Sunday, January 26, 2014

Interesting Alternate Returning Player Information

Interesting Alternate Returning Player Information

Have you ever wondered about information regarding to what returning players were chosen for a season? There’s a reason why others didn’t come back. There is a page on that lists all the “alternate returning players” for various seasons. This page talks about what players were considered for a season that didn’t end up making it. I will point out information that could interest readers of this blog (or bore them to death as usual). There are tons of great players that played once and for whatever reason, haven’t returned to play the game again. So here’s information on alternate returning players. Hopefully at least one google executive is reading this blog of mine and can fix the problem I have with posting it directly from word. If they can’t help, then maybe the NSA can help me instead. I just want to hit publish on this document, type in the information I need to type in, and get a published blog post instead of the information that word can’t publish it. Maybe I have to delete old blogs from my computer. I might try that or I’ll have to start using the old blog method and just publish it the way that google apparently wants me to. I’m sure that I’ll figure it out at some point or another. There might have been some strange things that were somehow in my folder for this blog that I just deleted. Otherwise, I’ll have to do a slightly longer version of posting this online all the time and you might see strange blog posts on a regular basis. Hopefully, this won’t be a boring blog post but I already fear that it will be. Note that when I say interesting alternates, I really mean all the known alternates.

From Borneo, the returning players are Gervase, Jenna, Richard, Rudy, and Susan. Interesting alternates are Colleen and Greg. Notable people they’ve never asked back are Gretchen and Kelly. Of course, just because we don’t know that they’ve asked them back doesn’t mean that they were asked back. Alicia, Michael, Amber, Colby, Jerri, and Tina are the returning players from Australia. Interesting alternates are Elisabeth, Jeff, and Rodger. There aren’t really any notable people that they’ve never asked back from this season. The returning players from Africa are Ethan, Lex, and Tom. Interestingly, those are the only three people from that season that they’ve ever asked back. Notable people they’ve never asked back are Clarence, Kelly, Kim Johnson, Lindsey, Silas, and Teresa. The returning players from Marquesas are Boston Rob and Kathy. Interesting alternates are Gina, Hunter, Sean, and Neleh. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Sarah, Gabriel, and Paschal. Thailand’s only returning player is Shii-Ann. Interesting alternates are Brian, Clay, and Jan, although there could be more that I can’t remember. Jake and Penny are interesting players that they’ve never asked back. Jenna and Rob are the returning players from Amazon. Heidi is the only known alternate from that season that hasn’t returned. Christy is a notable player that they’ve never wanted back. Jon, Rupert, and Sandra are the returning players from Pearl Islands. Like Africa, they have never asked someone from that season back that hasn’t returned already. Notable people that they’ve never wanted back are Burton, Shawn, Andrew, Darrah, and Lillian.

I’ll skip All-Stars since that was all returning players in the first place, even though there are interesting people that they haven’t wanted back a third time (Rob Cestrino, Kathy, and Jenna Lewis are those people). Ami and Eliza are the returning players from Vanuatu. The only person from this season that they wanted back that hasn’t returned is Twila. Notable people that they’ve never wanted back are Chris, Rory, Travis, and Leann. The returning players from Palau are Stephenie, Tom, and Bobby Jon. Interesting people that they’ve wanted back are Coby, Janu, Jonathan, and Wanda. It’s possible that Ian, Jenn, and Katie were all asked back, but it is unknown if they really were or not. Caryn, Gregg, and James are notable people that they’ve never wanted back. Guatemala has only one returning player who wasn’t even originally from this season. Interesting alternates are Bobby Jon, Danni, Amy, and Jamie. Notable people that they haven’t wanted back are Cindy, Judd, Gary, and Rafe. Panama had Danielle, Cirie, and Aras as returning player from this season. Interesting alternates are Shane and Terry. Sally was possibly an alternate as well, but the source I read made it seem like a joke of some sort and she wasn’t really considered.  Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Misty and Bruce. The returning players from Cook Islands were Ozzy, Candice, Jonathan, and Parvati. The only known alternate for this season that hasn’t already returned is Yul. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Billy, Nate, Sundra, Anh-Tuan, Becky, Jenny, and Adam. Yau-Man is the only returning player from Fiji. For a long time, he was the only known player that they actually wanted back from that season. But then, we learned that they wanted Edgardo back, and he’s the only known alternate from that season who hasn’t already returned. Notable people that they’ve never wanted back are Dreamz, Gary, Liliana, Lisette, Stacy, Earl, Michelle, Mookie, and Sylvia. The returning players from China are Amanda, Courtney, and James. Interesting alternates are Jean-Robert and Peih-Gee (although Jean-Robert isn’t actually listed on wikia page, but wikipedia in a rare occurrence has more information than they normally have on that subject. If you don’t believe me, consider why they only list RC as an alternate for Blood versus Water when wikia lists a bunch of more players, all with notable sources to back them up). Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Aaron, Jamie, and Sherea.

There are six favorites from Micronesia who have returned to play the game again, a record for any tribe, to my knowledge that is (those people are Amanda, Cirie, James, Jonathan, Ozzy, and Parvati). The only fan that they’ve had back is Erik. The only other fan that they wanted back is Natalie. With the possible exception of Jon, they have wanted every favorite back except for Ami. Notable fans that they haven’t wanted back are Alexis, Jason, and Mary. The returning players from Gabon are Randy, Corinne, and Sugar. The only known alternate that I can remember that hasn’t already returned is Ace. Notable people that they haven’t wanted back are Gillian, Ken, Matty, and Marcus. The returning players from Tocantins are JT, Coach, and Tyson. Interesting alternates are Taj and Sierra. Notable people that they have not asked back are Joe, Sandy, Stephen, and Brendan. The returning players from Samoa are Laura and both men named Russell (Swan & Hantz). The only known alternate that hasn’t returned yet is Shambo. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Elizabeth, Jaison, Mike, Natalie, Brett, Erik, and Kelly. The next season was all returning players, but there are some surprises regarding players they haven’t asked back yet. They have yet to ask Amanda, Colby, James, or JT from the heroes. All the interesting villains have either already returned or at least been offered to come back.

From Nicaragua, there is currently only one returning player named Brenda. Interesting alternates are Holly, Jane, Marty, and Alina. It’s possible that they wanted Jill back as well, but I’m not so sure about that. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Chase, Fabio, Kelly Bruno, and Shannon. The returning players from Redemption Island are Andrea, Francesca, and Phillip. Interesting alternates are Ashley and Matt. Notable people that they haven’t asked back are Grant, Mike, and Ralph. The returning players from South Pacific are Dawn, John, and Brandon. The only alternate player that I know of for this season that hasn’t returned already is Edna. Notable people that they haven’t wanted back, besides Ozzy and Coach, are Elyse, Jim, Whitney, Christine, and Mikayla. The returning players from One World are Colton, Kat, and Monica. Interesting alternates are Troyzan and Chelsea (I think it was Chelsea at least, it could have been Sabrina instead, or possibly both). Notable people that they haven’t wanted back are Bill, Jonas, Leif, Tarzan, Christina, and Kourtney (although I’m not sure that Kourtney is healthy enough yet). The only returning player currently from Philippines is Malcolm. Interesting alternates are Jonathan, Lisa, and RC. Notable people that they’ve never wanted back are Dana, Denise, Jeff, Russell, Zane, Abi-Maria, Michael, and Pete.

I’ll take a moment away from the blog to point out that Michael has probably been asked back for potentially Blood versus Water, but we don’t know about it yet. He has made strange claims in a Survivor Oz interview regarding the different seasons that he was asked back for. Ryan Opray claims that Andrew replaced him in Pearl Islands. Michael claims that not only was he considered for Pearl Islands as a returning player, he was also considered for Panama, Fiji, and Tocantins as an alternate returning player. What makes that strange is that none of those seasons ended up with a single returning player in them as they were all new players season. I have no idea what the original plans for those seasons were. They are as mysterious as wondering how Stephanie LaGrossa was an alternate for Philippines as the original twist for Philippines never ended up happening either. Michael and certain other people (like Roger from Australia and Jenna from Amazon and All-Stars) claim that he was considered for All-Stars, Guatemala, Micronesia, Heroes versus Villains, Redemption Island, and South Pacific, which just happened to be every season with a returning player up to that point. That means he was considered for more seasons than any other contestant was. At least he has returned unlike poor Terry Dietz.

For the last two seasons, they all happened pretty recently so it’s probably not that big a surprise that not many people have been asked back from them. In fact, it will be a while before they have any information about Blood versus Water alternates. None of the fans from Caramoan have yet to be considered to return and the only favorite that they wanted back from Caramoan was Malcolm who would have been back to back to back if he wanted to (he declined, but we could still see his brother in future seasons and Malcolm himself). Blood versus Water has many potential new players that were not in the cast. Many of them could wind up in future seasons. To my knowledge, none of them are in the 28th season, but they have released the cast information about that seasons so expect me to blog about that before the season starts. I will be back with more blog posts pretty soon. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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