Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Episode 32.10

It’s hard to tell for sure what will happen with this Survivor season for sure. I can’t entirely tell where it will go for sure. Who will win? Who are threats to win? Who is blocking the paths for others to win? Why are Jason and Scot so mean? Why is Tai, who once had a great edit, joining with the bullies? What’s with this sabotaging of camp? Isn’t that dumb? SPOLIER. Will there be a nighttime medical evacuation? END SPOILER. Will a woman win as fellow blogger Alex Gomory Keisler suspects? Why am I asking so many questions? I remember that I used to do with the San Juan del Sur season before I gave it up for being something I did that I found stupid. It’s hard to tell where this season will go for sure. But I guess that we’ll find out for sure later. Well, here’s the link to the Survivor Showdown that I was in. I didn’t win the showdown, but I’m glad that I did as well as I did, even if it wasn’t that well at all. It’s cool that I’m famous now, lol. I might answer questions about it later, if there are any.

In case you were wondering, I’m rewatching Survivor: Palau on DVD right now. Or, at least I would be if I wasn’t so bogged down on recorded shows on VHS. I’ve been going at a fairly slow pace with watching it. In fact, I’m moving so slowly with it, I would probably lose in a race against a sloth, snail, turtle, and a robot powered by internet explorer. Even that robot would be having a faster time than I would be with different tasks like that. Meanwhile, I’m still using a method of watching different shows at once by having a list of shows and rolling for an option from it. It’s kind of like what Sheldon Cooper did in the Big Bang Theory episode: The Wiggly Finger Catalyst. I’m looking forward to the summer when I will have more time to watch shows and hopefully won’t have any more recordings on VHS to make so I won’t be as far behind again. I will have to hope there’s less good shows on the schedule next season on TV so I won’t have to record that much. VHS tapes aren’t even my primary way of recording shows. They are my secondary way of recording shows.

There might not be any more family visits that I’ll know of in the near future so that shouldn’t affect me watching this show at all. But it has been pretty rainy and dreary all day. So hopefully there isn’t any problem with it in this or any episode. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, the men’s side talks about how they are glad the vote off happened. Tai returns Jason’s idol to him. Scot feels that being themselves if the other side does what they want, which seems kind of condescending if you ask me.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge. They brought back the leg up challenge which I hate. This is the first time it appears outside of Redemption Island. There are three different rewards and the contestants choose between three rewards: an advantage in the game, a letter from home, or food. Once they choose their reward, they get that and only get that one reward. This is a pretty interesting twist. Sometimes they need to shake things up the way things work especially as we continue into more seasons of Survivor. Julia wins the letter fighting against Joe. Michele wins the food fighting against Scot and Jason. Tai wins the advantage fighting against Cydney and Aubry.

In the third segment of the show, Michele talks about how she is glad to have beaten the two men she beat. Meanwhile, it appears that to no surprise, Tai has won an extra vote advantage. Does this mean that he’s screwed? Sadly, those who have had the advantage so far have been screwed. Julia reacts to her reward as well. Julia thinks about which side to go on and how to get rid of their problems. I’m not entirely sure myself which side she is on. Maybe she is on nobody’s side because nobody is on her side. Nobody cares for the woods anymore, little orc. It feels like more should be happening now.

In the fourth segment of the show, Aubry and Tai talk more about the game at hand. She reveals the girls’ plan to vote out Tai to Tai. Tai talks about this to Jason and Scot, but they suggest voting out Aubry which is when Tai wants to turn on them. We then get to the immunity challenge. It’s weird that there are two endurance challenges in the same episode. Jason closely beats out Aubry at the challenge.

In the fifth segment of the show, it appears that some people still want Aubry to be voted out. It seems like Scot and Jason are too quick to flip on their allies, but maybe Julia was as well. The question is, are these people getting to the end as goats? The woman’s side wants to vote out Tai, or, at least flush his idol out of the game. Tai is worried about the vote and where it would leave him in the long run. I’m just wondering if the promos that implied a blindside are red herrings or not. We have seen red herrings before, but we also thought that we knew what would happen going into a vote before. The main flaw of the super idol is that it effectively uses two idols instead of just one.

Meanwhile, it is hard to tell for sure what is happening at tribal council. Since Jeff’s comments don’t air before the tribal council vote, it is probably going to be a blindside of sorts. Will it be that way to them or just us? There is confusion over whether or not Tai should play his idol. Scot gets the votes to be voted out and Tai doesn’t give him the super idol, meaning that Scot leaves with an idol and the super idol doesn’t exist unless there is another idol in the game. Tai’s decision could and probably will end badly. But, wouldn’t he have been in danger without it?

On the next Survivor, Tai feels that he’s on top of the world now, but the alliance of Jason and Julia will probably turn on him. I guess it was time that Tai cut ties. He voted against Scot and got an idol out of the game. I just wonder if that is allowed in the rules, but I guess that it is. Is what Tai did the right move? Now he’s the only one with an idol, but everyone knows that he has an idol. And they also know that he can turn on people so I’m not sure if he’ll do as well as I originally wanted him to. Do I still want him to win? Who would make a better alternative besides him? It’s hard to tell for sure what will happen, but at least we are in for a wild ride.

Total confessional count: Michele- 17, Cydney- 18, Jason- 23, Scot- 28, Julia- 11, Tai- 29, Aubry- 27, Joe- 11. New confessionals this episode: Aubry- 5, Joe- 0, Michele- 2, Cydney- 1, Jason- 3, Scot- 4, Julia- 2, Tai- 6.

Scot had four confessionals this episode. Aubry had five and Tai had six. Everyone else was lower in terms of number of confessionals. Joe had no confessionals and Cydney only had one. In terms of total confessionals, Scot had twenty-eight confessionals. Tai is the only one to have a higher confessional count than him at twenty-nine confessionals. Everyone else had lower total confessionals.  Julia and Joe have the lowest confessional count with eleven each. We are getting to the part where it is harder for me to come up with ways of changing the order of names that you see. I’m sure that I’ll come up with some sort of new order as I always do. I’ve made it this far with no problems so hopefully I’ll remember what other ways I can change the name order. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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