Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Jennifer Lyon on Survivor Palau

I know that I promised to do a list of the runner-ups of Survivor and the chances that they play again. Don't worry. That will come. You see, I also promised almost a year ago (I think) to post about how Jennifer Lyon affected the game of Survivor: Palau. I have done a long list of every episode she was in (which was every episode) and this is what happened as a result. For this I have created a drinking game. Now I'm going to offer this disclaimer about the drinking game: Always play drinking games at your own risk. Do not play drinking games if you are under 21, plan to drive soon, or are pregnant. If you willing choose to play this drinking game I take no responsibility for any personal harm or injury that may occur to you by playing it or any games like it. You do not have to play the game and you don't have to play it correctly (I didn't). If you are unsure of how drinking games will affect you, please don't play. It is not required that you play this game. I also included the number of shots that I took as a fair warning about the game. So without further ado, here's post about Jenn and the game along with it.

Episode 1: This Has Never Happened Before!


    I decided to play a drinking game of some sort while writing this. Depending on how much Jenn is seen depends on how much that I drink. I'll let you know if it is good or bad. Finally. I've been 21 for almost a whole year now and I'm finally drinking. I'll be sure to tell you how many shots I've taken at the end. She isn't focused upon at all on day one. Gregg chose Jenn to be on the tribe, which is interesting since they develop a showmance. She think picks Coby to be on the tribe. After being mentioned once during the challenge, she isn't seen again for the rest of the episode. For this episode, the drinking game doesn't work that well. But on the plus side, at least I'm not drunk. Remember, drink every time her name is mentioned or she gets a confessional. Shots taken: 4


Episode 2: Love is in the Air, Rats are Everywhere


Will Jenn be featured more in this episode? I hope so. Or maybe I don't because I don't want to get horribly drunk. Jenn was mentioned four times at the reward challenge. I might have missed it the first time she might have been mentioned in the challenge. Once again, Jenn isn't focused on that much. Shots taken: 5


Episode 3: Dangerous Creatures and Horrible Setbacks


So I'm going to watch this to see if there's more of Jenn. Jenn was mentioned five times in the reward challenge when she faced off against Stephanie and lost. She was also mentioned while Koror was hunting snakes and sharks, the dangerous creatures mentioned in the episode. Jenn sat out of the immunity challenge along with Janu. Since Koror won immunity, she isn't focused on again. She has yet to have a confessional. Shot taken: 9


Episode 4: Sumo at Sea


Jenn gets her first confessional in this episode in regard to the cryptic representative in the treemail that both tribes got. Jenn sat out of the reward challenge. Maybe that means we'll see her more in the immunity challenge. Jenn once again fought against Stephanie in the challenge. Once again she lost, this time at a different challenge. She lost again the next time. This drinking game is much better due to this challenge. I lost track of what the right number of shots is. I feel like I should have taken more than I did. Jenn has a total of one confessional thus far. But it looks like we'll see her in the next episode when her showmance with Greg develops. Shots taken: 14?


Episode 5: The Best and Worst Reward Ever


Jenn is mentioned once on previously on Survivor, but is not seen that much in it. Her showmance with Gregg starts in this episode. To my knowledge, it only lasted on the island and never existed outside the show. That's when she's seen again. She participates in the challenge and is seen more in it. Before Koror goes to tribal council, Gregg talks about his alliance with her. She is also mentioned more at tribal council itself, although they edited out that part where she talks, if she did. She joined the majority of the tribe in voting out Willard. Everyone except him voted him out. I'm not sure how this affects the shots to drink or not. She helps vote for immunity, but it's unknown who voted for who. Shots taken: 15


Episode 6: Jellyfish N' Chips


Jenn is mentioned twice in the previously on Survivor. I might have missed a shot here. She gets her second confessional in this episode. Jenn sits out of the reward challenge. Jenn has to do the immunity challenge like everyone on the Koror tribe who sat out the reward challenge. They will experience something unheard of before or since starting in the next episode and we might not see Jenn in a challenge until the individual phase of the game. She had only one confessional this episode and has two altogether. If I had to guess, that would be the least amount for anyone left right now in the game and only the three people out in the first episode might have had less. Shots taken: 6


Episode 7: The Great White Shark Hunter


Will we see little of Jenn again? I don't know. I think that David and Jeff of the podcast link that I posted in this blog should have included her on the list of reality show one hit wonders (look it up if you don't know what it is), but I understand why they didn't. They could always change the list with the next update, if there is one. Jenn did not participate in the reward challenge. Since Koror has over twice as many members as Ulong (a Survivor first that never happened again, unless you count the 25th season before the dissolve of Matsing) it's possible that we won't see her in the immunity challenge. Jenn is mentioned more at Koror during the talk of her tribe mates about her showmance with Gregg. She gets a confessional because of it during the episode. Jenn does actually participate in the immunity challenge along with Janu. Coby is the caller for their tribe. Once again, despite participating in the challenge, Jenn isn't mentioned that much. Her showmance is in danger, but it will take awhile before the threat of the couple is taken out. So Jenn gets one confessional in this episode and has three overall. Hopefully, we'll see more of her soon. Shots taken: 6


Episode 8: Neanderthal Man


Jenn is mentioned twice during the previously on Survivor. Since I skipped the opening credits this time, I'm taking one less shot than I should have. Hopefully, she doesn't come up that much since my mother says I can't get another wine cooler. I guess I'll have to put as little as possible in the shot glass so I don't have to break the rules of the game. Jenn is not in the reward challenge and I don't think that she's in the immunity challenge either. Jenn gets at least one confessional today it is split into three parts, I think. Otherwise, it was three confessionals, which I don't think that it was. She is mentioned more at her tribe. I'm going to say that I took shots when I didn't actually. We should be seeing a lot more of her sooner. Shots taken: 10


Episode 9: I Will Not Give Up


So Ulong is no more after this episode and Koror becomes the only premerge tribe to last until day 39. This becomes the only season to have only two tribes. Jenn gets another confessional in this episode and one wonders if she somehow inadvertently became what Stephenie was considered to be. Stephenie had a final four alliance with Ian, Katie, and Tom. Those last three people became the final three. Jenn did have a rivalry with Stephenie, so I guess it seems fair. She is mentioned a lot of camp by Coby as well as other people. I have no idea how many shots I took, so I'm going to guess today. Jenn is mentioned at least once in the challenge. She drops out of it for chocolate chip cookies and milk. She is also mentioned some at tribal council. Jenn joined the majority of the tribe in voting out the complainer known as Coby. Shots taken: 14?


Episode 10: Exile Island


This is one of the more unusual episodes of Survivor. Jenn is mentioned three times in the previously on Survivor segment. Jenn is put on a team with Katie, Stephenie, and Ian for the reward challenge. Her team would end up losing the reward. What happened back at camp? We don't know. They didn't show us the tribal dynamics like they typically do. The immunity challenge was actually fought for no reason due to what happened at tribal. Tom still got a win out of this challenge and he became the first person to tie Colby's record of most immunity wins. Jenn is the fourth person out of the challenge. She is being mentioned a lot this episode. I didn't take shots that I should have. I have no idea what the true number is. There is no vote in the episode because somebody named Janu quit instead before a vote was held. I drank two bottles of alcohol this episode. Shots taken: 20?


Episode 11: I'll Show You How Threatening I Am


In contrast to recent episodes, Jenn is not mentioned in the previously on Survivor segment. The reward challenge was the Survivor Auction. She spent $120 for a sundae. She and Caryn tried to bid for an item that Gregg and Ian ended up getting instead. Jenn got a confessional today that wasn't very long, but I didn't notice if she got a letter from home or not. Jenn didn't win the immunity challenge. Jenn joined the majority of her tribe in voting out Stephenie. She now has a total of six confessionals throughout this season. If you know of a contestant who made it this far and did worse in the confessional count, please let me know. She still has yet to have more than one in a single episode and that's strange, I think. Shots taken: 19


Episode 12: We'll Make You Pay


If I'm correct, we'll be seeing a lot more of Jenn in this episode. Then again, I'm frequently wrong sometimes, aren't I? In the reward challenge, Jenn got the first question right and chose to take out Caryn. So did two other people. Jenn got the second question wrong. She got the third question right. Tom chose to take out Jenn and Jenn chose to take out Tom. Tom is out of the challenge. Jenn is the only person who got the fourth question wrong. Jenn gets the fifth question right and chose to take out Katie. She got the sixth and final question wrong and thus lost the challenge to Gregg. But Gregg in turn took her on the reward. Jenn gets a confessional when her loved one shows up at the reward. As always, I lost track of the proper shot count. If you play the game I'm playing when you watch this, please let me know what the real count is, in case you haven't lost track yourself. Jenn gets a second confessional in this episode, I think. They do a second chances challenge for immunity based on the challenges used before this season. Jenn passes the first leg of the immunity challenge. Jenn passed the second leg of the challenge as the last person to successfully complete it. Jenn passed the third leg of the challenge as well. Jenn does not pass the fourth leg of the immunity challenge and is eliminated from it. Unfortunately for Jenn, Gregg showed his cards to the other players when he picked people to go on the reward and thus cost himself the game. Jenn voted in the minority for Caryn while everyone else voted her ally Gregg out of the game. Thus ends Jenn's showmance with Gregg ends in this episode, I think. I'm pretty sure it only lasted on the island. She now has eight confessionals this season. Shots taken: 25?


Episode 13: It Could All Backfire


Jenn is mentioned a lot on the previously on Survivor segment. Jenn gets a confessional that starts the episode. That makes it the first time that one of her confessionals starts the episode. Jenn is mentioned a lot in the reward challenge. While she didn't win the reward, she did better than all the other women and was more or less third place. Jenn gets a second confessional in this episode when all the women were left after the reward challenge and tribal politics happened as usual. For some odd reason, the all women alliance would never happen. Jenn does pretty well at the immunity challenge, but does not ultimately win. The tribal council was very interesting. Jenn joined the tribe in unanimously voting out Caryn who pretty much sealed her fate in the game by telling everyone about the alliances and secret activities in the game. Jenn is doing well in the game so far, but what could happen in the next episode? We'll see what changes that. She has ten confessionals so far this season and any more will be in the next episode. Shots taken: 38


Episode 14: The Ultimate Shock


I have the feeling that I will either have a lot of shots this episode or not that many due to Jenn's placement in the game. She gets a confessional in this episode before the immunity challenge. Jenn put up a good competition at the immunity challenge, but ultimately was eliminated when she came in more or less third place at the first phrase and thus couldn't compete in the second phrase. At the tribal council, there was the possibility of a tie. Before the later than usual tribal council, Ian started his demise and Jenn did whatever she could to avoid otherwise certain elimination. Jenn and Tom voted against Ian while Ian and Katie voted against Jenn. These were the only votes she received during the whole entire game. She received one additional tie-breaker vote. They never do revotes at the final four anymore. Anyways, Jenn would lose the challenge and go to the jury because of it. This is the last we see of Jenn until the final tribal. I took 46 shots up to this point of the game.


Jenn is mentioned more after she is voted out when the rest of the members confront Ian over his flip-flopping ways. Jenn has a total of twelve confessionals during the entire game. Thirteen if you count the exit confessional and I'm not sure if she gets a single voting confessional. I guess they weren't considered that great. I'm still hoping that a special DVD of her will be released at some point, but who knows whether that will happen or not. I'm thinking of editing her wikipedia page, but you won't see the edits in this blog if you see them at all. Jenn, of course, is seen at the rites of passage.


At the final tribal council, Jenn returns as a jury member. Jenn wasn't sure that Tom respected her game. Jenn wondered if Katie "played strong or like a doormat." Jenn doesn't like Katie's way of playing the game and probably had more liking for Tom since he never voted against her. So Jenn would end up voting for Tom to win the game. Shots taken: 52


Episode 15: Palau Reunion Show


You might be wonder how I stay sober with this drinking game. Well, unless the Strawberry Daiquiri wine cooler gives me a hangover without getting me drunk, this isn't going to happen. You see, I cheat at this game. I don't take a lot of shots when I should and I barely fill the drink up that much a lot of the time. Whether you play this game right or not (please don't. I don't want to kill people because of this blog) just keep in mind that I didn't and I'm the only one who played it. I'm also alive and well to post this blog update. Anyways, I will talk about Jenn's influence at the reunion show. Caryn was the first to bring up Jenn. She was mentioned in one of the clips that brought us back to the episode. According to Jenn, their showmance, as I thought, only lasted on the island and they remained friends for a while later. So she wasn't mentioned that much and we'll never see her again. But I hope that you like this bit of writing regardless of your opinions on Jenn. I spent a long time doing it. Shots taken: 5

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