Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Four Finalists on Day 39: Should it Happen?

I had thought of this idea a while ago, but didn’t know if I would be writing a post about it right away. But I took it off of the back burner and thought that I would post my thoughts on it due to various ways that they have changed the game in the past. I thought going into Cambodia that it was possible that there could be a final four for the first time.

For the first twelve seasons of the show, the format was very simple: two finalists would face off against a jury of seven. Then, they changed the format. One might wonder why they made it three finalists and kept with that format for all but three seasons from the thirteenth onward. But would they ever go to more than three finalists?

There probably isn’t much of a case for why they should be doing this. One might see it as people not being voted out fourth when they are otherwise the best player of the game. Of course, this is why they had started doing three finalists in the first place and some have always and will always criticize the new format will thinking that it’s somehow easy to bring two goats to the end.

Another reason that I can think of why they should do it is that it would get rid of the stupid new format of forced fire making tie-breakers. But is one bad format a good reason to get rid of a different one? I think that four finalists at the end would be a terrible idea. Why am I suggesting it? Well, it was just me thinking of what else could change the game in some way. I would have thought that they would do it since six people were starting at a finale instead of the usual five.

With far too much changing about the game and not changing back, I don’t think that they should just keep expanding the number of people at day 39. It is bad enough that there could be ties with more than two finalists. Four is just too many people at the end and it shouldn’t be done.

I think that’s all I can think of for this post. I hope that I can think of something for the next post of this blog next week. After that, I’m back to blogging about the new season of the show as usual. We will see what all could happen with this blog in the future and hopefully I can write it as quick as possible. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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