Thursday, March 8, 2018

Episode 36.2

They have done a lot of island twists in the game. First there was Exile Island. They also did Redemption Island. Now they have Ghost Island. I don’t know yet if they’ll do it again or not. I also don’t know if the show is renewed for next season because they could be filming the next season right now and it could have Ghost Island in it as well. If things go well, this could be the best received island twist that they have used in the game thus far. And while I like Redemption Island as a twist, this one could wind up being more liked in the game. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, they remind us that James received votes in the recap so this has to be important for the rest of the episode. There isn’t much shown of camp life before we get to the tribes getting gathered together. They switch tribes. Different people have different feelings about the swap at hand. I don’t know who all is giving confessionals since they don’t give names for some and I don’t know all of these names because they haven’t told us too much about who these people are yet this early into the game. Chris wants to get rid of Domenick. But people are wary of Chris since he seems to them that he is just ordering people around.

In the second segment of the show, Stephanie Johnson, henceforth to be referred to as Stephanie, goes on an idol hunt with Jenna. Michael finds the idol that used to belong to James. He was only eight when Survivor: China aired? Geez, I thought that I was young, but I don’t think that I am. Libby gets to be in a Catholic alliance of some sort.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. I was already spoiled as to who would lose this challenge. It was hard to easily find this on tape. I need to learn the names of the tribes at some point in time. The orange tribe wins the challenge, but can’t reach consensus on who to send to Ghost Island. Thus, the person who goes by random chance is Chris. That might have been a good thing for him and he may not even know it. Donathan’s plans are ruined and Morgan is afraid of what will happen next.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to see Chris arrive at Ghost Island. He doesn’t get to play a game. How do they decide who gets to play a game or not? And what other twists could appear on this island? I don’t know what all are considered dumb decisions. The tribe doesn’t know who to vote for and people think that they should draw rocks.

Some of the people want to get rid of Angela. Donathan shows people his fake idol and he tells them that it is a fake idol. Only James thinks that he does have a real idol. Now everyone knows that Tony is Russell Hantz 2.0. What is this water well thing that James is using? I’ve never seen something like that before. Some people want Morgan to be voted off.

In the fifth segment of the show, Jeff points out that there is a four to four split. It doesn’t seem like anyone has a consensus on what should happen with the vote. As usual, I can’t seem to tell what is going on in regards to the potential vote. Nobody plays an idol. Does someone have one? It is hard to tell sometimes who has what. Morgan is voted out. Maybe this would be more of a shock if I had any idea of what was going on. Now what’s going to happen to the legacy advantage? It was her who had it, right? Will we see what happens right away?

On the next Survivor, there are people who might be dumb. There are idols out in play and lots of crazy things happening. In her exit confessional, Morgan gives her legacy advantage to Domenick. I didn’t check how the votes fell, although I’m not sure that I care because I don’t understand it anyways.

Total confessional count: Wendell- 2, Donathan- 5, Laurel- 1, Stephanie Johnson- 5, Bradley- 0, James- 4, Chris- 3, Sebastian- 2, Angela- 2, Morgan- 4, Brendan- 4, Chelsea- 0, Libby- 3, Michael- 4, Domenick- 6, Desiree- 1, Kellyn- 3, Jenna- 3.

New confessionals this episode: Angela- 2, Morgan- 3, Brendan- 2, Chelsea- 0, Libby- 3, Michael- 1, Domenick- 1, Desiree- 0, Kellyn- 1, Jenna- 1, Wendell- 1, Donathan- 3, Laurel- 0, Stephanie Johnson- 3, Bradley- 0, James- 2, Chris- 2, Sebastian- 1.

Morgan had three new confessionals this episode, the same number as Donathan, Libby, and Stephanie. They tie for the highest. The lowest, with zero a piece, is Bradley, Desiree, Laurel, and Chelsea. In terms of total confessionals, Morgan had four, the same number as Brendan, Michael, and James. The one who is highest is Domenick with six. The lowest in terms of total confessionals are Chelsea and Bradley who have zero a piece. We’ll see what happens with more of this season later and if things will get more interesting with things making more sense later. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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