Okay, as a big Survivor fan and a newish fan of Big Brother, I've decided to post all the Survivor players who would be good or want to play Big Brother. This is mostly due to Hayden Moss, a Big Brother winner, appearing on Survivor this season. Hopefully, Survivor fans who read this blog will still like this post even if they don't like Big Brother. I will pick at least one person from each Survivor season (possibly excluding returning player seasons). I am hoping that some people from Survivor, whether they are from a long time ago or not, would play Big Brother just because it would be interesting. I'll start with the very first season and go to the end. Who knows if Big Brother would ever do a season based solely on Survivor players playing this game. I'd love for Big Brother to do the twist that they are currently doing this Survivor season, although I probably wouldn't watch all the Big Brother players that are returning if I have no idea who they are. I will include a new player from each season, but that could be all. But enough of my ramblings.
Susan (Borneo and All-Stars): since she probably won't do Survivor again since she quit the last time, I don't think she's necessarily done with doing reality TV. I have seen what passes for a Big Brother contestant these days? She'd probably be much better than them.
Sean (Borneo): I might be the only person who actually liked this guy and didn't think he was a dumb player. I think that he'd be great to play a game like this.
Jerri (Australia, All-Stars, and Heroes Versus Villains): she likes to do reality television and has yet to find a real acting job (to my knowledge), so she might as well appear on Big Brother. Who knows if she could appear as both a hero and a villain on that show as well.
Amber (Australia and All-Stars): she might be done with Survivor, but she might not be done with reality TV in general and might be great on this show.
Kimmi (Australia): she didn't make it far enough to play Survivor again but she proved entertaining enough and would probably prefer an arguably cleaner game than Survivor like Big Brother.
Elisabeth (Australia): if she's done with The View and won't be on Survivor again, she might be interested in a game like this.
Silas (Africa): he hated being the first Survivor contestant screwed by a tribal swap, but since nothing like that happens on Big Brother he might like playing it.
Paschal (Marquesas): I still don't know why he hasn't returned to Survivor yet (probably because they don't want to admit that they messed up, which they did) but Big Brother has one of the fairest tie-breaker methods possible so I don't see him getting screwed as easily in a game like Big Brother.
Gabriel (Marquesas): he was a strong player mostly there for the experience. So wouldn't he like a completely different experience?
Hunter (Marquesas): one questions whether he can play Survivor again since he joined the dream team, but if he got time off to do Big Brother, I'm sure he'd love it since this is something he could play.
Jake (Thailand): he may have been one of the older contestants on Survivor, but I think that he'd love to play a show like that.
Heidi (Amazon): she's memorable enough (remember chocolate and peanut butter?) so she could play a game like this simply because it was too much wear and tear on Survivor.
Jenna (Amazon and All-Stars): she says she loves Big Brother, possibly even more than the show she won, so I figure that she'd want to do this show at some point. Besides, as much as one may like her, they'd open up a Survivor version of Pandora's Box if they let someone who quit play again.
Johnny Fairplay (Pearl Islands and Micronesia): if he can't do Survivor again, should he be done with reality TV? I doubt it. Even if you don't like him, you'd probably want him to return somehow just out of sheer entertainment value.
If you notice something, I've already mentioned all the contestants from the All-Star season that I'd like to play this game.
Chris (Vanuatu): there has been no record of him being asked to play Survivor again so he might as well do something like this. He is one of my favorite winners and definitely one of the more memorable ones simply because of the great odds he had to overcome.
Julie (Vanuatu): she dated Jeff Probst, which means she may never do Survivor again. But this could be a great game for her to play.
Jonathan (Palau): he may hate Survivor now, but there are good chances that he wouldn't be screwed by a horrible twist like he was in his season.
James (Palau): he was a very entertaining Survivor player and he could probably do great on a show like Big Brother. He might appear on Survivor again, but I'm not sure that he made it far enough to justify a return (although Francesca, a first boot, proves that anyone can become a returning player, although I'm certain not all will be).
Janu (Palau): I'm not certain she wanted to quit exactly, although she probably did. She could play Big Brother and do well since it isn't as demanding as Survivor is.
Jamie (Guatemala): I don't know how often I've wondered/mentioned/wanted some original player from Survivor: Guatemala to return to play the game again, but I have the feeling that I'll probably stop bitching about it (and yes, men can be bitches too; the majority of men are and most women aren't thus making it an insult for women and not men) when they finally bring someone, anyone, from this season back to play again (provided they haven't played before this season, like Bobby Jon and Stephanie have). I know that he butted heads with Bobby Jon over the course of the season, but he could play Big Brother if only for the identical twin twist that Big Brother did once and should do again. I'm pretty sure that he has an identical twin, just like three other contestants from this season (Cindy, Lydia, and Rafe). If both sets of twins wanted to play, that would be nice. All four of those players would be nice to return to Survivor as well because I want ANYONE from that season to play again, although them doing Survivor would be good too.
Terry (Panama): let's face it. He's considered to play Survivor again and hasn't yet. So he might as well play Big Brother instead.
Shane (Panama): I'd want him for the same reason I'd want Terry back. Well, not exactly the same reason since he was more of an ass and Terry was more of a heroic player. But he'd be great entertainment for a game like Big Brother.
Billy (Cook Islands): his tribe can't throw a challenge to get rid of him on a show like Big Brother. I like him and think that he could return to a game like this.
Gary (Fiji): I do want him to do Survivor again, but since there is confusion with the way he left, it may not be possibly for him to return to that game, but he could just as easily play this game instead.
James (China, Micronesia, and Heroes Versus Villains): since I'm not certain he'd do a physically demanding game like Survivor again, maybe he'd be better in a more social game like Big Brother (although Survivor is a really big social game that a lot of castaways forget about).
For the favorites I'd have back from Micronesia, look back at the other players I've picked. If you can tell, I will not do a returning player from a one returnee per tribe season, although I will go with the new players from that season. If I had to choose a fan, well, I'll tell you who I'd pick next.
Kathy (Micronesia): I know that she quit Survivor for very good reasons (most quitters actually have, believe it or not, even Melissa the most infamous quitter in my opinion who most people don't even talk about since she never played the game). Maybe I just want to include every quitter I liked enough in this list since they can't do Survivor again and they could do a completely different show that has a format less harsh than Survivor. There have been quitters of Big Brother (they are said to have walked from the game and it typically isn't the same way as Survivor because it relates to information outside of the house that contestants are able to get in Big Brother but not a show like Survivor). I think that Kathy could do a game like Big Brother perfectly fine and not end up like she did on Survivor.
Chet (Micronesia): it's unsure as to whether he will do Survivor again since he asked to be voted out to avoid a potential medical evacuation of himself. And while asking to be voted out isn't exactly quitting (see Ozzy, South Pacific) he might be better suited for a game like Big Brother that isn't likely to cause serious injuries.
Gillian (Gabon): she formed Reality Rally and probably likes all reality shows. So I figure she should do something like this as well.
Stephen (Tocantins): he was an interesting player and he loves reality TV a lot so he can probably play a different type of show.
Coach (Tocantins, Heroes Versus Villains, and South Pacific): whether you love him or you hate him, he is the type of crazy person that Big Brother would love to have.
Sierra (Tocantins): I liked her enough even if the other contestants didn't like her that much. I think that she should play Big Brother.
Elizabeth (Samoa): she didn't make it that far in her season (one short of the merge actually) so she might do well on a different show.
I have already included the people I'd want from Heroes Versus Villains to play Big Brother. Also, I'm not certain if anyone from Blood Versus Water will appear on this list or not. I just know that this may be a big waste of time, this list I'm doing now.
Fabio (Nicaragua): he is one of my more favorite Survivor winners and his craziness would be great on any reality show.
Marty (Nicaragua): he probably lost his war against Jane but him playing Big Brother would lead to entertainment for most people.
Sash (Nicaragua): there were unaired problems that could prevent him from doing Survivor again (he supposedly tried to bribe Jane with money and that could get someone expelled from the game). But, I feel that he could still appear on Big Brother and hopefully it doesn't result in a lot of feed cuts on that show. (I've never seen the live feeds on Big Brother and probably never will so I have no idea what this supposedly annoying problem is. From what I understand, they probably do it when some sort of controversy might be going on like contestants talking about things that they shouldn't that could make the game look fake. Never mind that no real house is filmed all the time on the internet, aired on television, no knowledge of the outside world, people outside the house voting to some events that happen inside, you are not allowed to leave under normal circumstances without getting rid of a shot at a potential prize, and have people competing as to whether they should stay in the house or not. Also, things that are too risqué such as contestants having sex with each other or events deemed not to have ever happened like a Zing Bot passing out and the contestants making jokes about it. I'm fairly certain that there are some competitions they don't show because it would prevent people from watching the show. That's why people post online what has happened before it airs on TV when competitions do air or the parts that air show what ended up happening. There have been controversies that make it seem like the game could be rigged, but I have the feeling it probably isn't. That would be illegal. But enough of my ramblings.)
Phillip (Redemption Island and Caramoan): he is Survivor's most entertaining player ever and he could just as easily do the same thing for Big Brother.
Mikayla (South Pacific): I liked her enough even if Brandon helped screw her out of Survivor. She's the type of player Big Brother would love.
Elysa (South Pacific): I more or less want her on Big Brother for the same reason I'd want Mikayla on Big Brother.
John Cochran (South Pacific and Caramoan): now some Big Brother fans might be confused as to why Cochran is on this list. I mean, didn't he play Big Brother under the name Ian Terry? (That's a joke by the way since the two people are so similar.) But for the same reasons he was great at Survivor could make him a good Big Brother player.
Kat (One World and Blood Versus Water): if her boyfriend can play Big Brother and then do Survivor, maybe she should, after doing Survivor, go to the Big Brother house and play that game. She told me on twitter that she wanted to do Big Brother sometime. She might be a little ditzy, but she might work well on Big Brother and would probably play if given the chance.
Bill (One World): there was an unaired controversy in his season where he threw Colton's hidden immunity idol into the sea. That reason is why they ended up hating each other, even though they were to act as if it never happened. While stuff like that should never happen on Survivor and probably never will again, he could play Big Brother and prove himself a better player at that.
Leif (One World): he was the first little person to play Survivor and I see no reason why he wouldn't become as entertaining on Big Brother.
Tarzan (One World): entertaining player, should do Big Brother, blah, blah, blah, I sound like a broken record.
Christina (One World): I liked her enough on a show like this and she would probably be a good player on Big Brother.
Dana (Philippines): keeping with my theme of choosing contestants from Survivor to play Big Brother who might not be able to do Survivor again, I choose Dana for that reason, even though I consider her medically evacuated.
Zane (Philippines): he had strategic reasons for asking to be voted out and unknowingly sealed his fate on Survivor. Because he might not do Survivor again, maybe Big Brother would be better for him. He's my favorite first boot contestant and least deserving of that horrible honor of all the first boots in the show's history.
Reynold (Caramoan): he was definitely the breakout character from this season regarding any of the new players. He would be a great Big Brother play, in my opinion.
Since I've already mentioned the favorites from Caramoan that I'd want to play Big Brother. I guess this list might be more of any players I want to play either Survivor or Big Brother although some of them won't reappear on Survivor. It's a shame that I'm not going to be able to post any new random threads until next summer. I'm not even sure I'll do that. With next summer the following things could happen: 1- Some former contestant will die and I'll get their season (or seasons) on DVD to watch and post about over the summer. 2- I will post absolutely nothing during the summer. 3- I will do the same thing I did this summer where random crap becomes blog worthy material, typical of any blog. 4- I will write and post an original season of Survivor that I'm creating on the spot. If commenter's want this, be sure to tell me or I probably won't do it. Be sure to post suggestions you'd like to see for characters in a season like that and crazy things they can do to keep it interesting. I'll keep the twists for the season to myself. The next time you see posts here, it will be about the new season. I hope that it is good and finally fixes Pagonging (although if that is really a problem, why does everyone regard the first season as the very best?). Unfortunately, I never got to random blog posts of doom or anything else like that. But I will blog about this season as much as I can. For now, this is Adam Decker signing off.
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