Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Big Brother Players on Survivor

I hope that this isn’t too weird of a post for a Survivor blog. Do you remember how Hayden Moss played Big Brother and then went to play Survivor? There’s actually interesting facts about that, but I’m sure if it is actually true or not, some of it. I’ll mention it later should I do a look back at the Blood versus Water season. Meanwhile, Caleb Reynolds also played Big Brother and then went on Survivor. Now I once did a post where I talked about which Survivor players should play Big Brother. Now I’m doing a different post where I mention other Big Brother players that I think should play Survivor. I mostly found out this information from Wikipedia or Wikia.

Disclaimer: I must admit that I might have never watched Big Brother were it not for a parody of it done on The Talk. I’ve thus missed a lot of the earlier seasons when they aired and might not know as much about it as I would want to. But, using what information I have, I can probably come up with a good enough list of contestants.

Rules: I am choosing at least one person from each season. There must be a reason that I’m choosing them out of everyone from their season. I mean, there’s so many people to choose from that there has to be a reason that I’m choosing them out of everyone. Of course, Hayden and Caleb are people that I can’t choose, but anyone else can be picked, although some of them clearly won’t be picked. Willie Hantz, for instance, is probably never appearing on CBS again.

Cassandra Waldon played the very unusual first season. I’m picking her since she worked with the United Nations and that might be interesting with Survivor. Does she know Survivor that well? Regardless, her international work could prove interesting on a show like Survivor.

Monica Bailey made it far in the game before being the last person evicted that season. She may just be a random choice of mine for this list. She was notable that season since one of her cousins died during 9/11. I’m not sure how she’d fair on Survivor, but you’d think it would be interesting for her.

Jason Guy is a nice type of person. He was so nice that he was only nominated because he lost final HOH. Unfortunately, he was the last person evicted from the game. Nobody else in Big Brother made it that far without being nominated and still get evicted. I think that he would be suited for Survivor for various reasons, among them being his likability.

Danielle Reyes lost by one of flaws of the game that has since been fixed. The jury could see the type of player that she was and she lost because of it. If something like that happened in Survivor, then Natalie might have won the season Redemption Island. She did get to play again on the all-star version of Big Brother. But it would be interesting to see her play Survivor.

Michelle Maradie was one of many people to get evicted from Big Brother due to one of the flaws of that game. You see, she was a pawn who was nominated against a target. She was voted out instead of the target. This has happened to tons of players. I’m picking her because I believe she was the first person in Big Brother history whom this happened to. On Survivor, she’d never have to worry about rules like that as it is a much different game.

Jee Choe made a big enough mistake when he played that angered the whole house. I’m not sure the option that he made was even a choice in most other seasons. He made everyone else the Big Brother equivalent of a have not so they all were upset at him. On a game like Survivor, he could start fresh with new people and probably not have to worry about such a twist like that.

Jase Wirey was another example of the flaws of the Big Brother game. But, his was of getting evicted is actually quite interesting and a good part of Big Brother. But, that didn’t mean that he should have left the way he did. They sort of fixed that method that got him out. I think that Survivor would be a better and more interesting game for him.

Adria Klein should have just stuck with her alliance, but she didn’t. This also affected her twin sister who was also in the game that season. But it was mostly her mistake. In case you are wondering, I wouldn’t put all of these planned people on the same Survivor season, although it could happen like that. Also, a lot of this could be considered potential for a Big Brother second chance season, although I would like all of these people on Survivor.

Karen Ganci was screwed in a way when everyone else in the house conspired against her to get her out. The two nominees both threw the challenge so someone else could win. That person then used it to take a nominee off the block and Karen was then put up and evicted before of it. That sort of thing couldn’t happen on Survivor which is why she should do that game.

Kaysar Ridha made a bad deal that got him evicted after he already was evicted earlier. He played again and was evicted again. But I would love to see his type of game on Survivor where he doesn’t have to worry about that type of trickery.

Eric Stein actually agreed to a play a Big Brother game that was different than all the other players before him. He was America’s player, meaning that he did whatever we wanting him to do. On Survivor, he could become his own player and not have to worry about what the rest of us would want him to do as he could do his own thing.

Allison Nichols faced a strange twist from the beginning of the game and it ultimately lead to an unusual eviction happening. That’s how she was eliminated. Her on Survivor would be interesting and we would wonder what type of game she might play.

Ryan Quicksall is someone that I would want to bring back simply because he was the runner-up to a terrible winner, quite possibly the worst winner in the history of reality television. I would love to see him on Survivor playing that great game.

Michelle Costa was basically yet another person who was screwed by other players going back on their deals. That’s why I would put her on Survivor where she isn’t as subjected to the whims of other players that have power as she would have pretty much the same powers that all players do.

Jeff Schroeder is someone that I’m choosing for different reasons. For one, I wanted one of the returning players from season 13 of Big Brother. Another reason is that he is probably a Survivor fan as he hosted the Survivor Live After Show during San Juan del Sur. Now I don’t think that hosting that web show would prevent him from playing Survivor. Plus, it would be interesting to see someone play all three major CBS reality shows, which he could do if he just played Survivor.

Michele Ross (nee Noonan) is a player who was screwed out of power by simply nominating the wrong person as a pawn. Now she probably had no idea that Chima was going to get expelled. But if she had nominated any other person against her real target and Chima’s expulsion still happened, her reign as HOH would have probably continued normally instead of her getting stripped of it. This affected her game and she was nominated by the person she was planning on getting out and evicted that week. Her game was messed up and I don’t see something like that happening on Survivor, even if there is an expulsion in the future on that show.

Annie Whittington, like Eric, had to play a different game than the rest of the houseguests on Big Brother. She had chosen this herself, like Eric probably did. But, I would still like to see her on a show where she could play her own game and be her own player.

Matt Hoffman was a strong and interesting player on Big Brother. He didn’t realize how much of a threat he was. He ended up being targeted and voted out by his own alliance. He would probably be great at the Survivor game and hopefully doesn’t create any great lies on it.

Britney Haynes is a popular Big Brother player. I like her and that’s one of the reasons that I’m picking her. That, and I want to have a coach from the fourteenth season. Could her popularity continue on a show like Survivor? I hope so, even if this whole post is just who I want and no one who is actually guaranteed to play.

Adam Poch is a fan of Survivor and would probably like to play it. He has appeared a lot in this one Survivor podcast that I listen to. Plus, it would be nice having another Adam play the game. I’m pretty much picking him for the same reason that I’d pick the next player.

Ian Terry may be a Big Brother super fan, but he’s also a fan of Survivor. On twitter, he’s posting a lot during Survivor episodes. He could probably be great at Survivor. Plus, I did want to choose a winner of Big Brother and he seems like he’d make a great player.

Helen Kim is one of the few players that I actually liked from the season she was on. There wasn’t much good happening that season, but she made for a good player and she’d probably work well on Survivor with new people to play with.

Donny Thompson was liked by the fans who made him part of a twist where he could earn extra money while still in the game. He was always targeted in the house, but I think that he would make a great Survivor player because, like many others on this list, he could benefit from playing a different game. He seems outdoorsy too.

Meg Maley is someone that I liked and not just because she is cute. Let’s face it, I’m not going to put every cute woman from Big Brother on this list. It would be much longer than this. Anyhoo, I liked her and she made a great player, despite not winning competitions. I think that she would make a great Survivor player.

John McGuire also suffered to some of the flaws of the Big Brother game as he was subjected to the whims of other players. On Survivor, he wouldn’t be used as a pawn by other players and could be his own person and player.

Here are the players that I chose: Cassandra Waldon (1), Monica Bailey (2), Jason Guy (3), Danielle Reyes (3 & 7), Michelle Maradie (4), Jee Choe (4), Jase Wirey (5 & 7), Adria Klein (5), Karen Ganci (5), Kaysar Ridha (6 & 7), Eric Stein (8), Allison Nichols (9), Ryan Quicksall (9), Michelle Costa (10), Jeff Schroeder (11 & 13), Michele (Noonan) Ross (11), Annie Whittington (12), Matt Hoffman (12), Britney Haynes (12 & 14), Adam Poch (13), Ian Terry (14), Helen Kim (15), Donny Thompson (16), Meg Maley (17), and John McGuire (17).

Well, I hope that this post is good to Survivor fans, even if it focused on Big Brother a lot. But I did do a Survivor players on Big Brother post, so I figured that something like this would make a good post. If you want more information about Big Brother in general and want to look up stuff that I did, then just go to this link: You’ll have to check out other pages from there, but it is pretty good for the most part. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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