Now that we are getting rid of names for Survivor seasons and simply replacing them with numbers instead, this makes me wonder, what comes first? Does Kaoh Rong come first? Or does Cambodia come first? This may sound like a dumb question, but there was something different about these two seasons when it comes to the numbering of Survivor seasons.
We know that Cambodia aired first, but Koah Rong was filmed first. This is where the confusion comes from that causes this post to exist. Was Cambodia really the 31st season? Or was Kaoh Rong? You’d think that the only thing that makes sense is to just stick with the existing numbering. We should just ignore the fact that they were filmed out of order and just count how they aired. I doubt that they will ever air seasons out of order again. So even if Koah Rong was sort of first, it won’t ever count as that. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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