Thursday, March 6, 2014

Episode 28.2

This season is already quite a crazy one and possibly had the best season premiere in Survivor history. With both Kass and Trish still in the game, I will root for them both in a way. I’m hoping that the brains tribe does better in future episodes. I think that they will hide the idol that was left at camp of the brains tribe so an idol should reappear on their tribe at some point. They are such an interesting tribe and so ironically named. I wonder if the other tribes will disprove their stereotypes, although you’d think that the brains tribe would be the least likely of the three tribes to not want to be known by a different label. But the two people voted out so far didn’t do well in the game and none of the other tribe members seem to do that well either.

Meanwhile, I still don’t know why only one person could do the freaking puzzle part of the second challenge in the last episode. The other contestants just have to stand around and look like a bunch of idiots while their designated puzzle solver has to either solve or fail to solve the puzzle at hand. I should do both a list of ten best challenges and ten worst challenges at some point. I will be disappointed if there are no tribal challenges for just reward this season. What’s with all the combined challenges over the course of the game? For goodness sakes, if Redemption Island isn’t a part of the game, then other challenges can be used as often as you need to. Do you want a contestant like Abby who can coast to the merge part of the game and almost never have to do a challenge? With no back to back challenge rule, the same person could be sat out as much as they want to. And that isn’t good. And you don’t have to give the second place tribe a lesser reward if they get immunity as well. Just give the first place person award and immunity while the second place person gets just immunity and what should the last place tribe get? Tribal council of course. Here’s hoping that the rest of the season has less combined challenges throughout it. I know that more tribes could lead to less airtime, but if there weren’t all these combined challenges in All-Stars and that was a pretty good season for the most part. So here’s hoping for challenges for just reward that don’t have to do with immunity this season.

So, like many people in the world, I am celebrating Lent this year. It is customary for people to give up something that they do a lot during Lent. This year I am giving up three things. The great website that I told you about by the name of will not be visited by me during this time so any possible part of that site that it has, whether it is Survivor or something else, will not be visited by me during this time. I am also giving up the website for Lent as well. Since I can’t live tweet during the show anyways, there’s really no point or fun in me visiting it at the moment. I could do it for other stuff, but since I’m on there for too much when I am there, I figure that I might as well not do it during this time as there is no point in giving up something for Lent that you don’t already do on a regular basis anyways. Lastly, I am giving up and its great and useless information for the moment. There is no reason for me to go there as often as I do so I might as well give it up.

I will also be inadvertently be giving up other great Wednesday shows for the moment such as The Tomorrow People, Law and Order: SVU (new ones, at least), and Modern Family. Keep in mind that those three are not always giving up, depending on how soon I can get back from church. And actually, I don’t always watch Modern Family in primetime during a Survivor season anyways. Like the Middle, it typically falls from the waist side and I’m not able to either watch or record either one and only see it during the break between the fall and spring season of Survivor. I would watch it during the summer, but apparently as some of you might already know, ABC doesn’t believe in summer reruns. It could help their shows ratings to show reruns of them during the summer instead of crappy one season shows that other people don’t like and typically always get cancelled anyways. At least I can record Survivor to watch and blog about it later. In fact, you might not even know about the change in my blog post if I didn’t post it until later and have possibly weirder than usual information. I do hope the best for breakfast and that there are no cats distracting me from eating it and blogging about the show at the same time. I get distracted often enough from my blog as is so be warned that as usual, the confessional count might not be accurate. Hopefully, there won’t be long periods of time where I am not able to write part of the blog. I should actually keep a tally mark of each player and their number of confessionals, but I won’t as I feel that to be unneeded as I can keep up with the count as best as I can the way I’ve been normally do it. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Spencer got back from tribal council and was shocked about what happened there and was feeling on the outs with his tribe. Things changed for Tony and Sarah as he decided to finally tell the truth about being a cop to Sarah. Apparently, their cop alliance is making them “partners in crime,” as Sarah puts it, which isn’t exactly the best term for that sort of an alliance. The opening segment seems unusually long until we finally get to the opening credits. Now I need to stop neglecting breakfast and eat it.

In the second segment of the show, we see a horrible storm at the brawn tribe’s camp. It’s probably at every tribe’s camp, but we are just focusing on them for the moment. All this random focus on this one tribe makes me think that the brains won’t be going to tribal council at the moment. At the beauty tribe’s camp, they were also suffering during the storm, but much worse than the brawn tribe was. L J was concerned about the lack of work ethic on his tribe and he decided to look for the hidden immunity idol where Morgan was earlier since he has the brains to know that’s where it might be. And what do you know? L J found the idol. That means that every idol so far this season has been found by a man. He says that he’ll keep it a secret as countless others have during the past so we’ll see how long that actually lasts or if he does end up keeping it a secret.

In the third segment of the show, the challenge is happening and, unfortunately it is a combined reward immunity challenge. What’s with you people! We want straight reward challenges! Come on! You even had separate reward and immunity challenges in four tribe seasons! So the brains tribe might have actually been using their brains for once by practicing for the challenge in advance. Does that mean that they won’t do as bad in it? We’ll see what ends up happening. The dream team shows the brawn tribe winning so I’ll now predict as usual that they will lose. Don’t believe me? Watch old seasons of the show to check to make sure. While I’m not sure that they always do that, it is a bit strange that they do since I remember seeing that a lot in Caramoan. I need to pay attention to that a lot more often as I seemed to not notice as much last season, although I should be able to pay attention from here on out. The beauty tribe finishes the maze first and the brawn tribe finishes it second. Maybe my prediction about the brawn tribe losing will be wrong. Jeff continues to annoy everyone with his endless commentary of the challenge. It turns out that the brawn tribe actually did win the challenge after all. The brain tribe comes in second and finally shows some working together. This means that the beauty tribe loses and has to go to tribal council. This makes you wonder if the beauty tribe will become like Chapera and end up dominating throughout the game like they did in All-Stars. I should have seen from the edit that with more airtime needed for the beauty tribe that they were going to lose the challenge. Oh well. I’m getting better at this, but I can’t be accurate the whole time.

In the fourth segment of the show, the brawn tribe loved winning the challenge. Tony wanted to make sure that nobody else knew about the clues to the hidden immunity challenge. So the beauty tribe got back from tribal council and, as usual, was sad about losing. I predict that whoever does not get a confessional from their tribe will not be voted out tonight at tribal council. The tribe wanted to vote out Brice for some odd reason, although I really don’t know who they would vote out and nobody really cost them the challenge, no one has done anything crazy or stupid, and nobody seems to be on the outs on their tribes. Jefra thinks that someone will get blindsided so I guess that she’ll be the one voted out tonight.

In the fifth segment of the show, people talked about splitting the vote for some odd reason. There are multiple alliances formed, all of them just merely the possibility of one instead of a real one. At tribal council, lots of discussion happened and you wonder what really is going to happen. Are they stereotyped being on the beauty tribe? So I’m not really sure what will happen yet except that I’m no longer sure that Jefra will be voted out of the game. None of the votes were revealed as they were being cast. L J doesn’t play his idol, so I hope that he doesn’t look stupid tonight. The votes are scattered all over the place and it looks like a three way tie will happen as it does. So the revote happens and this time, the tribe agrees on voting out Brice. So I’m not really sure why he was voted out but Survivor history was just made as the first three people voted out have never before been three men in a row. I wonder if this will continue in the near future.

On the next Survivor, the brawn tribe is focused on for a while as if they are already announcing that they are losing a challenge (which would be a first for a three tribe season to have all three tribes attend tribal council before a tribe dissolve of some sort). The challenge banged people up, but we have yet to see if a medical evacuation will happen because of it or if it is just people hurting themselves as usual. I don’t think that there will be one, but who knows?

Total confessional counts: Yung (Woo)- 2, Brice- 5, Sarah- 7, Alexis- 4, L J- 4, Morgan- 5, Kass- 6, Lindsey- 3, Cliff- 3, J’Tia- 4, Tony- 9, Jeremiah- 3, Jefra- 3, Spencer- 3, Tasha- 5, Trish- 5

New confessionals this episode: Brice- 2, Sarah- 3, Alexis- 2, L J- 2, Morgan- 1, Kass- 1, Lindsey- 0, Cliff- 0, J’Tia- 1, Tony- 3, Jeremiah- 2, Jefra- 2, Spencer- 1, Tasha- 1, Trish- 1, Yung (Woo)- 1

So, Tony seems to be getting the bulk of the confessionals right now. That might not mean a good thing since there were many premerge boots or other non-winners who got a lot of confessionals early into the game last season. I might be wrong, but who knows? Maybe Tony could be the winner this season because with just one more confessional he will have ten confessionals or a double digit amount, although some people aren’t that far behind him getting a lot of confessionals as well. I still haven’t seen enough of Yung to know whether or not I should refer to him by his real name or nickname. So I look forward to another good episode even though the flame may have flickered a little in this one. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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