if anything like this has ever happened before. 9/11 was somehow less crazy.

With my movie updates stuck in my Gabon posts for a while, I might as well tell you about changes in the TV show watching that is going on as a change happened for the first time this year. You see, I am switching back and forth between some choices whenever there is a change in the list. Thus, Charmed season 5 is back on the list with Community season 1 going off of it for now. Power Rangers: Megaforce is also on the list now in place of the Popeye cartoons that are now off of it. Mystery choice #3 is off of the list with mystery choice #4 replacing it. This will move Survivor: Gabon to number 4 in the list being moved from number 5 on the list.

Fire token count: Ben- 1, Michele- 1, Wendell- 1, Adam- 1, Yul- 1, Sarah- 0, Parvati- 4, Kim- 1, Denise- 2, Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 1, Sandra- 0; Natalie- 4, Amber- 1, Danni- 1, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 0, Rob- 0; Sandra- idol good for one more tribal council, Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Denise- regular idol, Sophie- regular idol.

In the first segment of the show, we return to Yara after their fantastic tribal where they voted out Rob. Ben wants to prove himself this time around. Adam thinks that he isn’t as connected on this tribe as much anymore since Ben is connected to the women on this tribe. Meanwhile, the players on the edge of extinction have to look for a new advantage. Tyson wants to find it and get a fire token. Rob looks through all the rocks. Tyson figures out where it is and he finds it. He gets an idol nullifier. Parvati gets the idol nullifier. Tyson buys peanut butter with his fire token. He didn’t want to hoard tokens for an idol since it might not be something he could even use.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. Only the first place tribe wins immunity and reward. Sandra sits out as usual. Yara wins the immunity challenge. Adam kind of gloats about their victory as it was that momentous to him.

In the third segment of the show, we see Sele after their loss. Parvati feels alone and feels that she does not have much outside of Michele and her advantage. Nick thinks that he needs to stick with the guys on this one. The women conspire, although Michele isn’t that interested in keeping with Parvati, but she wants to con Parvati out of her fire tokens by voting for Wendell which she tells him about. She felt that she was burned by him when they were dating. I suddenly feel that a season of exs would be a great season of this show. Parvati thinks that Wendell was making mistakes and wanted two of her tokens. Nick isn’t sure that he trust Wendell anymore. Nick thinks that the vote goes down to trust.

On Dakal, that tribe talks about things after their loss. Tony has a spy bunker. People think that he is out voting for an idol. Jeremy talks about his advantage and wonders if he should use it or not. Denise wants to use her idol that she wants to have later down the road. But what will happen? Denise wants to be humble. There aren’t that many humble people in this world, but I’m glad that I’m one of the most humble of all the humans in the world. People can’t figure out where Tony is and they think that he has a split personality. Tony is found and freaking out. Sandra thinks that she should give her idol to Denise in exchange for her fire tokens. They want to have cupcakes and cookies. Wasn’t someone mocked for wanting that at tribal council? Denise should know about that as it happened in her season. She agrees to give Sandra one token now and another after the vote.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the blue tribe going to tribal council first. Wendell thinks that this is the season of complicated relationships. Michele talks about how different they are. She is taking a different approach to the game. Wendell thinks that his style of play has been criticized even though he isn’t doing his current style of play. Wendell thinks that he was being real with Parvati and he is willing to work with her for a fire token. They have to figure out what to do. She has to say a name for who they should work for. Michele feels like an emotional wreck in some way. Nick thinks that they have to work together or someone will be screwed up. The voting starts- cut to commercial.

In the fifth segment of the show, none of the casted votes are shown as Jeff is shown reading the votes and no one plays an idol. It is clear that Parvati and Wendell didn’t work together as she winds up voted out of the game. She does give her fire tokens to Michele, falling for the Sarah con.

When the next tribe gets there, people talk about how they are threats. Sandra mentions people like Denise that she feels are and aren’t threats. Tony talks about weighing all their options and what it means for them. Jeremy admits that they don’t want to be back here again. He is nervous and losing his mind. Sandra thinks that it is either them or you when it comes to who is voted out. Well, duh!

Sandra votes against Denise in a show vote. Denise plays an idol, probably Sandra’s idol, but maybe not. She then plays another idol for Jeremy. Votes for Denise won’t count. With only one vote counted, Sandra is shocked to be voted out of the game. The others wonder how that is possible. This is the second time that Sandra was voted out on day 16.

On the next Survivor, Michele and Wendell have some sort of issue. Tony has problems and continued weirdness. Sandra randomly gives her fire token to Yul before going to the edge of extinction. There is not much else to say about that right now.

Total confessional count: Sophie- 9, Jeremy- 10, Sandra- 8, Ben- 11, Michele- 8, Wendell- 5, Adam- 16, Yul- 8, Sarah- 8, Parvati- 10, Kim- 5, Denise- 7, Tony- 9, Nick- 5; Natalie- 8, Amber- 12, Danni- 7, Ethan- 8, Tyson- 10, Rob- 15.

New confessionals this episode: Jeremy- 2, Sandra- 1, Ben- 1, Michele- 2, Wendell- 1, Adam- 2, Yul- 0, Sarah- 0, Parvati- 2, Kim- 2, Denise- 2, Tony- 1, Nick- 1, Sophie- 0; Natalie- 0, Amber- 1, Danni- 0, Ethan- 0, Tyson- 2, Rob- 1.

Fire token count: Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 1, Ben- 1, Michele- 4, Wendell- 1, Adam- 1, Yul- 2, Sarah- 0, Kim- 1, Denise-1; Natalie- 4, Amber- 1, Danni- 1, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 0, Rob- 0, Parvati- 0, Sandra- 0; Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Sophie- regular idol.

Adam barely squeaks out with most confessionals with sixteen total. He has the highest. The lowest is a tie between Kim, Wendell, and Nick with five a piece. The lowest this episode is a tie between Sarah, Sophie, Yul, Natalie, Danni, and Ethan with zero. The highest is a tie between Parvati, Tyson, Denise, Kim, Jeremy, Michele, and Adam with two. I am pretty sure that Parvati’s advantage means nothing now so I am taking it out. I will see you later with next week’s post. My church is live on the radio at the same time as the show so don’t expect posts to change times yet. I doubt that it will in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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