So, with this being very close
to the end of the season, I have to wonder if there is actually going to be a
final two again or if there is a final three. I don’t know if Survivor might be
skipping a week before its finale. Or we could be treated to another day 37
reward challenge for the third time in the four most recent seasons. I hate
those types of challenges. But something interesting could be happening or they
could just be casually doing a final two for some odd reason. At least two
episodes will air before the finale meaning that four people will be in the
final episode instead of five. The math is weird. I just realized what might be
going on in recent Survivor future. Also, I’ve finally found out information
about the 30th upcoming season of Survivor and it turns out that
it’s not what I expected. SPOILER ALERT! Apparently, the 30th season
will have all new players. The 29th will as well. Now the 29th
was already rumored to be an all newbies blood versus water. I’ve heard that
the name for the 30th season might be legends. Not sure what that
might mean. I still don’t know what type of players might be in the 30th
season. I still wonder if they might do a bunch of new contestants who were are
related to former contestants. But that would be speculative at best. And this
information was only on two people’s twitter accounts that I saw and might not
actually be true. END SPOILER. Sorry for the possible spoiler information, but
I’ve warned you about it so you can skip it if you so desire. Besides, I don’t
know if it’s true and just as easily might not be.
With Jefra out of the running
to be a Survivor winner, you may be wondering who in the game is next in line
in alphabetical order. Turns out, it’s Kass. Kass joins Tony and Woo as a
possible winner of this season of Survivor based on random order. I’ve also
used the supposed winners for reordering the information in the confessional
count. The supposed winner is the person now leading the name count. I still
don’t know if this season is a final three or final two but I’d love it if it
were a final two and jury of nine. But, it could just as easily be a final
three with only one person eliminated in the finale. I don’t know what will
happen at the finale. But, I will know what will happen in my blog. There are
certain awards this season that I will give out that I typically like to give
out every season. They are the three dumbest moves, the most memorable moment,
the breakout character, and the ranking of the season. I still haven’t ranked
this season, but I will soon, probably at the end of this season. I think that,
for the first time, I should list my candidates for each of these awards instead
of just the winners of them. But I don’t know yet if I will.
I just know that I might have
to do more random blog posts until I’m finally able to start watching the first
season of Survivor for the first time. I think that I told you that the
replacement for the first season special is now on the list to be rolled from.
The replacement is Titanic. I have never seen that movie in its entirety yet. I
had a dream that I was watching, not the movie, but the Cinema Sins video that
made fun of the movie. That video is at
I promised myself that I would never watch a video of theirs for a movie that I
haven’t seen. But, because I love their videos so much, I already have a list
of things to roll for and half of them are just because Cinema Sins did a video
of everything wrong with that movie. Just go into that youtube channel with an
open mind if you do plan on watching any of their videos. If you already like
them, that’s great. If you don’t like them, then there’s nothing wrong with
you, you just like different things or don’t like what they have to say. If
you’ve never seen them, then type in Everything Wrong with (insert whatever
movie name you want to see keeping in mind that they haven’t done every movie,
you would want them to say whatever they don’t like about it, and that much of
what they say isn’t meant to be taken seriously) and you’ll enjoy a nice, funny
video. There’s one on the movie Frozen that isn’t actually done by them, but I
haven’t seen it since I haven’t seen Frozen. (I have the feeling that I might
never end up watching it because it isn’t done by the people that I know and
love.) To my knowledge, they have never done an animated movie. When it comes
to animated movies, I wonder if anyone knows or cares that traditional
animation is a thing of the past and the last movie (American movie, if you
want to get technical) made with that format (Winnie the Pooh) came out in 2011
which was three years ago. I’ll admit that they have done anime movies
originally in Japanese, but in my mind, at least, that’s a completely different
style of animation. I miss traditional animation. I hope that they make another
one eventually.
A lot of weekends are going to
be busy in the near future so I won’t be able to watch any movies on either
Saturday or Sunday in the near future. But, for readers of this blog, the main
problem for you right now is that I need to get caught up on old VHS tapes so I
can roll for various TV shows to watch so I can finish watching one and add
Survivor: Borneo to the list. In fact, there are some movies that should
automatically be added to the list once summer starts since I have much more
free time then and have a certain set of movies that I watch every year. Since
I am no longer in school, some of them might not be watched since they relate
to the school year. Well, I thought that until a dream made me want to watch
certain movies again. There should only be one movie list but there were too
many choices of movies to watch that I added the Sunday list. I really hope
that I don’t have to add another list, although the summer is the best time to
do stuff like that since there isn’t much to watch on TV during primetime when
I normally watch shows. And I still don’t know if I’ll have to think up off
random blog posts until I can start posting about the first season. But I
promise that barring some terrible, unforeseen event, I should be able to post
about it sometime. I am updating a will but I don’t know who I’d have continue
this blog for me if I were to die before it could be finished. I could auction
it off, but I don’t think that I can legally do that with a blog. Regardless, I
will post updates on Sundays and watch the episodes whenever I can roll for
them. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the
show, the alliances were crazy this season. It reminds me of the crazy post
merge of Philippines and why that season is so great. So the tribe gets back
from tribal council. Kass is mad at what happened. Tony voted out Jefra under
false pretenses. Spencer lied to him when he said that Jefra wanted to vote him
out. But he didn’t know that at the time. The Kass and Tony rivalry is happening
a lot in this episode. In a rare moment, Tony is telling the truth and Kass
misunderstood what the conversation really was about.
In the second segment of the
show, the drama from the morning continued. The people from this season are
always so civil with their fights it seems. I have the feeling that this could
be Kass’s end this episode. Maybe it’s not, but who knows? Tony tells everyone
that he has a special idol but Kass doesn’t believe him. We then get to the
reward challenge. This challenge seems very similar to build it up, break it
down, which you can find out more about at One team is
supposed to break down the other one’s wall. They then have to rebuild it. The
first to rebuild it wins the challenge. Maybe a more accurate name for this
challenge is break it down, build it up. The orange team’s wall broke first. The
brains from both tribes are rebuilding the puzzle wall. Once again, there seems
to be a stupid rule of only one person being able to do the challenge. What up
with that? That’s a very stupid rule. That rule should only apply at a
Redemption Island duel. The purple team of Spencer, Kass, and Woo win the
reward. The reward is a meal and mission trip. It’s common for Survivor to do
things like this and the reward isn’t usually that great in the end. But we’ll
see if it actually is great.
In the third segment of the
show, the winning team gets to the reward. I’m missed some of this while I
prepared a supper of leftovers in the microwave. Even something as simple as
that can make me miss some of the show. Woo gets some airtime this season for a
change. I used a gift card to have lunch at Subway so I would ideally not have
any problems with supper. A spilt the votes plan is coming up again. Will it be
a success? Regarding supper, the leftovers are ready and I need to start eating
them. Spencer does a good impression of Woo and his indecisiveness. Does anyone
remember what got Christy voted out of the Amazon? Woo lies to his (former?)
allies about the two brains trying to get rid of Tasha. Unfortunately for Woo,
Tony is able to see right through it. Now, I will grab my supper from the
microwave and start eating it.
In the fourth segment of the show,
we get to what was promoted as a crazy immunity challenge. The challenge
involves counting things in various stations and putting them together in a
combination lock. This doesn’t seem like an immunity challenge since they are
just standing there. Some people are not pulling the thing to check it before
they go back to count which seems dumb. The challenge is taken a long time as evidenced
by the fact that they are doing a time lapse thing in this challenge. 25
minutes have passed. I wonder who is doing estimating of the items. Spencer
finally pulls a win again after the long challenge. I wonder what would happen
if a challenge couldn’t be won by anyone. But I doubt that would ever happen.
In the fifth segment of the
show, people devise a plan to get either Tony or Trish voted out of the game.
Trish doesn’t have a confessional which is unusual if she is the person voted
out. Will the spilt vote be successful? I don’t think that Trish will be voted
out yet. But who will Trish and Tony vote for? Finally, people inside the game
realize that he’s the next Russell Hantz. Kass is considering not voted against
the Tony alliance as she feels that he would not win at the final tribal
council. At tribal council, Tasha tries putting the target on Tony. Tony talks
about his bag of tricks. A blindside might happen tonight and probably will. I
have no idea what will happen. Tony does not play his regular hidden immunity
idol. He didn’t need it. Tasha was voted out of the game. I have the feeling
that only her and Spencer stuck to the plan since they would have shown another
vote for either Trish or Tony.
On the next Survivor, Kass
continues to be chaotic and Trish starts to confront her. I have the feeling
that for some odd reason, there isn’t going to be a loved ones challenge this
season. That’s weird. And I was right. Only Spencer and Tasha stuck to the plan
of splitting the votes.
Total confessional counts:
Kass- 30, Tony- 46, Spencer- 33, Tasha- 18, Trish- 17, Woo- 14. New confessionals
this episode: Tony- 4, Spencer- 4, Tasha- 2, Trish- 0, Woo- 2, Kass- 6.
Wow. Half of the contestants
have less than half of the total confessionals that Tony has. And that half
includes the one who was voted out. How are people in the main alliance not
having the highest confessionals? Does Spencer pull off a Fabio and find a way
to win every remaining immunity challenge to win the game? Is the winner
clearly Tony? What is going to happen? And, more importantly, what awards will
this season win? Who gets the three dumbest moves of the season? Who is the
breakout character? What is the most memorable moment? What is the ranking of
this season among the 28 season? Where do I rank the tribe swap this season?
And just why is the finale airing on a Wednesday for the first time in Survivor
history? Well, I will answer some of these questions soon. I will also come up
with random blog posts topics should I not be able to blog about the first
season for a while. (Let’s face it, only my OCD is preventing me from watching
it at the moment. But I have no reason to confuse it with another season that
is currently airing right now.) I will come up with some solution to what to do
on this blog, even though I don’t have to do anything when the show is not on.
For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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