Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Episode 30.6

You should be seeing this post on a Wednesday. Hopefully, I’ll be able to post normally for the rest of the season. I might even go back to live tweeting. I don’t think that I’ve been on twitter this whole year and its really driving me crazy. If the quality of this blog suffers, then I must have been live tweeting. I wouldn’t do it if it weren’t so fun. I really like twitter. You can learn a lot about current event/pop culture that you otherwise wouldn’t know. I just don’t know why I haven’t had the time to get on that website lately. That’s so terrible. If this blog suffers, then you’ll know that I must have been live tweeting. Here’s hoping!

Movie update: Once again, I was unable to watch a movie on Saturday. This time, it was because I went to church on Saturday instead of Sunday to avoid the crowd that comes with confirmation that happens at my church on Palm Sunday. I predict that the coming weeks will be hard with me possibly not watching movies as often as I like and my TV schedule will be complicated to keep up with as well. The AD miniseries (just a quick sidebar, if you don’t know why a miniseries always lasts a short time to never reappear again, you need to learn more about how television works. I understand if you are confused, though, with limited run series, event series, and miniseries being different things that are used interchangeably) will complicate my Sunday TV show watching. As usual, new episodes of shows will appear on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. If they ever wonder why the ratings for shows that air new episodes on those days are low, then they probably underestimate the Christian influence in the world. I’m always busier than I would like to be and was only able to watch one of my Sunday movies. I watched The Emperor’s New Groove, which was the number 2 choice. That moves Mr. and Mrs. Smith to number 2, the Night at the Museum sequel to number 3, and Paulie, from the Monday list, to number 4. Due to repeat letters, the number that I rolled on Tuesday was not able to be replaced by a choice on the Monday list. The choice that I watched was a play recording of The Sound of Music. I am replacing them with movie length Nature Documentaries. It being plural means that it is part of a series

POSSIBLE SPOILER. Okay, nobody has made an official renewal just yet, but it is believed that there will be two more seasons of Survivor. Rumor has it that an all new cast (well, some sort of cast, at least) is in Cambodia filming what will become Survivor 31. There’s more rumors as to what Survivor 32 might be. It looks like it could be very interesting. Why? Apparently, it will be an all-stars season that we the fans get to pick. America’s choice is currently the name of it, although I don’t know if that’s what it will end up being called in the end. I’ll let you know when an official renewal happens. It’s possible that the reunion show of this season will be the break between filming seasons 31 and 32, much like how seasons 25 and 26 were filmed with the 24 reunion show in the break between them. Or, at least I think that’s what happened. I’d have to look up the filming dates to know for sure what happens. But keep an eye out for voting for a cast for an upcoming Survivor season. END SPOILER.

There’s no twitter for me today. I ran out of time to get on. Also, be sure to check out the Survivor Oz website to see what their April fool’s Day prank is this year. Hopefully I can get back on twitter in the near future. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Escamaca got back from tribal council and talk about the blindside that happened. Rodney was blacked out on the Addicted to Survivor facebook group so he probably won’t have many chances in the Survivor game. They could be wrong about him. Will they be? Some contestants went to what they thought was a reward challenge. Most people knew that it would be a merge, which it was. This was evident to those who didn’t already know when Jeff Probst wasn’t there. The color of the merged tribe is black as usual for seasons starting with more than two tribes.

In the second segment of the show, the shelter was removed when the tribes were merging. Why would production do that? This wasn’t like in Fiji where they had to get rid of the luxurious beach. The blue collars want to stick together which could lead to a white collar/no collar alliance, as revealed in the promos for this episode. The tribe name was Merica. I like it, but I don’t think that other people like it as much as they could. All the usual postmerge drama is coming into play, which I like. Also, Dan got stung by what was probably a jellyfish.

In the next segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge which is a Survivor stable in the game. Get a grip is the name of the challenge. Dan struggles early into the challenge and falls out first. Will falls out pretty soon after. Tyler randomly drops out. Why? I don’t know for sure. It is hard to tell who has the best advantage. Jenn gets stung by an insect at this challenge. Rain comes down pretty hard at the challenge. Joe and Carolyn are the last two people left at the challenge. Based on what I can tell, Mike wants Carolyn to win the challenge, I think. In the end, Joe wins the challenge.

In the next segment of the show, the people consider voting out either Jenn or Hali. Will is told to vote for Hali, although the vote is probably for Jenn. Will the queen b be knocked off her throne? She could be. The white collars appear to be the swing vote in the game. Tyler is glad that he is not on the chopping block. I have no idea what will happen. It seems to be between either Jenn or Kelly. I really hope that it is not Kelly because that means Jenn will get to stay in the game. On the other hand, the game might be too obvious for the future if Jenn gets voted out. She also has a hidden immunity idol and the music that played when she found it makes it seem that she will use it well. The plan might hinge on Will and that’s a bad place for plans to hinge on. It looks at least like the game is picking up now at the point, which is a good sign for the future of this season. If the white collars go with either group, they would still be in a minority if they are the only ones left in the game. But, they could stick check things up. I fellow blogger that I know thinks that making the right decision is the theme of this season and he’s probably right about that. It’s a shame that I always get behind on reading his blog posts. Jenn decides to play her idol at tribal council. She probably saved herself. Did you know that nobody who has successfully played an idol on themselves has ever won the game? In the end, Kelly gets voted out of the game.

On the next Survivor, the Rodney/Mike rivalry gets to a head and there’s another mad search for hidden immunity idols, probably like how it unfolded in Cagayan. Does Kelly’s elimination spell doom for the blue collars? Who will I have to root for to win the game now? I might have to root for Mike, but he could only do that by winning his rivalry with Rodney. Can he do that?

Total confessional count: Mike- 17, Rodney- 16, Shirin- 12, Kelly- 10, Carolyn- 14, Will- 10, Sierra- 9, Joe- 9, Jenn- 15, Dan- 11, Hali- 14, Tyler- 10. New confessionals this episode: Rodney- 4, Shirin- 2, Kelly- 3, Carolyn- 3, Will- 1, Sierra- 0, Joe- 1, Jenn- 3, Dan- 3, Hali- 2, Tyler- 3, Mike- 4.

Despite being important to this episode, Joe is tied with Sierra with the lowest confessional count and they are both the only two in the game with less than ten confessionals. I forget if Kelly is on the jury or not. I hope that she is because I like her. Mike has the highest total confessionals right now. I know that my numbers might be off because they are normally lower than what other people have. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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