Thursday, March 13, 2014

Episode 28.3

I just now realized that due to the first episode of the season being a double episode in a way where what normally happens in one episode happened in just half of the episode leaving the usual second episode of the season as part of the first. So this might actually be 28.4 instead of 28.3. Since the number of episodes this season is a bit unusual, I will just post it as normal and forget that it might actually be one episode later than it should be. Also, eating breakfast was very complicated and will probably always be complicated to do with this Survivor blog as I only ate last week during the commercial breaks which I did not even bother fast forwarding through. I still wasn’t even finished when I posted the blog, but hopefully things will be better now. I doubt that this challenge in the episode will result in a medical evacuation. It hasn’t in the past. It might be a time when they are randomly promoting an injury for no good reason as nothing bad will result in it. But I thought that I’d bring it up since I mentioned it in the last blog post.

So I mentioned how in Survivor history that the first three people voted out has never been three men in a row. So I started wondering what the record is for women and I found out something interesting by referring to the notes that I’ve written from various Survivor seasons. I’m not sure how Redemption Island complicated things last season affecting the elimination order and the order people were voted out meaning that they are not the same in any way and I can’t count the four women who were voted out first from that season. Those women who were voted out in this order were Laura Boneham (who was saved by her husband switching places with her), Candice, Marissa, and Rachel. Caramoan also messed up the order with Shamar’s medical evacuation. The women from that season who were the first four voted out were Francesca, Allie, Hope, and Laura with Shamar’s evacuation happening before Laura was voted out.

In terms of more unofficial records of this occurrence of four women being the first four voted out, in Fiji, Jessica, Erica, Sylvia, Liliana, and Rita were all voted out before a man was, but Gary was removed from the game before Liliana was voted out, thus messing with the boot list. So when it comes to real and true boot lists where nothing was messed up, Panama and Gabon were the only two seasons where this happened. The first four people out of Panama were Tina, Melinda, Misty, and Ruth-Marie. In Gabon, like the other seasons I’ve mentioned, the women were eliminated in this order: Michelle, Gillian, Paloma, and Jacquie were all voted out before a man was, and he was only voted out because they were honoring his wish of wanting to be voted out. Since there are more contestants than sixteen this season, if a woman is voted out or otherwise eliminated in this episode, they will not be the highest ranking person to be the lowest ranking woman, but they probably did come close enough and closer than any other person who could have held that record was. My thoughts on the record are merely that I wouldn’t mind either this happening or not happening but it is nice to see a new record happen even if it is this far into the show’s history. Basically, what I’m trying to say is that I’m only glad that it happened to see it happen once, although I really don’t care one way or another about man’s fate in this season of Survivor. It would just be retaliation for all those times when women were always out first to see the tables finally turned on men. We deserve to be low ranking for a change.

I promised that I would start talking more about my Survivor dreams in this blog of mine. A recent one that would make sense in this blog post is that a fourth man was voted out in this episode. While the episode has aired, I have not yet seen it so I don’t know if it was true. The dream, as usual, was vague on certain details such as who this man was and which tribe he was on. Like I said, I don’t know yet if that happened, although I will by the time I watch the episode. So I hope that it continues to be interesting, although I don’t really care which gender gets voted. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, the beauty tribe got back from tribal council and Morgan was disappointed with Jeremiah’s decision to vote against her and she felt like she was the lowest person on the block. But will she escape death by either her tribe winning immunity or by the ever sly Jeremiah getting voted out instead?

In the second segment of the show, the brains tribe gets the treemail for what is probably just a reward challenge because it seems way too early to do an immunity challenge this soon in the episode. The brains tribe prepared for the challenge in advance. I don’t know if they are the only team doing that, but it seems pretty smart of them. You’d think that the other ones might be doing that, but I don’t know for sure if they are because they aren’t showing it if they did and they aren’t showing that they aren’t doing that either. For those who like physical comedy, there is a lot of that in the challenge, but I don’t find that to be all that funny. The challenge is mostly neck in neck between the beauty and brains tribes with the brawn tribe with a close third. Only this season, third isn’t close enough. With the challenge neck in neck, it was hard to see who would win until the beauty tribe won the challenge first. The brains tribe is fighting for second. Will they win or will the brawn tribe pull yet another come from behind victory? It turns out that the brains tribe would lose the challenge and still has to suffer at camp without food. The brawn tribe did come in second.

In the third segment of the show, the beauty tribe got back from winning the reward challenge. Apparently, the whole tribe found the clue to the hidden immunity idol. I wonder if L J will plant a fake hidden immunity idol, but I don’t it. Alexis was never taught about how chickens reproduce. Does she know that they can still lay eggs without there actually being a chicken instead it? L J incorrectly thinks that the egg came before the chicken, but I and other people know otherwise. The chicken came before the egg. Trust me. The book of Genesis backs up my beliefs. And if you don’t believe that the bible is true, that’s your own opinion there. So we see more of the brawn tribe who are considering voting out a threat. Just remember that other tribes (like Zapatera) have done that and regretted it by not having the numbers at the merge. Tony is now the first player this season to have ten or more total confessionals this season. He and Sarah are part of an alliance called cops r us, because apparently alliances nowadays have to be something r us. That’s strange, if you ask me.

In the fourth segment of the show, the brawn tribe wants to get rid of a threat which they consider to be Cliff and we are at part of the show that I accidently saw earlier by not rewinding the tape far enough. Yet, I have the idea that because we haven’t seen enough of the brains tribe this episode, that they will be the ones to lose the challenge, although I have yet to see what will happened and missed the potential dream team part of the challenge that would either mislead us by saying that a tribe wins that doesn’t or mislead us by not tricking us like they normally do. It is hard to make sense of this challenge early into it. It seems like the brawn tribe is doing a good job at throwing the challenge but the brains tribe might ruin their chances at that by generally sucking at the challenge as they normally do. It looks like the beauty tribe will be the obvious winners of this challenge. Spencer is proving himself to be a useful part of the brains tribe which makes me think that he’ll be safe if they don’t actually win the challenge. The beauty tribe won the challenge and it once again becomes a race for second between the brains tribe and the brawn tribe. Unfortunately for the brawn tribe, this might be the part of the challenge that they can’t throw anymore. Brawn does actually come in second and fails at throwing the challenge. But it’s not their fault that the brains tribe sucks so much. Will Spencer not be voted out since he helped dominate at the challenge or is he still the lowest person on the totem pole?

Now with breakfast all finished this time, I will be able to fast-forward through commercials and not have to worry about when I’m going to eat and when I’m going to blog. In the fifth segment of the show, the brains tribe got back from losing the immunity challenge and having to go to tribal council. I will see if my prediction that the person voted out always gets a confessional the episode where that happens. J’Tia hopes that her tribe sticks together to keep her in the game. I’m not sure what will happen and I wouldn’t be surprised if they drew rocks. So it looks like either J’Tia or Spencer will get voted out and with everyone on the brains tribe getting a confessional, then it seems that anyone is fair game. Jeff communicates nonverbally with the tribe at the beginning of tribal council. Not sure what he meant by that. I’m hoping that J’Tia gets voted out, but I don’t know yet if she will be. And will there be a tribe swap in the near future? It might happen, especially since we are in episode off due to the double length premiere. Spencer pretty much points out that viewers love the drama that is happening, but the players don’t. So the voting happens and I wonder if there will be another tie. Well it looks like J’Tia finally got her just deserts and was voted out of the game. Thankfully, Spencer lives to see another day in the game.

On the next Survivor, the brains tribe is doing poorly, but a tribe swap will happen to shake things up. I wonder which of the three tribes will be dissolved. It would be funny if it is the brawn tribe. It would be interesting if it remained three tribes. But I think that it will more than likely be switched to just two tribes. Will that happen? We have yet to see.

Total confessional counts: Cliff- 4, J’Tia- 6, Tony- 10, Jeremiah- 5, Jefra- 3, Spencer- 4, Tasha- 6, Trish- 5, Yung (Woo)- 4, Sarah- 10, Alexis- 6, L J- 5, Morgan- 7, Kass- 8, Lindsey- 3.

New confessionals this episode: Lindsey- 0, Cliff- 1, J’Tia- 2, Tony- 1, Jeremiah- 2, Jefra- 0, Spencer- 1, Tasha- 1, Trish- 0, Yung (Woo)- 2, Sarah- 3, Alexis- 2, L J- 1, Morgan- 2, Kass- 2.

So, with high confessional numbers this early into the game, it is hard to tell if that means that they are going far, they want to show them while they can because they aren’t making much further, or they are very important and could wind up winning the game. Last season told me (although maybe not other people who were already tracking it) that high confessional counts early into the game is an indication that they are merely showing this person while they can and they don’t make it that far. However, last season had returning players, so that could change things. This looks like Tony’s game right now although we have yet to see if it will be. Sarah also has a high number of confessionals as well and got ten like Tony does. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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