Wednesday, June 22, 2022

No One Else Deserved to Win

I am getting annoyed with a constant fan refrain that I hear from time to time. Some people are quite convinced sometimes that someone other than the winner of whatever season should have won it. But I am here to tell you that such a line of thinking is wrong.


I may not like every winner of the show. I don’t like the fact that some people made it further than they should have while others didn’t make it far at all that probably should have gotten further in the game. But it is still doing a disservice to these people to say that someone didn’t deserve to get there. Even if you are a goat, you would have done a good enough job as a goat in order to become a finalist or otherwise make it as far as you did. You aren’t a great player and may not have tried to do it, but it is what happened to you in the end.


This leads to the main title of this post. It is me mentioning that no one else deserved to win the season other than the person who did. I don’t understand this line of thinking. Rob deserved to lose All-Stars when he betrayed Lex after Lex had just helped him. Russell deserved to lose Samoa because he was such a terrible player who didn’t realize how the game should work. These are some of the examples of this that I have heard of myself. There’s even a group on facebook called Parvati should have won Heroes versus Villains. What would a group like that even be about? It just sounds like a bunch of people who are whining about one thing, but what else could even happen in that group?


I’m not whiny when people I don’t like win the game. And when that does happen, it is hard to think of who else would have even made a good alternative. And as much as I like Ozzy during Cook Islands, it would still be mean to Yul to say that he didn’t deserve his win.


So that’s my thoughts on this topic. I don’t believe in this fallacy of people who don’t win should have been the winners of whatever seasons. This prospect of thinking is both dumb and rude. It is doing a disservice to winners while ignoring the flaws of the runner-ups or whoever else you think should have won the game in the long run. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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