With not much time for me to write a post as usual, I was thinking about a modern problem with Jeff on the show of Survivor. Some would rather not have anyone else host Survivor. Some can’t stand him as much anymore. I have mixed feelings. I don’t want him gone as a host, but I also see ways that he can improve himself. Ever since he became a producer, I feel that him and his own personality have gotten in some of the way of the show.
This is where we get to the title of this post: Jeff and His Jeffness. By Jeffness, I mean his way of being himself in a way that can seem excessive. There are too many contestants on the show that can be full of themselves. Jeff isn’t a contestant, but he seems like having this issue at times as well. He tends to overhype every twist no matter how crazy or strange it is.
I think that the past two seasons seem to point to just how strange Jeff has become. He’s starting to do confessionals. And while narrating scenes was something he did in the first season, his way of doing it now seems too full of himself and he can get in his own way and the way of how the show might work in many different ways. While he may not be responsible for any of the strange twists like the do or die, sort of merge, and hourglass, he seems like it is good thing because it has to be and why he must present this as exciting television. The thing is: it is the contestants who bring the entertainment on the show of Survivor. He’s just the person who can’t do much of anything in terms of idol plays or blindsides. He is simply demanding more screen time despite his certainty of having it already.
I’m not sure that there is much else to say about this. I’m not even sure if this post makes sense. I do hope that people understand how Jeff seems to be influencing the game more than he should be. We need him as a host, not a wanna be player. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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