Hopefully, I'll be able to watch the episode this week. I don't know if someone else was able to comment with a description of the last week's episode, but I will post information about what I know from the recap. I talked to a friend about the episode and she told me that Malcolm found the hidden immunity idol. I hope that he will be able to use it this time, although he hopefully won't have to. He still probably has last season's idol, only it is worthless know outside of a souvenir. He cannot use it this season, but he doesn't have to since he has this season's new idol. Also, there's a list of returning contestants who could be good to compete on future seasons that I would like to mention as well at the reason why I want them to compete again. They are Jonathan (Palau), Wanda (Palau), and Kourtney (One World) because they were eliminated in the first episode but weren't voted out, Mike (Samoa), Gary (Fiji), and Dana (Philippines) because they were evacuated premerge, and Colton (One World), Joe (Tocantins), and Bruce (Exile Island) who were the other evacuated players (remember that I exclude James because I don't think that he'll play again, even though he might). I would also like Cassandra and Dreamz (tied runner-ups from Fiji), Lisa and Michael (tied runner-ups from Philippines), Fabio and Chase (winner and runner-up from Nicaragua because of the close vote decided by two quitters on the jury), and any future season that has a tie at the final tribal council. Also, it would be fun if Malcolm and Denise, the two remaining Matsing members were to compete in a future season. Denise versus Stephanie might be a good matchup, but I don't know if Stephanie would play a fourth time. I know that I at least want Denise to play again so maybe her tribe will win immunity for a change. Did you know that if Denise were voted out at the last tribal council instead of Malcolm, she would have been the first contestant in Survivor history to cast a vote at every tribal council? I wonder if that will ever happen in a future season. Survivor never ceases to surprise me. But enough of my ramblings.
It turns out, that I was able to watch the episode online at www.cbs.com. Last time on Survivor, the fans lost Hope. There is no more Hope for the fans. Shemar thought about quitting, but didn't. The fans lost the immunity challenge and voted out Hope, as I already stated. Shemar got all mad about a diving mask and contacts, but a secret season at the website I just mentioned showed that Shemar is probably making stuff up as he never had the diving mask in the first place. The promo for the next episode made it look like the fans would be hurt by a storm as well as tribe dynamics. Also, new commercials point out that there might be a medical evacuation in this episode. If this remains a parallel to the last fans versus favorites, there will be two medical evacuations and a quitter with the quitter and first evacuation before the merge and the other evacuation during the jury phrase of the game. Maybe the storm will have something to do with the medical evacuation. Also, I just realized that there are four players this season who are the only representatives from their first season in this season (if that makes sense). They are Malcolm (Philippines), Corrine (Gabon), Brenda (Nicaragua), and Erik (Micronesia). I also don't know if any Survivor contestant reads this blog or not, but I thought that Parvati mentioned a statistic I might have mentioned in this blog (unless she read it somewhere else, of course). I enjoy watching the Survivor live after shows on www.youtube.com. I just hope that what I said is right. But I should get to the new episode.
The poor fans tribe lost two members in this episode. Shemar, who nobody really liked, a player who threatened to quit the game, and only survived tribal councils because people thought that he would be good to beat at the finals, was medically evacuated from the game. And it was for an eye problem to. Strangely, he has better chances of coming back into the game a second time than Dana does. Jeff Probst himself said that Dana technically quit the game since you can't choose to be medically evacuated. Yet her torch wasn't lied down on the Rites of Passage and I don't think that she considered herself to be quitting, or she would have stayed in the game. Plus, if she did quit, it would redefine past medical evacuations like Gary from Fiji and possibly others. The favorites tribe won both reward and immunity. Also, #sleathrus is now a twitter hashtag. That's funny in a way. Despite the fact that Sherri helped lose the challenge for the fans, her name didn't come up to be voted out. Reynold would end up wasting his idol. I hope that he finds it again. Laura ended up getting voted out. And it looks like something serious and memorable will happen in the next episode. It looks like it would involve Brandon Hantz. Will he be the first Survivor contestant in the history of the game to be ejected from it? If he is, then he would not be at the reunion show and he'll never be able to play again. But he is the stupidest player in Survivor's history and the Hantz family already has a bad rap on reality TV. If any of you are Big Brother fans, than you know what happened to Willie Hantz on the last season of Big Brother. Since this season was filmed before that season of Big Brother, than it would make sense as to why they didn't have problems with the Hantz family this season. I hope that Russell never plays again, even though he probably will. But I think that Colton has him beat as Survivor's greatest villain. Stay tuned for the next blog post where we find out what this memorable event is in the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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