Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Top Ten Survivor Stereotypes: Players

I have a lot of planned top tens for the future, but put them off in favor of other blog posts instead. Now I need more to write about and I don’t have much else to say so I might as well get to the stereotypes that you often see in Survivor. This will go beyond just the usual racial ones and go into a lot of them, some that aren’t part of any set race at all. Anyways, here’s the top ten.


#10 The never camped before: This doesn’t come up that much, but it does come up enough to be annoying. It is a stereotype and weird that it happens so often. Why would someone play Survivor who has never camped before? Plus, you are likely to be worse off on Survivor then most regular camping since you wouldn’t get much luxury and couldn’t just quit any minute. But this does happen a lot, but I don’t think that they ever make it that far.


#9 The female challenge beast: While not as big a stereotype as one that I’ll get to later, you do see this sometimes where a woman dominates the challenges in a way. I do not even know how this happens or why it doesn’t always seem to be known until more towards the end of the game. I just want one of them to tie the record that Colby made that only other men have tied thus far.


#8 The bossy leader: So often, you see so many people of all types try to take charge of their tribe and piss off everyone else leading to them being voted out in the near future. It doesn’t happen as much as others, but it does seem to happen very often.


#7 The obnoxious white man: At least a bad stereotype exists with this group of people, if not as common as other stereotypes of other groups of people that are more minorities. We don’t tend to see this as much nowadays, but it is a common enough stereotype that we see from time to time. It can even be combined some with other stereotypes like the next one.


#6 The eccentric gay man: At least you are almost certain to always get notable screen time on this show if you are simply male and gay as most of them are so eccentric that there is always something of them that is worth seeing a lot on the show so they have to make airtime. Does that make sense? I hope that it does. The point is that you see a lot of gay men who are eccentric on Survivor.


#5 The woman of Asian descent who is mistreated: This is sad that this happens so much and it took 29 seasons until a woman of Asian descent could even win the game. Why is she always mistreated? I have no idea why this happens so much and I feel bad for them that they have to put up with such asses over and over again when they play.


#4 The seemingly lazy black man: Are they actually lazy? Maybe they are some of the time or at least once. But we see this too often where a black man is just laying around doing nothing and it is during the day with their eyes open that we see this. Isn’t this a problem to always show black men this way? What is the problem with the edit?


#3 The black woman with attitude: This might be an even worse stereotype than the last one. All we need is just one fight involving a black woman making it on the screen and they just come off as some sort of asshole while providing the fights that editors always want us to see. They always seem to have their attitude being shown with them not being seen in a good way.


#2 The super fan: I have no idea when this first happened. But it has happened a lot throughout all of the show that it is certain to happen more from time to time again and again. So many people know a whole lot about Survivor and are such huge fans of the show that they have to appear on it. But simply knowing a lot about Survivor or being a huge fan can mean little to nothing when it comes to actually surviving the show in the end.


#1 The male challenge beast: Hopefully this isn’t too bad of a pick for the number one spot as it just seems to happen so much that there isn’t much else to say about this outside of how often we see a player make it far, at least to the finale. What else can I say? Not much.


Well, that’s it for this blog post as I need to spend more time on this while not doing too much else that takes too much time either. I just don’t want to spend just one day writing a post, but I still want to do all of these blog posts in good time. I don’t know why, but June 3rd is said to be an important date for the Survivor community as they mention that on fandom even though that’s a Thursday. Maybe that will be when Survivor 42: Life, the Universe, Everything, will start filming. We’ll see what happens with that in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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