When I talk on and off about this planned idea for a season where one of the three tribes would be of returning players all at one point from the same season, I never mention the rest of the twist. I would want the other two tribes to be of new players. But if one tribe has a connection to each other, then you’d think that the other ones would as well.
So if Survivor decided to do a season that wasn’t about a group of strangers but people who knew each other, then what would the connection be? You’ll have to wonder if a whole bunch of things would work and what those things would be. One could think of co-workers at a company would work. You’d have to wonder what company would be okay with this, but then you’d just remember that Survivor needs advertisers just like advertisers need Survivor or some other show. A company working with Survivor to give us a season of people from them could make a good promotion, but also runs its own risks just like any show would have to do.
Another idea for a connections season would have a graduating class from the same school or college. It could also have the people who were once in a person’s same class. One could get congregants from the same church or other worshipers of whatever religion who work in a community. Some towns are small enough that there could be a huge connection from any random group of people there that could work since they would know each other. We could even get people who used to serve together in office.
If we go back to one of my previous ideas, then we could include a group of people who all survived the same event. Those that were part of the miracle on the Hudson could be a tribe as they are likely to still have connections even now. There are military branches that you’d think by now would have enough women on them for it to work. They might not have survived something, but that could still be a thing that works for a connection season. At the very least, they would have survived a service together and being an influence in the world.
That’s all that I can think of for this post. I realize that I have a lot of ideas for top tens to put in this blog so we’ll see if I do them like I want to in the end. I just need to think of what to put there and hope that I have good ideas and enough material for a top ten. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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