Thursday, December 15, 2016

Survivor: Millennials versus Gen X Finale

I need to work on the end of the season awards, the officially unnamed awards that I give at the end of the season. I give an award for the three dumbest moves of the season, the breakout star of the season, I rank the season against the others, I rank the tribe swap among the other tribe swaps, and I also give an award to the most memorable moment of the season. I need to work on that so I know who will get what in the season. Also, I might be starting a new, secret blog. Well, it was planned to be secret as I don’t plan on identifying myself in it, but I’m not sure if it will end up that way or not. And it is all because of Adam that I’m doing this.

Once again, I have family visiting around the time that this episode aired. But, I’m not sure if it will affect this blog or not. If this is later than Thursday, then you’ll know why. I do plan on scheduling more posts for the last two Wednesdays in December. I plan on doing more random posts as usual, but I don’t think that any of them will appear on Sundays during the winter hiatus. I need to work on them, but I’m really getting too much on my plate and my work doesn’t even affect most of my writing.

There is something that I feel is worth mentioning. I’m afraid that during and before upcoming seasons of shows, I may be cursing some of the contestants from it. Whenever I notice that there is a contestant from a new season that shows up as a potential friend request on facebook, I tend to give them a request. How does this affect them? So far, of all the new players on seasons that I send a friend request to, those that accept tend to have some form of a negative or invisible edit. Why am I mentioning this? David from this season is someone who accepted a friend request of mine. I hope that he can still do well despite this. Maybe he can break the curse. If not, he could wind up like Spencer in Cambodia and have a terrible finale despite previous great game play. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we get to Jeff introducing the show. He is full of the usual hype that he’s known for. I can’t tell if this is more of a Jeff full of crap thing or not. At least he has the energy a host would need. I haven’t heard many, if any, people wanting a new host. As usual, we get an introduction to all of the final contestants, giving each of them one confessional each.

Jay talks about wasting his idol. He thinks that there is a new one hidden. Bret talks about a wasted opportunity tonight by getting rid of Sunday instead of either Jay or David. Speaking of David, he makes a fake idol. I love fake idols. I think that David is right and there are no idols left. We’ll see. Jay finds the fake idol and thinks that it is real.

In the second segment of the show, it is revealed that the legacy advantage is immunity at tonight’s tribal council. The challenge is for reward and immunity, with the reward being a nice, juicy steak, with all the fixings. Jay makes a mistake by not covering his combination which everyone else uses to progress in the challenge. David wins the challenge. Jay decides to steal the reward, but still invites David to share in it. He also has Adam, who gave him the advantage, partake in the reward as well. I wonder if they had the reward part of this challenge just for someone to potentially steal it.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the reward and Jay makes his case for staying in the game. He tries to target Bret. But it seems that everyone else wants to get rid of Jay. Since when did Jay become a threat to win? Also, there seems to be slight audio problems with the tape that I’m using. Adam and Jay seem to be best frenemies in the game.

Also, I need to get caught up on Ponderosa sometime. I honestly don’t know if I should be including that on my blog, although I tend to ignore any online exclusives for this blog. I might add Ponderosa in special, future posts when I do look backs on seasons. I can’t make sense of who might be going on after the tribal council. Jay plays his fake idol. Ken cancels out his votes with the legacy advantage. Jessica reacts because this could have been her with immunity. I’ve been loving the tribal councils this season. Hopefully, the others will be good too. Ken only cancelled out Jay’s vote for him.

In the fourth segment of the show, we go right to the next immunity challenge without any of the post tribal council life in between. David talks about how he thinks he will do bad since it is a water challenge. I wouldn’t like a water challenge either, although you’ll never know in advance what seasons will actually have them and what seasons won’t. Ken ends up winning the challenge with no one else seeing what the answer might be. Also, am I the only one who gets offended by the term participation trophy? I hear about them, but I don’t think that I’ve ever gotten one. That’s not to say that I don’t have trophies at all. I just didn’t get any just for participating. Not that I want one for that.

In the fifth segment of the show, Adam talks about wanting to get rid of David. He looks for a hidden immunity idol. After looking for the idol, but failing to find it, Adam thinks that David somehow has an idol, even though one probably doesn’t exist. Turns out, he does find a real idol. David still works with the idea of getting rid of Adam. Adam tells people about his idol for some odd reason. Hannah brags about playing both sides as if that normally works for most people.

David brings up a good point at tribal council regarding if players are the best if they don’t make it there. He is right. You have to vote for the best of who made the end, as many good players never make it that far. To little surprise, Adam plays his hidden immunity idol. But, it was Bret who got voted out.

In the sixth segment of the show, David is glad that he survived tribal council. I’m glad, although I would probably like most people to still win. We have brought back the final immunity challenge that first appeared as a final immunity challenge in One World. There is a thirty minute time limit to the challenge for some odd reason. Has that been there before? It seems messed up. I don’t really like challenges where you can lose all your progress so easily.

The challenge is tied between Hannah and Ken. We then get to a showdown between the two of them. Ken wins the showdown. I can’t tell if David was trying to help by talking to him or if he was doing something like yelling, “DON’T MESS UP!” to someone who you want to mess up.

In the seventh segment of the show, David talks about how he thinks that he is safe in the game, despite not winning immunity. Hannah wants to avoid a fire making challenge by making sure that all the other players get rid of David. Would they really pass up this opportunity? Adam openly tells David that he is going after David. Will there be another fire-making tie-breaker? Honestly, I’m not sure what will happen since my sense of time gets messed up by not watching something live. The threat of David is discussed. It was real as he gets voted out tonight. Guess that I did curse him.

In the eighth segment of the show, we get to the final three before the last tribal council this season. I honestly don’t know with of the three I’d rather have win. I’d probably want Adam to win, but I honestly don’t know for sure. What’s with the buzz cut, David?

Total confessional count: David- 44, Adam- 42, Bret- 20, Ken- 25, Hannah- 27, Jay- 34. New confessionals this episode: Ken- 6, Hannah- 6, Jay- 6, David- 7, Adam- 8, Bret- 6.

In the ninth segment of the show, Taylor wants each of them to pitch to him why they should vote for him. Hannah reacts to saying that she helped vote them out and grew in the game. The others give their responses as well. Sunday is next and asks how people are adaptable in the game. Ken takes this moment to chastise Hannah for flipping. Adam thinks that this was unpredictable, but Hannah defends herself. Jessica asks why Ken would vote out David and turn on his allies. Will asks Adam to defend his erratic voting behavior and Hannah interrupts to give her case. I wonder how people know who was voting for who anyways.

Zeke talks about what he did and Hannah again uses this to attack Adam. Why does she do that all the time? I’m hoping that she doesn’t win now. Michelle asks how Hannah was on the wrong side of the vote sometimes and there is more discussion going on. Bret then asks more questions that I kind of lose track of. Jay asks a question of Adam and Adam gets emotional as usual. Chris then makes his case for Adam to win the game. Also, how do they decide the order people talk in? David is the last person to talk and he wonders how Survivor has changed them. I do admire Adam’s story about his mother with cancer, but it’s kind of getting old. Does that make me sound heartless? Sorry if it does.

In the tenth segment of the show, we get to the final tribal council vote. We don’t see any of the votes revealed, which makes me wonder if the decision will be unanimous. Hey, I think that I’ll win! No, wait, I’m not the Adam who played this time. It is Adam who ends up winning. Yay! He gets the check right away, although I’m not sure why.

In the eleventh segment of the show, we get to Adam talking about his win. Production told Adam that he could do a future season if he refused this one to stay with his mother. He decided, as we all know, to go and play Survivor. In a way, this makes him connect with Jenna, a past winner. Jay discusses why Adam talked to him first about his mother. Adam gets to talk about his mother who died an hour after he got home and gets really emotional about him. I take back my possible insult about his mother’s story as I do like seeing a more human side to the players sometime.

Adam is working with Stand Up to Cancer. I wonder if his winnings will help with cancer research. He does decide to give 10% of his winnings in order to help cancer research. Also, could second hand smoke give someone lung cancer? It might be possible. We then get to talk some to David about how he became a threat to win. We then get to see more of Zeke. What’s with his mustache anyways? Zeke talks about the memorable moment of the rock draw. I love it because it came as a complete surprise, although I did like it in Blood versus Water even though they did give away that it was happening.

In the twelfth segment of the show, we get to Bret and Zeke having their bonding moment. He did tell people that he was gay before going out to play, but there were tons of people who didn’t know. Ken and Hannah apparently had a moment that I’m now realizing just how funny that moment was. I don’t fully understand the moment that was going on. Ken says that it is complicated whether or not he is currently single. Is he dating more than one person?

In the thirteenth segment of the show, we get to Michaela. She thought that loyalty was important, but realized how she made a mistake by doing the seashell moment. Jessica feels that she made the right choice by drawing for rocks, but she drew the wrong rock. We get to Will and why they decided to let him play since he’s only in high school still. I don’t think that there should be a second high-schooler playing. We hear from Sunday, as well as Taylor and Figgy. Taylor has a baby now, but not with Figgy as it would seem. What? We even get to Chris for some reason. It seems that most of the premerge contestants are ignored as usual. For shame, Jeff.

In the fourteenth segment of the show, we get to nature shots of the island for some odd reason. To no surprise, they are returning to Fiji as they always return to the location of the fall season when they do the spring season. We all know this has happened since Samoa. It will be called Survivor: Game Changers. I’m a bit confused as to who will be in the cast, although I’m pretty sure that I already know anyways. You’ll see it mentioned in a future paragraph. I’ll have to check it make sure that it is the right cast when you see the new season’s posts.

In the fifteenth segment of the show, we hear that there are no grudges held by this cast. Jeff tells us about the casting opportunity. I haven’t heard an official renewal yet, but I should probably apply for a change since it would be fun to do, I think.

Points at reunion show: Rachel- 0, Mari- 0, Paul- 0, Lucy- 0, CeCe- 0, Figgy- 1, Michaela- 1, Michelle- 1, Taylor- 1, Chris- 1, Jessica- 1, Zeke- 1, Will- 1, Sunday- 1, Jay- 1, Bret- 1, David- 1, Ken- 1, Hannah- 1, Adam- 2.

It seems to be a pretty good reunion show, even if they did ignore the first five people voted out and only talked to the winner twice. I’m glad that I didn’t have to work today so I could see the season finale earlier. I just hope that I don’t mess up the rest of my day because of it. Now, on to the end of the season awards that I do:

Let’s start with the three dumbest moves of season. I wasn’t entirely sure what would work as the three dumbest moves, but after the finale, I think that I have them. The award will go to Hannah for attacking Adam a lot at the final tribal council. I don’t know if that helped cost her the win or not, but I don’t think that it did her any good. The silver will go to Jay’s mistakes in this and the last episode. He wasted his idol and made a mistake that allowed others to win a challenge instead of him. The gold award will undoubtedly have to go to Taylor for digging his grave at tribal council.

Now let’s get to the breakout character of the season. In my mind, while there were tons of interesting people in the cast, the breakout character would have to be David for his ways of playing the game and going from zero chance of winning to a huge chance and everyone knew it.

What is the most memorable moment of the season? Well, there’s a lot to choose from, actually, although I’m not sure what would be the best. Ultimately, I’d probably have to go with the next rock draw as it just came out of nowhere and took us all by surprise.

Now let’s get to the ranking of this season and this season’s tribe swap. First, I’ll rank the tribe swap. I’ll admit that I might not have tribe swaps mentioned a good way as I don’t mention multiple swaps from a single season. But I do have 22 tribe swaps mentioned and think that this season ranks 9th out of all of them. As for how this season ranks among the other 33, I would rank this as 15th out of 33 seasons. It is a pretty good one, although I’m not sure if it offered much besides flashy tribal councils.

You might be wondering about what next season will be like. SPOILER. It is rumored to be an all-star season. Here is the rumored cast: Jeff Varner (Australia, Cambodia), Sandra (Pearl Islands, Heroes versus Villains), Cirie (Panama, Micronesia, Heroes versus Villains), Ozzy (Cook Islands, Micronesia, South Pacific), JT (Tocantins, Heroes versus Villains), Andrea (Redemption Island and Caramoan), Troyzan (One World), Malcolm (Philippines, Caramoan), Brad (Blood versus Water), Ciera (Blood versus Water, Cambodia), Sarah (Cagayan), Tony (Cagayan), Hali (Worlds Apart), Sierra (Worlds Apart), Caleb (Kaoh Rong), Debbie (Kaoh Rong), Tai (Kaoh Rong), Aubry (Kaoh Rong), Michaela (this season), and Zeke (this season). Of course, they have none of the original players from Guatemala, although Danni was an earlier rumored contestant. Will that ever happen? I know that none of the fans from Caramoan have returned yet either, but I would rather solve the Guatemala problem first before I worry about a season that happened around seven years later. I do not know if this cast is accurate or not, but we’ll see in the future what it is. END SPOILER. What’s weird is that Survivor won’t be returning until March 8th.

Well, I’m done with this blog post. I’ll also be moving this blog back to Wednesdays to update it then. Until the new season starts, you’ll see random posts as usual. All I have to do is stay two updates ahead at all times and then I should be good until the next season starts. I hope that you enjoy my random posts in the meantime. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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