Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How Important is a Beach for Filming?

Survivor is often known for filming at beaches throughout most of its seasons. This is not always the case. There are some seasons that have taken place that do not have beaches involved. I do not really care personally if this show is at a beach or not. But some people do care.

Here are all of the seasons that I’m pretty sure wasn’t at a beach: Australia, Africa, Thailand, Amazon, Gabon, and Tocantins. I might be missing some here and there. But there weren’t a lot of them that weren’t filmed there as pretty much the rest of them were.

Why does this matter? In fact, does it matter? Are there some people who can’t stand Survivor when it is not at a beach? Or do you not really care as much where they film a season? I know of one person who does not like it when Survivor isn’t filmed at a beach. But I don’t care. Survivor is about just being put in a remote location and surviving the other players, elements, and challenges, among other things. Putting it at a beach doesn’t seem to affect my enjoyment of a season that much.

So to sum up this short post, I don’t really care that much if Survivor is filmed at a beach or not. Others do. Production must care as they are often always filming seasons there. Thus, there isn’t much else to say about the topic in question. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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