Thursday, February 25, 2016

Episode 32.2

Ever since Philippines happened, I started putting medically evacuated players in groups of how I’d have them return should they use the opening twist of Philippines again where they started with three returning players who were medically evacuated and haven’t played since they were pulled from the game. It is probably happening again this season, but we don’t know who it might be or why they might be pulled. We’ll have to wait and see what happens. I just hope that it isn’t something stupid like we’ve seen in the past.

Philippines was planned to be released on DVD soon along with One World. Then, we learned of legal problems with Michael Skupin, who was on that season. I don’t know if his legal problems would affect the planned release of that season or not. They could release it normally as they planned. They could release just One World. Or they could release One World and Caramoan. Meanwhile, I’m not sure what I think about Michael’s legal problems. I just hope that justice prevails, but I don’t know what exactly that would mean right now. Whether he is guilty or innocent, I hope that the right verdict is made. And if the DVD of that season is cancelled for now, then I hope that it still gets released in the future.

Speaking of future DVDs, I’m hoping that they continue with future releases of seasons so I can get Blood versus Water on DVD. I do wonder that since a now dead contestant is in Blood versus Water if that means that they’ll be special features that feature more of him on it. Or they could release a special DVD that contains more of an extended version of his time on the game. But it’s probably unlikely that any of the dead contestants would get special recognition like that.

Since we are on the topic of the future of Survivor, I might as well mention that Fiji is the planned filming location for the next two seasons. I hope that this isn’t considered a spoiler. I don’t know when the planned filming of the season is. I’m normally on top of filming dates, but I completely missed when this season was filmed. I would simply go to Wikia, but I have given up that site for Lent and thus won’t be returning to it until after Easter.

Also, since a storm has hit the Fiji area, one would have to wonder how this would affect the planned filming. Might they change the location? I don’t know if this was the same site that was hit that they were planning to use. But, they used Samoa twice again after it was hit with an earthquake, so we should be okay even if they do change the planned location. They are looking for a nicer filming location since Cambodia was too harsh a location. It makes you wonder why they are returning to a place where an evacuation took place in a previous season. Of course, the location is different than the actual Fiji season. They are just reusing the same general area. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Alecia thinks that people were going to vote her out. Does she not remember the tie? Speaking of words that sound like that, Tai goes out looking for the idol again. Is he making himself an outcast on his tribe? They have made finding the idol very complicated. He is not able to get what he needs at the moment.

In the second segment of the show, we see more of the blue tribe. Which of the three tribes is this? They don’t seem to care that much about the names of the tribes. I once tried saying the name of every tribe of the American Survivor for memory, but actually failed more towards the recent seasons. Of course, I failed remembering a lot of tribes. The blue tribe is the brains tribe and Debbie is strange on it. Caleb talks about Tai. Well, most of the beauty tribe does that. Tai’s edit is confusing me at the moment. Maybe it is just going back and forth because of actual change.

In the third segment of the show, we still have not gotten to a reward challenge so there might not be on this episode. They need to make them a regular part of the show again. Anyways, Joe is wasting their resources for a fire. But he talks about other people causing a problem. It seems like both the brains and the brawn tribes are suffering in different ways. Jason has a sunburn. You typically don’t see sunburns on Survivor. Alecia tries for five hours to make a fire. That could make for one of those good long youtube videos. Somehow, she is able to do it. Also, am I the only one who hates it when they don’t state the name of someone giving a confessional? I’m missing some of the people that should be counted with higher confessionals.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. Debbie roots a lot for her tribe and it can seem kind of annoying. Beauty tribe wins and brains tribe gets second sending the brawn tribe back to tribal council.

In the fifth segment of the show, Scot talks about how he helped lose the challenge. But people don’t blame him for that. Jason is talking about getting rid of Alecia who he is still calling blondie. Nobody talked about being in an alliance with Alecia which makes me wonder why she didn’t talk to anyone else about being in an alliance with her. There is some talk about voting out Jason. It’s hard to tell for sure where the vote will fall. I wish that I could figure out the name of the swing vote. It’s Jennifer who can’t decide between Alecia and Jason. Will she even be the swing vote after all?

Jennifer starts lying about an all girls alliance. Will people turn on her? Sometimes people’s fate aren’t sealed until tribal council. Will this be one of those cases? Well, I always love a dramatic tribal council. Don’t we all? Now I have no idea which of the three people it might be. Jennifer stands up at tribal council to make a good plea. Will it be Alecia, Jason, or Jennifer voted out? No idols are played. The person voted out is Jennifer. Boy, this will have to be in contention for the three dumbest moves of the season. Don’t ever admit that you were considering flipping. That’s never a good thing to do.

On the next Survivor, Debbie and Joseph talk about having an idol while the brawn tribe all scramble for an idol. Meanwhile, Dwaine from Survivor Talk with D and D made another poor pick for who he thought would be voted out this episode. It is just me or did they not contain the kiss moment from the promo between Tai and Caleb? Why promote it if you are not going to air it? I’m still wondering what they meant in San Jan del Sur by, “somebody’s got the idol and we’re going to burn it,” since that segment or whatever was never in the show.

Total confessional count: Jason- 7, Anna- 4, Jennifer- 4, Nick- 3, Liz- 5, Scot- 6, Caleb- 4, Julia- 2, Tai- 8, Debbie- 5, Peter- 5, Aubry- 3, Joseph- 4, Michele- 3, Cydney- 4, Neal- 5, Alecia- 8.

New confessionals this episode: Alecia- 5, Jason- 4, Anna- 0, Jennifer- 2, Nick- 0, Liz- 2, Scot- 2, Caleb- 1, Julia- 1, Tai- 3, Debbie- 1, Peter- 2, Aubry- 0, Joseph- 2, Michele- 1, Cydney- 1, Neal- 1.

It looks like Tai and Alecia have the highest confessional count thus far with eight a piece. Are either of them heading for a fall? Meanwhile, Julia has the lowest confessional count with just two confessionals thus far. Anna, Nick, and Aubry have no confessionals this episode. Jennifer had two confessionals this episode and four total. In addition to Julia, Nick, Aubry, and Michele have less confessionals than Jennifer did. Anna, Caleb, Joseph, and Cydney have the same number of confessionals as Jennifer.  I guess that’s all there is for me to mention regarding the confessional count for now. Sorry that I missed some of them. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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