Thursday, December 1, 2016

Episode 33.11

Now that Christmas is in full swing, I have a question that has been bugging me for quite a while. What’s the point of ugly Christmas sweaters? Why is that a thing? Can someone explain them to me? It doesn’t make any sense to me. Why can’t they at least be good looking Christmas sweaters? Does anyone else not understand them? If you do, let me know what the deal about them is. Maybe it’s one of the many things in life that I’ll just never understand. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Hannah is feeling bad as usual (was that the shortest recap ever?). David feels that his idol was wasted. Zeke gets a bit cocky after the vote. Will things go the way that he wants them to? I guess that we'll see...

In the second segment of the show, Ken receives the legacy advantage. It’s a good thing that he mentioned a previous promise of Jess or I wouldn’t have known why he got the advantage. It’s easy to forget things, if you can remember. We get to the reward challenge which is a loved ones challenge where everything could change. Things are emotional as usual.

It turns out that the advantage promo was a fake out because Adam insists before the challenge that he wouldn’t use it, this time at least. We’ll see if he does that or not. I do feel that he should have stolen David’s reward last episode, but it might be better if he never actually uses the advantage. Jay wins the challenge. He picks Will, Sunday, and Adam to join him on the reward. The contestants that don’t win don’t get a last hug with their loved ones.

In the third segment of the show, Jay respects Adam’s lack of using his advantage. Adam gets emotional news from his brother Evan about his mother. Adam feels inspired by this. Adam gives his advantage to Jay. Can he do that? I guess that he can. He just did.

In the fourth segment of the show, Will feels that he needs to take control of the game since people aren’t exactly taking him seriously. We then get to the immunity challenge. The challenge involves holding a bar. David is out first which must suck for him. Hannah is out next. Then, it is Will. I think that Sunday is out next. Zeke is then out which David celebrates a bit. Ken is then out leaving Jay and Adam as the only two left. Jay is out and Adam just barely wins the challenge. Will wants to use this opportunity to take out Zeke.

In the fifth segment of the show, Adam gets a bit cocky with his win in the challenge. I’m not sure if he can win the whole game, although he might be able to do an offset. Zeke wants to go after Ken. Whether or not Will can be trusted is brought up. Will lets Ken know that he is the target. This quickly goes around to other tribemates. This irritates everyone. Ken looks like he is the most in danger, but it is really hard to tell what is going on in this season. It’s nice to have things this crazy in the game.

Will admits at tribal that he was going to flip on Zeke. Is this like in Heroes versus Villains when Sandra tried to flip, but wasn’t able to since Candice flipped as well? As usual this season, I have no idea what is going on into the vote. Adam decides to play his idol on Hannah. She had votes so the idol play was worth it this time around. Zeke is voted out as a result.

On the next Survivor, Will continues trying to take charge, but Adam continues to be after his own way in the game. I still don’t know if Adam can make it long and I’m also wondering how we are going to get to the end of the game soon considering how there’s still so many people left.

Total confessional count: Ken- 16, Hannah- 19, Zeke- 30, Jay- 25, Will- 14, David- 35, Sunday- 9, Adam- 28, Bret- 12.

New confessionals this episode: Hannah- 2, Zeke- 2, Jay- 3, Will- 6, David- 3, Sunday- 0, Adam- 4, Bret- 0, Ken- 3. Special loved ones confessional: Evan- 1.

Zeke had two new confessionals this episode, the same number as Hannah.  Ken, Jay, Will, David, and Adam were all higher this episode. Will is the highest this episode with six confessionals. Sunday and Bret had no new confessionals this episode. In terms of total confessionals, Zeke had thirty. The only person with a higher count is David with thirty-five. Everyone else is lower than Zeke and David with Sunday as the lowest with nine. That’s pretty much all there is to mention regarding this episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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