If there is a loved ones
challenge this season, it will happen in this episode. But, I’m pretty sure
that they always promote when one is going to happen. What gives? Why is there
not a loved ones challenge this season? It seems like Samoa when they didn’t
have the loved ones challenge for unknown reasons. There were loved ones in the
game with the players last season so it makes that it didn’t have a loved ones
challenge. And there were political problems in Fiji that prevented that type
of challenge from happening that season. So why isn’t there one this season? I
don’t know. And I don’t really care either. I mean, the loved ones challenge
isn’t that good. I know that tons of people love it, but it can be kind of
unnecessary. Do we really need to see people get all emotional and take away
from the true aspect of the game just to see people do what they can always do
when the game of Survivor isn’t happening? I don’t get it. Maybe this has
something to do with what happened in Caramoan. But that’s just me potentially
looking at something that actually isn’t there. They don’t have to make an
offer to the winner of the challenge like they did with Brenda. So the loved
ones challenge isn’t happening and I don’t know why that is. And, honestly, I
don’t care. Maybe they just can’t afford them anymore. Maybe we’ll never know
what happened to them. (there was a blog glitch. sorry for the format of this first paragraph.)
You know, sometimes random
comments online by random people can influence my mind for a very long time. I
had a dream relating to one of those comments. This person was ranking the
various Survivor theme songs. Now I’ve rated a lot of Survivor stuff besides the
seasons as a whole. But I’m not sure that I’ll share with you what these
ratings are. I know that I’ve rated the tribe swaps as part of a previous blog
post relating to the Blood versus Water season. I have since added this
season’s tribe swap to the list and will tell you of its ranking in the next
blog post. But this dream had me ranking the various theme songs of Survivor. I
don’t think that I could ever do that because the different theme songs sound
so similar and are hard to tell apart from each other. But this person could
tell a difference and listed the theme songs from best to worst. But, like I
said, I probably will never do that. I could wind up owning every Survivor
season eventually, so I might be able to tell the differences. But I don’t
care, just like I didn’t before in the previous paragraph. But enough of my
In the first segment of the
show, we get to the usual tribe coming home from tribal council. Spencer was
upset that his final three deal didn’t work at the moment. Tony is considering
getting rid of Woo because he thinks that Woo can get a lot of jury votes if he
makes it to the end. Is Tony too good a player whose game play wouldn’t be
rewarded if he makes the final tribal council?
In the second segment of the
show, the reward challenge happened already. It’s a very muddy one. They need
as much mud as possible to win a reward of food. Looks like that there is no
loved ones challenge, just as I suspected. Maybe CBS can’t afford that anymore.
Maybe loved ones typically know too much about what’s happened in the game and
wind up revealing spoilers. The contestants look like mud monsters. Maybe a loved
one couldn’t make it so nobody got any. Tony won the challenge of pizza. He
chose Trish to go on the reward with him. The reward is at camp while those who
don’t win the reward will have to watch the other two and not be able to eat
the food.
In the third segment of the
show, people talked about Tony and Trish making one wonder if there really will
be a final three of Spencer, Woo, and Kass. Tony is wondering who to take to
the end. Can he coast all the way to the end of the game? Will his hard playing
ways catch up with him? Tony just might have ended up doing a Matt Elrond. But,
he still has hidden immunity idols that can help him. Chaos Kass, whoever that
is, continues to be a part of the game. Tony thinks that Kass is troublesome.
Is she a goat or can he get rid of her?
In the fourth segment of the
show, things continued to unravel for everyone as things tend to do at the end
of the game. Spencer wonders if he can fight the cracks in the alliance, regardless
of whether or not he wins immunity today. Once again, this isn’t the normal
postmerge immunity challenge since they aren’t just standing around during the
challenge. A lot of puzzles are involved in this challenge. Tony gets done with
part one of the three part challenge first. Soon, everyone is working on their
ladders. If Tony is doing well in this challenge, does that mean that the
editors are faking us out as usual with the whole “we got to get rid of Tony” thing?
Tony continues to dominate the challenge while Spencer is second, fighting him
for first. Suddenly, Woo and Kass make it up to the second level. Tony might
end up losing it at the sliding puzzle. I know how to solve them. And so does
Spencer. Spencer pulled a come from behind win. Tony is now wondering who he
has to get rid of on his alliance. And might someone want to get one of his
idols to use?
In the fifth segment of the
show, they got back from the challenge and Spencer felt pretty good. Trish got
mad at Kass because Kass was gunning for her earlier. Woo, as usual, talks
game, but can he actually make a move? Tony uses his spy shack to hear Woo talk
about getting rid of Trish. So, tribal council happened next. It is very hard
to understand what to tell you about tribal council. I find it very hard to
paraphrase anything. “Isn’t this awesome?” said a player about the great tribal
council. Tony revealed both of his hidden immunity idols. We then got to the
voting. Apparently Jeremy did know of Tony’s special idol. Tony played his idol
on himself. So Trish ended up getting voted out of the game. Tony should have
played his idol on her.
On the next Survivor, things
boil at the end as usual. The finale is a week from now meaning that I’ll have
to miss the SVU finale. But I’ve already given up Revolution which is now
cancelled that I probably won’t get back into. There are a lot of TV shows I
have to watch online now. Thanks a lot, ABC and your lack of good reception in
this area. Why, of all times, must you do that during May sweeps? Now I’m
missing a lot of your great show’s season finales!
Total confessional counts:
Woo- 17, Kass- 34, Tony- 50, Spencer- 37, Trish- 20. New confessionals this
episode: Trish- 3, Woo- 3, Kass- 4, Tony- 4, Spencer- 4.
So, it looks like I can
finally stop my sort of rooting for Trish to win. She followed me on twitter; I
rooted for her to win. Well, not really, but I felt that I might have owed her
something. But it turns out that she didn’t make it to the final tribal
council. Kass might have followed me as well, but I have the feeling that I
want Spencer to win. I’m really hoping that he pulls a Fabio. Some of us still
haven’t figured out if it will be a final three and day 37 reward challenge or
if it will be a final two. If it’s a final two, then Kass and Woo could be the
two finalists. If it’s a final three, then we are guaranteed to have at least
one wonderful person in there. Will Tony win? Will Spencer win? Will someone
less likable and likely to win pull out a come from behind win? Stay tuned for
the finale, a week from now. All your questions will be answered then. For now,
this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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