Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Redemption Island (the twist) Analysis

With there being three major island twists thus far, I thought that I would go back to one of them and do a look at to what all worked and didn’t work about it. Many people have rightful reason to hate this type of twist that changes the game. Did any of it work? I guess we’ll see.

If there was any good in a twist that changed the game the huge way it does, it would be that it can give people a second chance that they wouldn’t otherwise get. In the premerge part of the game, you could win your way through the game while being on a tribe that sucked. You could be a threat and still get to keep winning even if you were voted out after losing once.

Sadly, there’s too much bad in the twist as even the pros can seem like cons. In all cases where the twist had appeared, the people who won their way back into the game got voted out of it again at some point in time. Some lasted longer than others. It only really worked well in Blood versus Water and even then, its success is debatable at best. Often, it seemed like we were wasting airtime showing contestants who had no chance at winning by virtue of being there.

The biggest problem that I saw with it was that not all of the challenges worked or seemed fair in some way. Some only worked well if they were just between two players, which they weren’t all the time. Others were untested challenges and seemed horrible in execution. This is the biggest problem in my mind in terms of whether or not it would work.

I think that’s about it for this blog post. Sorry that it wasn’t longer in any way. I don’t always have the time to write what I want to and should, although I should be glad that I have the time at all for this and all the other blogs that I write about. It’s hard to believe that after all this time, the show is finally back with new episodes starting next week. I will see you then with the start of the next season’s episodes. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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