Thursday, March 21, 2013

Episode 26.6

How should I begin this blog post? You know, I don't have to do these crazy random ramblings before the actual post, but I do. I don't know why I do that. I guess that's part of my randomness. I also don't know why this blog has only received one comment thus far. Are you the only person who reads it that has a blogger account? Does anyone else read it? I promise that if I ever miss an episode that you can post information about it for me in this blog. I really do hope that people I know read this as well as Survivor contestants. Also, I'm not sure how to rate if a season is good or bad. According to what I've read, if Survivor: Nicaragua didn't get such bad reception; they never would have done Redemption Island in the next two seasons. I didn't have any problems with Nicaragua. There are some seasons that I like more than others. From what I understand, though, the two seasons with Redemption Island were considered lame/bad by fans and that helped lead to its retirement (but as to whether it is a permanent retirement or not is anyone's guess). The returning players twist seems to keep happening every season. If they do a season with no returning players, normal tribe divisions of just two tribes, and no other outlying twist, they will have finally done a normal season again. But that might never happen. It took seven seasons after All Stars for a "normal" season to happen again. So, with any luck, the next season will be more normal. You know, something that I should do is post a list of Survivor second chances full of all the contestants that I think deserve a second chance to play again based on some unfortunate event they experienced or caused that got them voted out or otherwise leave the game. I'm also not sure if there'll ever be a final season of Survivor, but if they can play to do something epic, the last one should be in Sweden (if they can find a warm enough location, that is). That may seem like a strange place, but without the Swedish reality show Expedition Robinson, there wouldn't be an American version of Survivor. In fact, I wonder how many popular American TV shows were originally based on a foreign franchise of some sort. Also, there are some people that think about an all winner season. That might never happen, even though we could have winners as every contestant, we probably won't get every winner. I could do a rundown if I wanted to and could during random meaningless blog posts that might occur during the summer. Or I may do nothing during the summer in terms of this blog. I'm not sure that I'd get another season to watch yet or not, but I probably won't. I'm also interested in if future seasons will have more than two tribes again. I think that it would be cool if they did and I know what interesting things they could do with it. I would love to see Team X, a twist that has appeared in other country's seasons, but I'm not sure if that would work entirely or not.

You know, just for fun, I should list different Survivor stuff during the summer. You'll find out what then. I was thinking recently about top ten lists and bottom ten lists, but I'm not sure that I could do that with Survivor. What would I even compare? I could do a list of all the contestants who were eliminated due to tiebreakers or hidden immunity idols (and not because they didn't use it when they should have.) There will be other Survivor lists that I could help do and probably will soon. The only reason I wouldn't do that is if or someone I know buys me a season of Survivor to watch and own. And I can't think of one right now that I would like. Also, future promos of this episode help describe that my idea that they would do a double tribal council this episode are wrong. It could still appear in a future episode this season, but probably not this one. They are during a tribal swap. That might mean that there isn't a reward challenge, but there could be. So I'll have to post more information about Bikal and Gota. Maybe Gota will finally start winning challenges for a change. I have yet to see who will switch to what tribe. I will post the list of new tribe members as soon as the official list is revealed in this episode. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment, the favorites tribe returned to camp to talk about what happened in the last episode. It was a Survivor first: earliest tribal council in history. It was also the second shortest. But since it wasn't a real tribal council (and neither was the shortest) it's hard to tell what was or not. All tribal councils are edited down and last longer than it would take the episode to air without any commercials. Phillip makes another nemesis in the game with Corrine. I wouldn't want to be his rival since every one of his rivals have been successfully eliminated so far. Reynold talks about nothing shifting in the game right before the tribal switch. They are doing the egg way of dividing the tribe again which first appeared in One World and sort of appeared in South Pacific and maybe Redemption Island with the two returning players. We have yet to see how this will affect the game. Both of the tribes had new rice and flint. I have posted what I think is the new tribes.

The New Gota: Eddie, Reynold, Brenda, Andrea, Erik, Sherri, Malcolm

The New Bikal: Corrine, Phillip, Michael, Matt, John, Dawn, Julia

In the next segment of the show, the new tribes talked about the other people from their old tribes. They were pretty much getting used to their new divisions. It turns out that the immunity challenge from the last episode is being reused after all. This challenge is a classic one that has appeared in past seasons. You know, they probably have a set number of tribal challenges that they'll have to use no matter what. From what I understand, there is no set order that they do the challenges in, although I don't see why there would have to be. It looks like Bikal will lose the challenge. Phillip was used too much in the challenge so it's unclear whether his fight to get her out of the game will work or not.

In the next segment of the show, Bikal got ready for their first tribal council as a new tribe. Phillip actually wanted to get rid of Julia. The fans are outnumbered on this tribe four to three. At tribal council, Jeff helped sum up the new tribe and helped stir chaos at the council. Corrine is freaked out about the idol, although both the idols are on the other tribe. The other tribe is also outnumbered three fans to four favorites. Matt was voted out in order to break out the power couple of the two guys. Julia is safe which surprises me. If anyone knows for sure what happened, be sure to post it here. From what I understand, though, the favorites lied about who they were voting for, thus tricking the two males fans into voting for Julia. Julia put her one vote for Dawn. The favorites then all voted out Matt. The promo revealed little to nothing about the next episode. But I should go back to normal blog posts since the Lenten services ended this week. And I will return to twitter a week after Sunday. I'm sure that Rupert will like hearing more from me. I will return soon with new and normal blog posts. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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