You know, when people I know
read this blog of mine, they may talk to me about it. So I have to be careful
with what I say, not that I would normally say anything bad in the first place.
When we think about the game right now, there are three people that are clearly
at the bottom: Jenn, Shirin, and Joe. It seems unlikely based on the edit that
Joe will last a long time. The moment he loses immunity, he’s out of the game.
I don’t think that they can turn it around the way other underdogs have. But
once they are gone, the game would then get very interesting as we watch the
people left turn on each other. Of course, that’s just how it COULD go. We
don’t know for certain that’s how it WILL go.
Movie update: On Saturday, I
watched one of the dancing videos. There are still more of them for me to
watch, so it remains on the list. On Sunday, I rolled Night at the Museum:
Battle of the Smithsonian. Now this leads to something interesting. With it
wedged between an m choice and a p choice, I would have only two letters to
choose from since I can’t move the last choice from the dissolved Monday list.
It turns out that I don’t have either an n choice or an o choice to replace it
so I will now have to get rid of the Sunday list. This means that starting next
week, I will start my Survivor: Borneo watching, starting with the greatest and
most outrageous moments special and going all the way through the entire first
season again. I will only watch one episode a week since I don’t like to watch
a lot of a show all at once. Plus I have other things to do. I guess that I’m
done with the movie watching updates for the moment. While I know that I won’t
be able to watch Survivor every Sunday, you’ll be able to tell when I did it by
my TV blog getting updated. This should also create two random blog posts
during the off season when Survivor isn’t on the air.
I’m not sure what else there
is for me to say before I get to the actual point of this blog. I’m not sure
when I’ll be back on twitter again. It’s possible that I may never get on
twitter again. I hope that I can in good time. If this blog suffers, then you’ll
know that I’m on twitter. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the
show, Dan continues to be an arrogant ass. The decision of whether or not
flippers win the game could be foreshadowing that a flipper wins this season.
Shirin doesn’t want Jenn to leave the game. I’m not sure why she is thinking
that. If Jenn leaves, Shirin stays in the game. But Shirin is doing what she
can to control the game and has a strange way of saying it. “I’m in the driver’s
seat backseat driving the driving.” Say what?
In the second segment of the
show, we get to the reward challenge in the game. The reward is chocolate,
which explains the Twix commercial. He does the give everyone a small amount
thing that happens sometimes. An unseen schoolyard pick leads Rodney, Joe,
Jenn, Caryoln, and Will on one team fighting against Mike, Shirin, Tyler, Dan,
and Sierra on the other team. The second team I mentioned is the one that won
the challenge.
In the third segment of the
show, we get to the chocolate reward. Shirin may be more of a focus in recent
episodes possibly because she’s doing something important. But, is she still a
dumb player in the edit. Jenn feels that she owns the chickens. I’m not sure
how she got to that conclusion. Rodney makes fun of Mike, much to the enjoyment
of everyone (including me). Also, since when did McDonalds reinstate their
happy meal toy commercials? It’s been gone a very long time and now we are
supposed to accept that they are back. Are they staying back? Weren’t the two
Sonic guys gone for a while? Why were they gone?
In the fourth segment of the
show, we get a preparation for the immunity challenge. Jenn has a strange way
of planning the leave the game, similar to something that Brandon Hantz might
have done, intentionally or not. Also, Joe’s perfect winning streak isn’t
intact after the reward challenge so that could be a huge problem for him. This
does make me wonder something: if someone asks to be voted out in the jury
phrase of the game, should they not be allowed on the jury? If real quitters
can’t be on the jury and people who ask to be voted out are considered
quitters, then it would be hard to classify that. Also, keep an eye out for flies
at the challenge. I think that I saw one on Joe. I have the feeling that Jenn
will win the challenge and do what she said she would. Well, I was wrong. Tyler
won the immunity challenge. Can Jenn still convince the other people to vote
her out? I honestly don’t know. I can’t see why people like her at the moment.
Hopefully, someone can kindly explain that to me.
In the fifth segment of the
show, splitting the vote comes up. While it is actually a good strategy
sometimes, cases like this prove that it isn’t always the case. Joe is planning
on making a fake idol. I hope that I’m not the only one who likes fake idols
because I sure do miss them. He tries to play it off to Mike as real which is
bad since Mike has the real idol. Jenn’s strange game play is brought up at the
tribal council. Mike reveals his idol to everyone, but Jeff wisely can’t
confirm if it is since he hasn’t played it yet. At least two people admit to
something along the lines of not being sure what is going on at tonight’s
tribal council. Mike decides to play the fake idol (the one he revealed) that Joe
gave him on Will. This could be the first time that a fake idol play doesn’t
result in the holder of it getting eliminated. I do wonder how the play of that
on Will could affect the game. Joe is the person that gets voted out. At least
this episode was pretty interesting even if the alliance on the bottom didn’t
flip the game. It would have been Survivor history to have an alliance vote
their own person out and still be in control of the game. And no, Ozzy getting
voted out the first time in South Pacific doesn’t count for that in my mind.
Also, shouldn’t the fake idol have been thrown into the fire? The fake idols of
China, Micronesia, and Gabon were all thrown into the fire. I guess it wasn’t a
real burn this time.
On the next Survivor, Will
hates Shirin while Mike and Rodney continue their feud. I don’t know what all
will happen on the next Survivor because of vague promos as usual. I still
think that Mike wins the Mike versus Rodney feud. But we’ll see if that happens
or not.
Total confessional count:
Mike- 25, Rodney- 21, Shirin- 20, Carolyn- 15, Will- 10, Sierra- 11, Joe- 14,
Jenn- 20, Dan- 13, Tyler- 13. New confessionals this episode: Rodney- 2,
Shirin- 5, Carolyn- 0, Will- 0, Sierra- 1, Joe- 3, Jenn- 4, Dan- 0, Tyler- 0, Mike-
This is another episode where
nearly half of the players in the game don’t get a confessional. Does that mean
that none of them will win? Possibly, but we’ll see about that. Jenn, Mike, Rodney, and Shirin all have
twenty or more confessionals with Mike having the highest number. Will has the
lowest number of confessionals now, but that could change with the next
episode. Is this still Mike’s game or will something happen to change that? We’ll
see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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