Jury threat (noun): a Survivor player targeted for being a threat to win the game.
Sometimes they are voted out and put on the jury. Sometimes people refuse to get rid of them and go on to win. Normally, but not always, they are the last person voted out of the game. They typically make the merge and sometimes the jury. What would be interesting is if all of these contestants could return for another shot at the game. So, once again, here's a list of returning players I think would work well for this type of season. I will start with the rules: 1- No finalists. Some jury threats were never voted out and went on to win the game. Some had their chance but were ultimately the runner-up instead. There are some runner-ups who were the more typical jury threats another time they played which is close, but doesn't work. 2- They must have made it far enough the first time. If they didn't, they can't be included. 3- They do not have to be well known or popular players, provided they had a close chance to winning at least one time they played the game. 4- There must be ten men and ten women. No exceptions. 5- You can list extra people if you want to, but there must be only twenty on the official list. 6- There is no limit on to how many times they played the game before provided they can play the game now.
Here's is the list of men I'd choose. The first four season don't really have anyone of interest, although Paschal comes close. The fifth season had Jake, but I think that I'll list him as a maybe. The sixth season had Rob who became a really big threat to win. I don't know if he's too busy with his podcast to do it, but I think that I'll include him regardless. The seventh season might have had one in Andrew, but I'm not certain that he made it far enough to be considered. I'd love to include Rupert, but there is no way that could work due to America's tribal council and the fact that he could be playing for the fifth time. The next two seasons have no one of consideration. Gregg made it far in the tenth season and might be a good pick to return. Ian would have especially done better if he hadn't messed up at the final three. Could either of them have won? Probably. The eleventh really had nobody except for maybe Rafe. The twelfth season definitely had a jury threat. I heard someone even mention that his inability to get in the final two might have been why they switched it to final threes starting in the very next season. Terry was a great player and was ultimately the last person voted out. The thirteenth didn't have anyone that I can think of. The fourteenth season had Yau-Man who was even considered a threat the second time he played. If he got time off of work, he'd probably return and play again. The fifteenth might have had someone that I can't remember. The sixteenth had Erik. Poor Erik thought that it was a good idea to give his immunity necklace to someone that wasn't even his ally and thus got voted out. The only problem is, as you readers will soon see, I might have too many players from Caramoan. The seventeenth had Matty, who I'm not sure fits with the list or not. The eighteenth had no men. The nineteenth had Brett. Wonderful Brett was winning so many immunity challenges that he forced the Foa Foa tribe to turn on themselves. Since there were so many Galu members on the jury, even if you exclude the turncoats, he probably would have won if he didn't wind up on it himself. The next two don't have any. Matt was pretty much a threat from the start, only he wasn't smart enough to make it there (sorry Matt. I still want you back, but maybe not on this list). Grant also fell victim that season to being a threat to Rob's game, although he might have lasted longer if he won the last duel or the right person was immune. Rick was a very big threat in the next season, but I think that I have too many already. The twenty-fourth didn't really have anyone. The twenty-fifth had Malcolm, who I'd give any excuse for him to return. The twenty-sixth might have had Reynold, had he lasted much longer. Eddie is more fit for the list as he was the ultimate jury threat that season. So who of all those men would I put on the list? Well, look at the underlined people and hopefully you'll get an idea.
Next I'll do the list of women I'd choose. The problem is, I can't think of that many, so hopefully these choices are still good. Gretchen from the first season may not have been on the jury but did fall victim to what I believe was the most confusing vote in Survivor history. Colleen (if I'm spelling that right) also did pretty well until she ultimately left the game as the last standing Pagong member. Jenna is a bit iffy to include as a choice since she was more of a threat the second time she played when she was third. Elisabeth was a total threat to win and since she isn't on The View anymore, it might be considered that she could return, although it's also as likely that she wouldn't. Jerri wasn't much of a jury threat until the third time she played, but I might include her anyways. Kathy from the fourth season might work, since I can't think of that many women. Christy was probably one in the sixth season. Darrah was definitely one in the seventh. She might have lasted longer were it not for a strange twist in the game that gave the jury immunity instead of any of the contestants. After a gap of seasons I can't think of contestants from, there is Cirie who twice made it to the final episode only to be eliminated in it instead of winning. (Has that happened to someone else? I can't think of anyone.) Natalie, the fan who lasted the longest in Micronesia, made it very far, but was eliminated in what they thought was the final vote out that season. I don't know if she could have won, but she'd be a great returning player regardless. Taj was obviously a big threat to win the eighteenth season, hence her elimination. I'm not sure if she'll ever reappear or not. I mean, to put her in the same season as Cirie would be a bit questionable. But she's probably too busy regardless to return. Who knows? She's still on my list. Just like Jane from the twenty-first season is also on my list to return. That should take care of my list of women.
So the list of players I'd include in a Survivor: Jury Threats season are as follows. The men that I'd choose to return are Rob (Amazon and All-Stars), Gregg (Palau), Ian (Palau), Terry (Panama), Yau-Man (Fiji and Micronesia), Erik (Micronesia and Caramoan), Brett (Samoa), Grant (Redemption Island), Malcolm (Philippines and Caramoan), and Eddie (Caramoan). The women that I'd choose to return are Gretchen (Borneo), Colleen (Borneo), Elisabeth (Australia), Jerri (Australia, All-Stars, and Heroes versus Villains), Kathy (Marquesas and All-Stars), Christy (Amazon), Darrah (Pearl Islands), Cirie (Panama, Micronesia, and Heroes versus Villains), Natalie (Micronesia), Taj (Tocantins), and Jane (Nicaragua). Those are my returning players. I'm sorry that there are too many ones from fans versus favorites seasons.