Thursday, February 25, 2016

Episode 32.2

Ever since Philippines happened, I started putting medically evacuated players in groups of how I’d have them return should they use the opening twist of Philippines again where they started with three returning players who were medically evacuated and haven’t played since they were pulled from the game. It is probably happening again this season, but we don’t know who it might be or why they might be pulled. We’ll have to wait and see what happens. I just hope that it isn’t something stupid like we’ve seen in the past.

Philippines was planned to be released on DVD soon along with One World. Then, we learned of legal problems with Michael Skupin, who was on that season. I don’t know if his legal problems would affect the planned release of that season or not. They could release it normally as they planned. They could release just One World. Or they could release One World and Caramoan. Meanwhile, I’m not sure what I think about Michael’s legal problems. I just hope that justice prevails, but I don’t know what exactly that would mean right now. Whether he is guilty or innocent, I hope that the right verdict is made. And if the DVD of that season is cancelled for now, then I hope that it still gets released in the future.

Speaking of future DVDs, I’m hoping that they continue with future releases of seasons so I can get Blood versus Water on DVD. I do wonder that since a now dead contestant is in Blood versus Water if that means that they’ll be special features that feature more of him on it. Or they could release a special DVD that contains more of an extended version of his time on the game. But it’s probably unlikely that any of the dead contestants would get special recognition like that.

Since we are on the topic of the future of Survivor, I might as well mention that Fiji is the planned filming location for the next two seasons. I hope that this isn’t considered a spoiler. I don’t know when the planned filming of the season is. I’m normally on top of filming dates, but I completely missed when this season was filmed. I would simply go to Wikia, but I have given up that site for Lent and thus won’t be returning to it until after Easter.

Also, since a storm has hit the Fiji area, one would have to wonder how this would affect the planned filming. Might they change the location? I don’t know if this was the same site that was hit that they were planning to use. But, they used Samoa twice again after it was hit with an earthquake, so we should be okay even if they do change the planned location. They are looking for a nicer filming location since Cambodia was too harsh a location. It makes you wonder why they are returning to a place where an evacuation took place in a previous season. Of course, the location is different than the actual Fiji season. They are just reusing the same general area. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Alecia thinks that people were going to vote her out. Does she not remember the tie? Speaking of words that sound like that, Tai goes out looking for the idol again. Is he making himself an outcast on his tribe? They have made finding the idol very complicated. He is not able to get what he needs at the moment.

In the second segment of the show, we see more of the blue tribe. Which of the three tribes is this? They don’t seem to care that much about the names of the tribes. I once tried saying the name of every tribe of the American Survivor for memory, but actually failed more towards the recent seasons. Of course, I failed remembering a lot of tribes. The blue tribe is the brains tribe and Debbie is strange on it. Caleb talks about Tai. Well, most of the beauty tribe does that. Tai’s edit is confusing me at the moment. Maybe it is just going back and forth because of actual change.

In the third segment of the show, we still have not gotten to a reward challenge so there might not be on this episode. They need to make them a regular part of the show again. Anyways, Joe is wasting their resources for a fire. But he talks about other people causing a problem. It seems like both the brains and the brawn tribes are suffering in different ways. Jason has a sunburn. You typically don’t see sunburns on Survivor. Alecia tries for five hours to make a fire. That could make for one of those good long youtube videos. Somehow, she is able to do it. Also, am I the only one who hates it when they don’t state the name of someone giving a confessional? I’m missing some of the people that should be counted with higher confessionals.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. Debbie roots a lot for her tribe and it can seem kind of annoying. Beauty tribe wins and brains tribe gets second sending the brawn tribe back to tribal council.

In the fifth segment of the show, Scot talks about how he helped lose the challenge. But people don’t blame him for that. Jason is talking about getting rid of Alecia who he is still calling blondie. Nobody talked about being in an alliance with Alecia which makes me wonder why she didn’t talk to anyone else about being in an alliance with her. There is some talk about voting out Jason. It’s hard to tell for sure where the vote will fall. I wish that I could figure out the name of the swing vote. It’s Jennifer who can’t decide between Alecia and Jason. Will she even be the swing vote after all?

Jennifer starts lying about an all girls alliance. Will people turn on her? Sometimes people’s fate aren’t sealed until tribal council. Will this be one of those cases? Well, I always love a dramatic tribal council. Don’t we all? Now I have no idea which of the three people it might be. Jennifer stands up at tribal council to make a good plea. Will it be Alecia, Jason, or Jennifer voted out? No idols are played. The person voted out is Jennifer. Boy, this will have to be in contention for the three dumbest moves of the season. Don’t ever admit that you were considering flipping. That’s never a good thing to do.

On the next Survivor, Debbie and Joseph talk about having an idol while the brawn tribe all scramble for an idol. Meanwhile, Dwaine from Survivor Talk with D and D made another poor pick for who he thought would be voted out this episode. It is just me or did they not contain the kiss moment from the promo between Tai and Caleb? Why promote it if you are not going to air it? I’m still wondering what they meant in San Jan del Sur by, “somebody’s got the idol and we’re going to burn it,” since that segment or whatever was never in the show.

Total confessional count: Jason- 7, Anna- 4, Jennifer- 4, Nick- 3, Liz- 5, Scot- 6, Caleb- 4, Julia- 2, Tai- 8, Debbie- 5, Peter- 5, Aubry- 3, Joseph- 4, Michele- 3, Cydney- 4, Neal- 5, Alecia- 8.

New confessionals this episode: Alecia- 5, Jason- 4, Anna- 0, Jennifer- 2, Nick- 0, Liz- 2, Scot- 2, Caleb- 1, Julia- 1, Tai- 3, Debbie- 1, Peter- 2, Aubry- 0, Joseph- 2, Michele- 1, Cydney- 1, Neal- 1.

It looks like Tai and Alecia have the highest confessional count thus far with eight a piece. Are either of them heading for a fall? Meanwhile, Julia has the lowest confessional count with just two confessionals thus far. Anna, Nick, and Aubry have no confessionals this episode. Jennifer had two confessionals this episode and four total. In addition to Julia, Nick, Aubry, and Michele have less confessionals than Jennifer did. Anna, Caleb, Joseph, and Cydney have the same number of confessionals as Jennifer.  I guess that’s all there is for me to mention regarding the confessional count for now. Sorry that I missed some of them. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Premiere

They are redoing brains versus brawn versus beauty. How will it be different the second time around? Will the brains tribe actually have smart people for a change? Will the beauty tribe fail this time around? Is brawn still the tribe you want to be on? We’ll see as the season progresses. I also hope that all these medical problems don’t result in a strange season. Although, when you think about it, strange seasons aren’t all that bad depending on the season.

I’m really confused by all the potential medical problems. SPOILER. It looks like it could be a record three players pulled from the same season. But, it might just be two. It is hard to tell based off of the promos. Will one happen during this premiere? I might not know until the season is finished airing. But it seems like even more will happen than before. It could even be more than three pulled from the game. END SPOILER. Keep in mind that I will talk about potential groups of threesomes (or twosomes if threesomes can’t work out) of players that have been medically evacuated and how they should return, in my mind, to a future season. I really hope that they use the opening twist from Philippines again so they can do this a second time.

It is weird that this season was switched with the airing of the season filmed after it. I don’t know if they planned to do that or not when this season was originally filmed. I guess we’ll see whether or not they ever refer to it by a number or not. I guess they didn’t want to waste the hype of Cambodia by making us wait longer to see if, even if that means airing the two seasons out of order. It makes me wonder if this will ever happen again or if it was a onetime occurrence.

I forget if I’ve talked about Survivor’s time slot during the hiatus between this season and the last one. In the past, it has been filled with reruns. This year, it is being replaced by two comedies. Now there used to be two comedies on Wednesdays before the move of Survivor from Thursdays to the day it is now. The comedy hour then moved to Thursdays before it was expanded on. CBS then slowly trimmed their Monday comedy time until none was left. Although, it is possible that we see it return briefly whenever there is Thursday night football. I’m going to return (briefly) to watching the Middle as it airs (although, I now just wait until the syndicated repeats of a recent season to air happens). I was planning on watching Mike and Molly, but after watching the premiere of the final season, I remembered why I gave up watching the show in the first place. Meanwhile, I’ll probably also watch Arrow live before switching back to watching it online. I just got back into that show.

Now there is something important that I want to say: even if it is wrong, I’m going to call this season Kaoh Rong instead of the correct Kaôh Rōng. This is mostly for simplicity’s sake. Well, there’s a bit of laziness in there too. I will always refer to the thirty-second season as Kaoh Rong, even if that is incorrect. It just seems simpler that way, right? Here’s a new blog that I created about the show CSI: Cyber. Yes, I actually like this show. I like a lot of things that people normally don’t like. I don’t know what other new blogs I might create in the future. It’s possible that you’ll see one about Bob’s Burgers. At the moment, I have no other potential blogs in the future. But we’ll see what ends up happening about it for sure. There was once a point where I might have never created this blog.

Now that it’s official that Caleb Reynolds from Big Brother 16 is in the cast of Survivor, it makes you wonder how he would fair on Survivor versus how he faired on Big Brother. To date, Hayden Moss is the only other person to play both Big Brother and Survivor. The games are quite different and one can fair quite differently on two different reality shows. While people hated the Anderson twins, for instance, on The Amazing Race, on Survivor, one of them ended up winning. And, sadly, Hayden was not as much a success on Survivor as he was on the show that he won. Will the Caleb who needed a clue on Big Brother actually be a good Survivor player? We’ll see.

As the new season starts, we can look forward to the fact that it won’t be the last Survivor season. It is officially announced that there will be seasons 33 and 34. Now I still don’t know if they’ve already been filmed and have just now been announced or if they have yet to film the seasons. I’m normally on top of when they are filming seasons, but this isn’t always the case. I had no idea, for example, that they were filming this season until the filming was finished. But they will be returning to Fiji for those two seasons. I’m secretly wondering if Candice will be in season 34. Think about it: she was in seasons 13, 20, and 27. Mathematically speaking, she should be disappearing to Fiji sometime. But, that’s only if the pattern continues, which it might not.

Sometimes we learn of perspective contestants who aren’t on Survivor when they were at one point supposed to be. We typically don’t know of perspective new contestants who didn’t make the cast until later seasons when they are eventually cast. I’m talking about this because So Kim’s sister is not on this season. We know that she (So) was supposed to be on San Juan del Sur, but was moved to Worlds Apart. In fact, I wonder if someone meant for Worlds Apart was not on that season in favor of So. But her sister also missed out on San Juan del Sur and she isn’t on this season. I wonder if we’ll ever see her in the future on the show. I also wonder the same thing about RC’s dad, or possibly any new player who could have been on the first blood versus water season.

There are other things to mention in this blog, but I won’t do it in this post. There’s only one last thing to mention for now. I know of a new twist regarding the hidden immunity idols this season. You can put two together and form a super powered idol that can be played after the votes are read. Now idols that can be played after the votes are cast never turn out well. At least great players tend to get it. But I just don’t see how this could be a good idea. If things end badly with that, at least we will know why. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we get to the introductions of people on each tribe. A lot of the cast seems kind of arrogant. We see the brawn tribe arrive at camp first. Jason’s kid has autism so hopefully this won’t be a bad portrayal of autism. Peter looks like Obama. You know, if I were on Survivor, people would probably call me Sheldon Cooper. I don’t know if I seem that way in this blog, but people that I know have told me that. Anyways, I’m wondering how this season will be different than the other brain versus brawn versus beauty season. It appears that I have two names wrong based on my information. It appears the beauty tribe is being separated by gender.

In the second segment of the show, Jason doesn’t like the person that he calls blondie. Who is blondie? He seems to be doing a Zane or quite possibly a Russell by forming multiple alliances. The beauty tribe looses their chickens for a while. Am I the only one who thinks that has happened in every tribe with chickens? Two of the women realize that Caleb is from Big Brother and he mentions it to them. Contestants talk smack about each other and a lot of them don’t like each other. It appears that the blue tribe (brains) is split by age. Tai looks for an idol and his tribe knows this and start going after him. He is looking in the ground, but it is probably in a hole is a tree. When is it normally not there?

In the third segment of the show, Anna finds Tai looking for the idol and he is open about it to others. But, he still isn’t trusted by his tribe. Aubry looks to be the first contestant appearing to have medical problems. I just hope that there isn’t a Kourtney Moon situation again. Who wants to leave before the first person is voted out? Jennifer believes that there’s a bug in her ear that’s getting bad.

In the fourth segment of the show, Jennifer’s ear problem seems to be getting worse before the challenge. But it seems like people can and do get it out. She feels better once it happens. I don’t know if they’ll be a lot of red herrings with medical problems. This is a cart making puzzle challenge with new variations to it. Nobody chooses one of the three choices. The challenge is neck and neck throughout the challenge. It is the brain tribe that just barely loses the challenge.

In the fifth segment of the show, there are different names being brought up to be voted out. It could be Alecia or Darnell. I think that Alecia is the person they called blondie earlier. Hey, cool tribal council area! We don’t see that great a tribal council area that much, sadly enough. Did Alecia really try writing a vote without taking the cap off? In the end, there is a tie between Alecia and Darnell which leads to a commercial break. What all is going to happen next?

In the sixth segment of the show, Darnell is the person that gets voted out after the revote. So that vote didn’t make a lot of sense in the end to me. Did it make sense to you? Anyways, that’s pretty much the gist of the last short segment.

On the next Survivor, Debbie and Tai will be focused on a bit. I guess they are the weirdos of this season. Will they last or will one of them be voted out in the next episode? I guess that we’ll see for sure what happens next time. And we’ll also see who might fall victims to medical problems.

Total confessional count: Peter- 3, Aubry- 3, Joseph- 2, Michele- 2, Cydney- 3, Neal- 4, Darnell- 2, Alecia- 3, Jason- 3, Anna- 4, Jennifer- 2, Nick- 3, Liz- 3, Scot- 4, Caleb- 3, Julia- 1, Tai- 5, Debbie- 4.

So Darnell has 2 confessionals. Julia has the lowest confessional count with just one. Jennifer, Joseph, and Michele have the same confessional count as Darnell while everyone else is higher. Tai currently has the highest confessional count with five confessionals. Are they showing him while they can because he won’t last long or is he actually going far? We’ll see. I’m not sure that I have that high hopes for him, actually. Bursts of high confessionals now are actually a bad sign. Look no further than B. B. Andersen for proof of that. I do hope that I’m wrong about that, actually. I’d like him to make it far. Remember that until holy week, I will be posting my blog updates on Thursdays. I’ll be back to Wednesdays at some other point in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Survivor Redeemed Contestants

Remember when I posted on the tarnished legacy of Survivor players? Those are contestants who had great reputations ruined when they played again. On the flip side of that are those players who may not have had a good impression the first time around, but definitely had a better impression after playing the game again. So using my opinion, here’s the contestants who had improved games.

I’m not sure what order to go with for this list, so my apologies if the order doesn’t make sense. It’s not going to be a top ten this time, partly due to not having enough people for that list. Hopefully, none of this is controversial. No honorable mentions this time.

Now sometimes I don’t understand why different contestants are loved one season and hated a different season. I didn’t like Lex in Africa as much. But it All-Stars, he was a much better person to me. Call me crazy if you want (I already know that), but I say his negative edit in his first season was saved by his better edit his second time playing.

Here’s another contestant that I liked better in later games: Coach. His first time playing he came off as an arrogant player and habitual liar. When he played future seasons, he became better edited in my mind. He came off as nicer and more comical.

Speaking of people who came off badly the first time, John Cochran was well hated by pretty much everyone. They hated him so much, they couldn’t realize that Brandon was the worst player from that season. The second time around, he was a much better player and actually knew how to play the game this time. That’s not to say that he had a chance the first time (he clearly didn’t even if he didn’t flip), but he certainly knew what he needed to in order to win the second time around.

Laura Morett wasn’t entirely bad the first time she played. But she was one of the reasons that Shambo ended up flipping on Galu and handed the postmerge game to Foa Foa. It wasn’t her fault that happened, but we didn’t really know who she was when she played the second time. That’s when we saw her dominate at Redemption Island. If only the last challenge wasn’t so stupid. But she clearly has a much better legacy the second time around.

Monica Culpepper was the fifth person eliminated from her first season of Survivor. While she wasn’t well liked the second time around, she certainly played a much better game coming in second place. In my mind, at least, she was redeemed with her second game.

While Tyson wasn’t bad the first time he played, his second time around made him look pretty dumb when he inadvertently caused his own elimination. But that didn’t matter to him when he played the last time as he made the right moves and won the game.

The last contestant that I’m picking for this list is Kelley Wentworth. In her first season, she was out of the game pretty early into it. In her second season, she played very hard and came very close to winning. She will be remembered better for her time on Cambodia.

That’s all I can think of for this post outside of this probably meaningless paragraph. I know that some people I think were redeemed, other people thought were ruined in their edits. This is only based on my opinion, of course. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Big Brother Players on Survivor

I hope that this isn’t too weird of a post for a Survivor blog. Do you remember how Hayden Moss played Big Brother and then went to play Survivor? There’s actually interesting facts about that, but I’m sure if it is actually true or not, some of it. I’ll mention it later should I do a look back at the Blood versus Water season. Meanwhile, Caleb Reynolds also played Big Brother and then went on Survivor. Now I once did a post where I talked about which Survivor players should play Big Brother. Now I’m doing a different post where I mention other Big Brother players that I think should play Survivor. I mostly found out this information from Wikipedia or Wikia.

Disclaimer: I must admit that I might have never watched Big Brother were it not for a parody of it done on The Talk. I’ve thus missed a lot of the earlier seasons when they aired and might not know as much about it as I would want to. But, using what information I have, I can probably come up with a good enough list of contestants.

Rules: I am choosing at least one person from each season. There must be a reason that I’m choosing them out of everyone from their season. I mean, there’s so many people to choose from that there has to be a reason that I’m choosing them out of everyone. Of course, Hayden and Caleb are people that I can’t choose, but anyone else can be picked, although some of them clearly won’t be picked. Willie Hantz, for instance, is probably never appearing on CBS again.

Cassandra Waldon played the very unusual first season. I’m picking her since she worked with the United Nations and that might be interesting with Survivor. Does she know Survivor that well? Regardless, her international work could prove interesting on a show like Survivor.

Monica Bailey made it far in the game before being the last person evicted that season. She may just be a random choice of mine for this list. She was notable that season since one of her cousins died during 9/11. I’m not sure how she’d fair on Survivor, but you’d think it would be interesting for her.

Jason Guy is a nice type of person. He was so nice that he was only nominated because he lost final HOH. Unfortunately, he was the last person evicted from the game. Nobody else in Big Brother made it that far without being nominated and still get evicted. I think that he would be suited for Survivor for various reasons, among them being his likability.

Danielle Reyes lost by one of flaws of the game that has since been fixed. The jury could see the type of player that she was and she lost because of it. If something like that happened in Survivor, then Natalie might have won the season Redemption Island. She did get to play again on the all-star version of Big Brother. But it would be interesting to see her play Survivor.

Michelle Maradie was one of many people to get evicted from Big Brother due to one of the flaws of that game. You see, she was a pawn who was nominated against a target. She was voted out instead of the target. This has happened to tons of players. I’m picking her because I believe she was the first person in Big Brother history whom this happened to. On Survivor, she’d never have to worry about rules like that as it is a much different game.

Jee Choe made a big enough mistake when he played that angered the whole house. I’m not sure the option that he made was even a choice in most other seasons. He made everyone else the Big Brother equivalent of a have not so they all were upset at him. On a game like Survivor, he could start fresh with new people and probably not have to worry about such a twist like that.

Jase Wirey was another example of the flaws of the Big Brother game. But, his was of getting evicted is actually quite interesting and a good part of Big Brother. But, that didn’t mean that he should have left the way he did. They sort of fixed that method that got him out. I think that Survivor would be a better and more interesting game for him.

Adria Klein should have just stuck with her alliance, but she didn’t. This also affected her twin sister who was also in the game that season. But it was mostly her mistake. In case you are wondering, I wouldn’t put all of these planned people on the same Survivor season, although it could happen like that. Also, a lot of this could be considered potential for a Big Brother second chance season, although I would like all of these people on Survivor.

Karen Ganci was screwed in a way when everyone else in the house conspired against her to get her out. The two nominees both threw the challenge so someone else could win. That person then used it to take a nominee off the block and Karen was then put up and evicted before of it. That sort of thing couldn’t happen on Survivor which is why she should do that game.

Kaysar Ridha made a bad deal that got him evicted after he already was evicted earlier. He played again and was evicted again. But I would love to see his type of game on Survivor where he doesn’t have to worry about that type of trickery.

Eric Stein actually agreed to a play a Big Brother game that was different than all the other players before him. He was America’s player, meaning that he did whatever we wanting him to do. On Survivor, he could become his own player and not have to worry about what the rest of us would want him to do as he could do his own thing.

Allison Nichols faced a strange twist from the beginning of the game and it ultimately lead to an unusual eviction happening. That’s how she was eliminated. Her on Survivor would be interesting and we would wonder what type of game she might play.

Ryan Quicksall is someone that I would want to bring back simply because he was the runner-up to a terrible winner, quite possibly the worst winner in the history of reality television. I would love to see him on Survivor playing that great game.

Michelle Costa was basically yet another person who was screwed by other players going back on their deals. That’s why I would put her on Survivor where she isn’t as subjected to the whims of other players that have power as she would have pretty much the same powers that all players do.

Jeff Schroeder is someone that I’m choosing for different reasons. For one, I wanted one of the returning players from season 13 of Big Brother. Another reason is that he is probably a Survivor fan as he hosted the Survivor Live After Show during San Juan del Sur. Now I don’t think that hosting that web show would prevent him from playing Survivor. Plus, it would be interesting to see someone play all three major CBS reality shows, which he could do if he just played Survivor.

Michele Ross (nee Noonan) is a player who was screwed out of power by simply nominating the wrong person as a pawn. Now she probably had no idea that Chima was going to get expelled. But if she had nominated any other person against her real target and Chima’s expulsion still happened, her reign as HOH would have probably continued normally instead of her getting stripped of it. This affected her game and she was nominated by the person she was planning on getting out and evicted that week. Her game was messed up and I don’t see something like that happening on Survivor, even if there is an expulsion in the future on that show.

Annie Whittington, like Eric, had to play a different game than the rest of the houseguests on Big Brother. She had chosen this herself, like Eric probably did. But, I would still like to see her on a show where she could play her own game and be her own player.

Matt Hoffman was a strong and interesting player on Big Brother. He didn’t realize how much of a threat he was. He ended up being targeted and voted out by his own alliance. He would probably be great at the Survivor game and hopefully doesn’t create any great lies on it.

Britney Haynes is a popular Big Brother player. I like her and that’s one of the reasons that I’m picking her. That, and I want to have a coach from the fourteenth season. Could her popularity continue on a show like Survivor? I hope so, even if this whole post is just who I want and no one who is actually guaranteed to play.

Adam Poch is a fan of Survivor and would probably like to play it. He has appeared a lot in this one Survivor podcast that I listen to. Plus, it would be nice having another Adam play the game. I’m pretty much picking him for the same reason that I’d pick the next player.

Ian Terry may be a Big Brother super fan, but he’s also a fan of Survivor. On twitter, he’s posting a lot during Survivor episodes. He could probably be great at Survivor. Plus, I did want to choose a winner of Big Brother and he seems like he’d make a great player.

Helen Kim is one of the few players that I actually liked from the season she was on. There wasn’t much good happening that season, but she made for a good player and she’d probably work well on Survivor with new people to play with.

Donny Thompson was liked by the fans who made him part of a twist where he could earn extra money while still in the game. He was always targeted in the house, but I think that he would make a great Survivor player because, like many others on this list, he could benefit from playing a different game. He seems outdoorsy too.

Meg Maley is someone that I liked and not just because she is cute. Let’s face it, I’m not going to put every cute woman from Big Brother on this list. It would be much longer than this. Anyhoo, I liked her and she made a great player, despite not winning competitions. I think that she would make a great Survivor player.

John McGuire also suffered to some of the flaws of the Big Brother game as he was subjected to the whims of other players. On Survivor, he wouldn’t be used as a pawn by other players and could be his own person and player.

Here are the players that I chose: Cassandra Waldon (1), Monica Bailey (2), Jason Guy (3), Danielle Reyes (3 & 7), Michelle Maradie (4), Jee Choe (4), Jase Wirey (5 & 7), Adria Klein (5), Karen Ganci (5), Kaysar Ridha (6 & 7), Eric Stein (8), Allison Nichols (9), Ryan Quicksall (9), Michelle Costa (10), Jeff Schroeder (11 & 13), Michele (Noonan) Ross (11), Annie Whittington (12), Matt Hoffman (12), Britney Haynes (12 & 14), Adam Poch (13), Ian Terry (14), Helen Kim (15), Donny Thompson (16), Meg Maley (17), and John McGuire (17).

Well, I hope that this post is good to Survivor fans, even if it focused on Big Brother a lot. But I did do a Survivor players on Big Brother post, so I figured that something like this would make a good post. If you want more information about Big Brother in general and want to look up stuff that I did, then just go to this link: You’ll have to check out other pages from there, but it is pretty good for the most part. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Top Ten Survivor Heroes

You might be wondering why I didn't update my blog on Wednesday, as I normally do and why I'm updating it today on Sunday. During the winter hiatus of Survivor, I allow myself to update the blog on Sundays in addition to Wednesdays. But, that's only under certain circumstances. During the break after Philippines, I didn't originally do random blog posts, nor were my posts scheduled for a certain time. During the break after Blood versus Water, I did this at first starting in January, but didn't have enough posts written to update on both days so I cut one day. During the break after San Juan del Sur, I originally thought that I might not due any posts on Sundays since the finale of that season wasn't on a Sunday. But a sudden sickness prevented a post on a Wednesday, so I started double posting then. Plus, I was trying to start updates of a different blog of mine on Sundays then anyways. Now you see, I decided to update a different blog on Wednesday and I don't update multiple blogs in a single day. Thus, you will see a post on Sunday this week and next. When Survivor starts again, my posts will be on Thursday for a while since Lent will be happening and I won't be able to see Survivor live. Now, sorry for this long introduction as I update what's going on with this blog. I'm getting to the actual post now.

Who are the best Survivor heroes? Well, that’s what I’m going to try to figure out in this newest blog post of mine. I’ll go through various contestants and list which ten I think are the best heroes in Survivor history. I might as well get started.

The rules: 1- This is the most important one actually: I’m choosing people based solely on my own opinion. So if you don’t like them or don’t think that they were actually heroes, then make your own list. These are my choices. 2- Tarnished heroes are not included on the list. Well, some tarnished heroes are not: those I felt were ruined enough that they were either no longer heroes or no longer good heroes. 3- I’m sorry if I don’t have enough women on this list. Now this could be like the villains list where I thought going into it that I wouldn’t have enough women, but half of my list was women. I don’t know yet if there will be enough women although that may not be the case when the list is made. I can’t think of any other rules at the moment. Clearly I’m choosing good heroes. Before that, here’s the obligatory honorable mentions section.

Honorable Mentions: A well known hero from the first season was Colleen who outlasted all of her tribe members. Jenn from Palau made a good hero. But, I decided to go with other players instead. Yau-Man was also close to being on it, as were people who aren’t even an honorable mention, but I’m not choosing him. JT was so heroic that he even tired to help out a villain in a move that famously backfired. I’m not choosing him due to picking other choices. Brett from Samoa fought valiantly against Russell and fell short. He’s not on the list because I picked a better person who was better able to control Russell. Jane from Nicaragua is someone that I liked, but I didn’t see much a reason for putting her on the top ten. Matt from Redemption Island fought hard to stay in the game, but I’m not choosing him to go with other choices. Malcolm may have debatable status as a hero and, like other honorable mentions, I decided to go with other choices. Spencer could be considered a hero, and probably is, but there’s enough against him recently for me to cut him from the list. Mike from Worlds Apart won against a villain’s alliance, but once again, I’m not picking him.

#10 Darrah (Pearl Islands): You might not remember Darrah, but I do. She was a challenge beast that helped Burton get eliminated. She fought hard to stay in the game. But her challenge wins made her a threat and she was voted out. But, she was still pretty heroic throughout the game.

#9 Ethan (Africa and All-Stars): I love this winner a lot. He was a great person to watch dominating the social game in Africa up until his win. In All-Stars, he did good enough that he outlasted all the other winners. It’s not often when you see heroes actually win the game, but he was great at the game as evident by his win.

#8 Natalie (Samoa): Some have called Russell Hantz the greatest Survivor villain. If you want my opinion as to where he ranks as a villain, you can read my other post on my top ten villains for that. But let’s say that you join with Russell and use him to bring you to the end. Then, you totally trump him in the jury votes, besting him at his own game. It takes a great hero like Natalie to beat Russell the first time at least and that’s what she did. It’s hard to think of other times off hand where the hero clearly won out over the despicable villain of the season.

#7 Jeremy (San Juan del Sur and Cambodia): His first game may have come to an abrupt end thanks to his alliance blindsiding him, but the second time around, his strategy to win worked. He was well liked by the rest of the jury that all ten of them voted for him to win and there wasn’t a single vote for either of the other great finalists. He’s certainly a great winner and a great hero.

#6 Sierra (Tocantins): This may be an odd choice, but I still like this contestant. I hate the fact that her tribe mates were terrible to her throughout the game. She managed to survive. I just wish that she outlasted Coach that time around. But I think that she’s a good hero the way she fought to be in the game, even if she never turned the game around.

#5 Terry (Panama and Cambodia): This player struggled against the odds past the merge in his original season. The second time he played, he left in a heroic manner by leaving to be with his sick son. He is certainly a dominate type of player, either though we didn’t see much of him the second time around. But, he could still return and he’d probably be as heroic the third time around as well.

#4 Chris (Vanuatu): I have heard arguments against him being a hero, but I see his game as being heroic. From the first vote out to the post merge game, Chris struggled against the odds to stay in the game and he fought valiantly, with and without immunity, to not only stay in the game, but to beat all the other players that season. Few people who win could turn the game around the way he did. He might have been one of the most successful people who did that.

#3 Denise (Philippines): Only one person struggled so much throughout the premerge game that they were never able to avoid a tribal council. After the merge, they would have to attend every tribal council unless they are voted out. Denise fought hard to stay in the game and was only immune once. She attended every tribal council her season and is the only contestant to witness the elimination of every other player in a single season. The way she made it to the end and won proves the type of great player, and the great hero, that she is to the Survivor world.

#2 Tom (Palau and Heroes versus Villains): This is another person who could be considered a villain to some. But he lead his tribe to its dominance throughout the tribal part of the game. He then won lots of immunity challenges, spending a record amount of time immune throughout the game (but not all in a row, like Joe did in Cambodia). Even the one person who didn’t vote for him to win the game knew the type of threat that he was. That’s why he’s so high on this list.

Now you might be wondering who I picked as the number one best hero in Survivor history. I actually almost cut him from the list, before deciding that he would work out as number one. I don’t know why he wouldn’t deserve to be a great hero. And while some people didn’t like him, I do. I’m not sure what he could do to change that.

#1 Rupert (Pearl Islands, All-Stars, Heroes versus Villains, and Blood versus Water): An eccentric person, by far, this person is so well liked that there is no way the other players would ever let him reach the end of the game. If he was there, you can bet that he’d sweep the jury votes for sure. His main flaw as a player is that the villains of the seasons always seem to get the better of him and the game. But he’s certainly a hero. Even when he doesn’t make it far in the game, his main move is being heroic and giving up his chance to play for someone else. But, he’s the greatest hero in my mind.

Well, that’s it for this top ten of mine. I hope that you like it. Did it fit well with my top ten on villains? I hope that it did. I wonder what heroes you think that I might have missed or what you think weren’t actually heroes. But I think that I made good picks. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.