Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Ethical Implications of Shan’s Game Play

From what we saw of Shan on the most recent season of Survivor, there was a lot of shadiness or other weird aspects to it. What makes this worth doing a whole post on more relates to her being a pastor than anything else. I know that the bible says not to judge others (although not in those exact words). And I know that a lot of entertaining Family Feud players who say a lot of out there things that could be considered inappropriate are also pastors. But I still feel like covering this topic.

How did Shan play? Well, she was very shady with her you know what looking with her, wait. Those are a paraphrase of the lyrics of The Real Slim Shady. Anyways, she even invented a song (if it isn’t the song Bittersweet Symphony) that Survivor might own the rights to whenever she is up to something that she might not supposed to be doing. Is she up to something a lot? Well, it sure seemed like it.

Of course, the bible is full of plenty of examples of people displaying what clearly isn’t Christian behavior and yet these stories are about them and they are still known as God’s people. God uses a lot of flawed people to advance his works. But let’s not forget that they are never portrayed well as a result of this. Indeed, the bible is filled with a lot of examples of what not to do and how not to live a godly life.

What is worth noting is that there are two examples I can think of in Survivor of Christianity being represented, but not in a good way for sure. The first was in Marquesas. The winner from that season was Vecepia who was a flipper that one and has an overall mischievous game as a villain. But she gives God the credit for her not just playing Survivor, but also winning as well. Then we get to South Pacific where it seemed like Coach and others were doing more of a cult when they brought up God and the show even referenced a cult of Coach. Yet it still brought up God a lot more than any other season.

Just because the bible doesn’t always use the best people, at least during part of the Old Testament, we still should strive to be good people and not just assume forgiveness without renouncing your bad ways. I still have no idea what type of pastor Shan is or if I’ll ever hear a sermon or other biblical lesson from her. I have already stated that I don’t want to go to her church or here her preach. But maybe I should just once to see if she has better lessons than she does Survivor game play.

It is hard to tell just how much Shan has done throughout the game that isn’t ethical. She wanted to deceive another player into not thinking that she had an idol that she did. Not only did she want to do that, but she did do that. She was overall untrustworthy of others in the game. There were other issues with her that I already talked about when I blogged about the season. She was not ethically good in the game throughout a lot of it.

I don’t honestly know what else there is to say about this topic. This could have been more of a post than it was, but I think that I’m okay with it. I wanted to talk about it as it just seemed like something that I wanted to cover. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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