Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Reasons Why I’m Probably Never Watching Foreign Seasons of Survivor

It is a bit confusing for me to hear (or, more accurately, read) different Survivor bloggers talking about foreign seasons of the show. I have done some research or have some other knowledge of a little bit of some of what has been done on other Survivor seasons outside of the US version. As you can tell from the title of this post, I’m probably never watching foreign seasons of Survivor. Here are the reasons why, in no particular order.

Reason one: I don’t know how I’d do this. I’m guessing that there could be ways to do this. I mean, there obviously would have to be ways for people in the US to see non-US versions of Survivor. Based on some sort of lawsuit that I don’t understand, there will never be foreign seasons airing in the US.

Reason two: I’m not sure that I could legally see it. While I plan to possibly do a post on the ethics of watching bootleg shows, if the only way I could see foreign seasons of Survivor is breaking the law, then I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to especially if I have to spend money to do it.

Reason three: I do not have the time for watching any foreign season of the show. While this might have been true at some point in my life, there is no way that I have time for this. I blog too much. I have a full time job. I need way more sleep then I’m getting.

Reason four: I have no idea how I’d work out something like this into this blog of mine. I already have some issues trying to keep up with the current season, whatever past seasons I care about watching at the time, and the random posts that I also care about during the offseason of the show. It just would be way more tedious than I already have to deal with.

Reason five: I don’t currently want to see any of the foreign seasons of Survivor that exist. I’m just not interested in this. I could care more about it, but I don’t. And this is the most important reason that I can think of as to why I wouldn’t want to spend my time doing that. 

And there you have it. Those are the reasons why I wouldn’t want to keep track of foreign seasons of the show right now. I have nothing against them by any means. Indeed, if there wasn’t a Swedish version, then there wouldn’t have been a US version. But I think that it’s fine for me to just let it be its own thing and ignore them. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Which Comes First: Koah Rong or Cambodia?

Now that we are getting rid of names for Survivor seasons and simply replacing them with numbers instead, this makes me wonder, what comes first? Does Kaoh Rong come first? Or does Cambodia come first? This may sound like a dumb question, but there was something different about these two seasons when it comes to the numbering of Survivor seasons. 

We know that Cambodia aired first, but Koah Rong was filmed first. This is where the confusion comes from that causes this post to exist. Was Cambodia really the 31st season? Or was Kaoh Rong? You’d think that the only thing that makes sense is to just stick with the existing numbering. We should just ignore the fact that they were filmed out of order and just count how they aired. I doubt that they will ever air seasons out of order again. So even if Koah Rong was sort of first, it won’t ever count as that. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Loose Lips Sink Ships

It seems like secret keeping in Survivor isn’t something that has happened for several seasons now. Since at least Heroes versus Healers versus Hustlers, we have seen contestants blab their secrets to others who then blab that to others. And this is so common that by now, people should know better. I mean, they really should.

The title of this post is from an expression out of World War II. You weren’t supposed to tell people about where family of yours was stationed or they could easily wind up dead with their location known by the enemy who could be spies in this very country.

This relates to Survivor because any secret told by one to another is certain to be known by three people in the end. You should be able to do the math and figure out that there are issues with that as you won’t even know who this third person will be or if they will be part of your alliance or a different one.

While some have complained about the beware advantage and how it was common knowledge, it would not have been if this wasn’t openly revealed at a tribal council after the merge to all of the other players still in the game. We’ll have to see if the secret can be better kept this time around to see if the idols will fall apart. Only the three people on the three different tribes should have known what was going on. But even before that tribal council where the secret was revealed to everyone who didn’t know, at least every player on one of the tribes knew and more than three people knew.

You do have to wonder if this could be its own theme for a season. Survivor: Secret Island. With the new twist in the game, you can learn secrets about other players, but then you’d risk yours being revealed if you were to do that. Is the truth bomb worth its risk of bouncing back and biting you in the butt? They might not do that since after 40 seasons of names, they gave up and just did numbers. In fact, I might have to do a post on how numbering could be affected.

That’s all that I can think of since I can apparently pull out a random post when I can want to get it done if I have to. I am working on something that isn’t too potentially long and might not get done during this hiatus because of how much research I have to put into it. You’ll have to wait and see what it is. I’m lucky that I even know where to find the info for it. Just know that I should keep coming back until the show returns. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Animal Imagery

An import part of Survivor can often be overlooked or at least not focused upon by other bloggers as much. But I notice that they like to use animal imagery a lot. It is randomly inserted places and like a bunch of random things that the Canadian Lad can tell you about the MCU on YouTube, it often always means something important.

The best example that I can think of this in the show’s history would have to be in Pearl Islands. As a scene was going on, we kept seeing one animal slowly eat another one. I knew based on that imagery that Rupert would be voted out that episode and he was.

This is still seen a lot in Survivor. In fact, it could be the original television Easter egg predating anything in the MCU or most other Easter eggs. Maybe the editors of Survivor owe this phenomenon to others, if I’m phrasing that correctly at all.

Keep an eye out for such things. I know that I still do. Since I’ll be blogging about the first season again, I should make sure that I know what might be the first example of this. You have to figure out what it is and what it means. I don’t think that they include red herrings when they do this. So it’s important to keep an eye out for it to get what the editors are hinting at as we know that it has to be important in some way. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.