You might be wondering where I
plan on ranking this season among the other seasons of Survivor. I honestly
don’t know where to rank it yet. At first I thought that it might be somewhere
in the middle that I rank it. But I might go higher than that actually. This
season has had great tribal councils and various other drama. But I’m not sure
if it’s good enough to rank that highly. We’ll see what happens for sure. I
have until the end of the season to decide for sure.
If I know what is going on
regarding the future of Survivor, then I believe that they are filming the
thirty-third season right now. Normally I’m on top of filming dates, but I
haven’t been able to keep track as much lately. For instance, I have no idea
when this season was filmed, just that it was during the airing of Worlds
Apart. They will be in Fiji for seasons 33 and 34. I don’t know what they might
do regarding twists and all that. I also don’t know if there are returning
players on either of these seasons or not. I just know that I haven’t looked
into seeing which former contestants might not be on social media. Of course, I
think that it’s possible that Candice returns to play again on season 34
considering how she has played in seasons 13, 20, and 27. Mathematically
speaking, she should be back soon. But that’s only if the pattern continues,
which it might not.
It looks like in the near
future I will finally get to be on a Survivor podcast. This one is called
Survivor Showdown which seems to be a replacement for the one I originally
planned on being on before they decided to stop doing that podcast. (It
appeared that they didn’t care as much about it as they could have or used to.)
I’ll post the link to the episode I was on in this blog after it has been made.
But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the
show, Scot talks about how their alliance blew up. They decide to hide various
important objects away from their tribemates. Tai considers this to be a bit
too much. But Scot does decide to hide the tools. Why is he doing this? He must
want people to not like him.
In the second segment of the
show, Debbie talks about how the important items are missing. It seems the edit
is implying that a woman will probably win. If it were a woman, I’d guess that
it would be Michele who wins if it’s a woman. Scot pours water on the fire.
What is wrong with him? Tai is against what Scot and Jason are doing and
planning on doing with the other tribe members. This makes me really hope that
something bad doesn’t happen with the super idol. Although, they can only use
it once, so hopefully they don’t take out someone too important. Plus, the way
they are pissing off Tai may not make him go along with the plan to use the
The reward challenge has an
interesting way of deciding the two people playing. Joe decides to sit out and
he supports the group of Aubry, Debbie, Cydney, and Michele who are competing
against the team of Julia, Scot, Tai, and Jason. Julia made an interesting move
by deciding to support the men. Will this decision come back to haunt her? The
male team and Julia end up winning the challenge. Is this good or bad for Julia?
There isn’t enough in her edit to support a win, but now there might be enough
to show why she doesn’t.
In the third segment of the
show, people talk about the reward that they won. The men try to bring in Julia
and she seems to be playing both sides. I really don’t see this ending well for
Julia. The problem with the majority alliance thus far tends to be that they do
not have enough numbers to split the votes. The alliance wants to turn on
In the fourth segment of the
show, Tai puts out the fire, deciding to sabotage the tribe again. The woman’s
alliance thinks about getting rid of Julia, but Debbie thinks that they have to
stick with voting out either Scot or Jason. The most interesting part is that
they don’t realize that it was Tai who put out the first the second time. All
they have to do to win the immunity challenge is to hit a gong. Between that
and balls, whoever designs the challenges on Survivor probably has a dirty
mind. Or maybe it’s just us viewers that have minds like this. There are
numerous disasters for many players throughout the challenge. There sure are
enough ways to lose this challenge that it’s hard to tell who could win. It
seems like there is a design flaw with the dominoes or, at least, the plank
they are stacked out. Julia is the person who ends up winning the challenge.
In the fifth segment of the show,
Aubry is convinced that Julia could easily turn on their side. She lies to the
men about what the plan is, sticking with the women. But will people believe that
she is still on their side? It appears that Debbie could be a target of the
vote. Why would they get rid of Debbie? Julia might actually be the swing vote
and it is hard to tell what is going on. Tai reveals his idol at tribal council
as does Jason. They are actually trying to decide what happens with
rock/paper/scissors. But who will the vote go for? Jason gives his idol to Tai
so it becomes a super idol, I think. WHAT’S GOING ON!? The votes go all over
the place and one has to wonder if the idol will be needed. It wasn’t needed as
Debbie is the one that gets voted out of the game. I’m shaking as I’m typing
this over the type of craziness that I just witnessed. I don’t think that I can
rank this season as average when it is probably higher. But I’ll figure that
out later.
On the next Survivor, the man’s
alliance looks good, but it appears that Tai could flip on them. Will he? I
honestly can’t tell what’s happening and I’m quite glad that this is quite an
unpredictable season. I don’t know what will happen next.
Total confessional count: Cydney-
17, Jason- 20, Scot- 24, Julia- 9, Tai- 23, Debbie- 23, Aubry- 22, Joe- 11,
Michele- 15. New confessionals this episode: Jason- 2, Scot- 5, Julia- 3, Tai- 3,
Debbie- 2, Aubry- 6, Joe- 2, Michele- 2, Cydney- 3.
Debbie has two confessionals this
episode, the same number as Jason, Michele, and Joe. Everyone else has higher
confessionals this episode with Aubry at the highest with six. In terms of
total confessionals, Debbie has twenty-three, the same number as Tai. Scot is
the only one higher with them with twenty-four confessionals while everyone
else has less. Julia has nine confessionals, the lowest of the group. I’m not
sure if I can tell who will win based on confessionals alone, although they
always tend to say who won’t win. It could be a floater winning as I suspect,
although that wouldn’t be a bad thing. We’ll see what happens as this crazy
season continues to unfold. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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