Friday, October 19, 2018

Episode 37.4

I don’t know who here in this group is a fan of VeggieTales, but if you are, I plan to share at least two of the videos from it here. I don’t know if I’ll do this or not. I might share more. But considering how they did Dave and the Giant Pickle about David and Goliath, I should share the silly song from it at the half way point or merge of this season. Another song from another story featuring King David, done in the video King George and His Ducky, would be a good one to share, especially given the showmance of the seasons that have happened.

The idol from Cook Islands was found by Yul. It was seen as far too powerful that season as he was seen as practically immune with it. While they could have voted for him and gotten rid of the idol, they never did. This makes the running tally of who found an idol- men: 3, women: 0. I would mention more in this post, but I’ve decided that I don’t have time and will not mention prayers for people this post. I will just get to the episode in question after first offering an explanation.

You see, you might be wondering why this post is late. I didn’t have time until now to watch it, which is why I didn’t watch it before. I have family over and thought that it would be best to just watch the show when I could, which was on Friday. Thus, I’m writing and publishing the post today after having missed my chance previously. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we get to Jeff bringing people into the place where they are being brought into. Bi is deciding to leave the game. Is she quitting? That’s so weird! All because of an injury that isn’t serious enough to get her pulled? This doesn’t make sense to me. The tribe swap is somehow considered unpredictable. They are split into three tribes and one person doesn’t have a buff. The tribes now have Goliaths outnumbering everyone on every tribe. Maybe this show is rigged. Carl is sent to Exile Island and the old tribe names are gone. Christian talks about the gerrymandering that is going on with the new tribes. I don’t know if gerrymandering is really as bad a problem as people think in reality. On Survivor, it is.

People on the new orange tribe get used to their new home. I don’t know if keeping track of the names of the tribes will be important or not so I’ll just call them by the color. Natalia is concerned that Kara is connecting too well with her opponents. On Exile Island, Carl learns that there is an advantage that he has to get quickly before the tide takes it away, thus explaining the confusing promo. At first, the edit tries to trick us into thinking that the advantage might have floated away. Man, some people really hate floaters in this game. But he does get an interesting advantage: an idol nullifier. It comes with some stipulations and I don’t know if he’ll get only one chance at using it.

In the second segment of the show, the purple tribe appears to be weak, according to Mike. Once again, Natalie bosses people around and people don’t like it. Nick wants to work with the Goliaths in the game. Mike tells Nick about how Dan has an idol. We then go back to the green tribe which was named after the most notable showmance on NCIS. Christian wants to bring forth the charmpocalpse, which is the name of this episode. Gabby worries about his close links with people. But Christian thinks that they are doing good things together. But she’s still worried.

In the third segment of the show, we get to what is probably the immunity challenge. It is the challenge and the first place tribe will get a reward in addition to immunity. Didn’t I say that would be a good way to do things? First place should win reward and immunity, second place, just immunity. I forget just how long ago I suggested that. The green tribe comes in first. Despite trailing for a while and struggling at the end, the purple tribe comes in second. This means that the orange tribe will go to tribal council. Kara thinks that the vote will be straightforward.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get back to the orange tribe after their loss. Elizabeth wants to find the idol and takes Davie with her. She doesn’t know that he has the idol. But there could be an idol for this tribe. Davie tells the former Goliaths about this. What is in about being on the wrong side of the numbers that gets the minority to ensure their own defeat? But things get more scrambled now than a great egg breakfast. People want to turn on Natalia maybe. Alec considers flipping, but knows that there are dangers with doing it since the Davids would have the numbers if the vote happens this way.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to the tribal council at hand. Or is it at foot? Or maybe at nose? Natalia thinks that the vote is easy. Davie thinks that Elizabeth should be voted out as she is too much of a threat to win down the line. She’s got friends on the other side. Are you ready? I’m going have to put a link to that song in here now. I still haven’t seen that movie. People think that Elizabeth is a threat. Alec openly whispers something into Elizabeth’s ear. Natalia questions everything now. After some side conversations, we get to the vote. No idols are played. Natalia is voted out. I did not get why there were three people voted for.

On the next Survivor, there are different storms following the fallout of the vote and the issues against Natalie continue. There is also yet another terrible storm that is affecting people. I don’t think that I have seen storms this bad on one single season before. I know that they have had to evacuate all of the contestants for a day before, but the storms seem to be ruling this season. Perhaps that will be more of a theme to this season…

Total confessional count: John- 5, Christian- 12, Kara- 5, Angelina- 6, Alec- 4, Bi- 3, Elizabeth- 7, Gabby- 9, Alison- 2, Dan- 5, Davie- 7, Lyrsa- 4, Mike- 10, Nick- 6, Natalia- 5, Carl- 4, Natalie- 7. New confessionals this episode: Mike- 2, Nick- 1, Natalia- 2, Carl- 1, Natalie- 1, John- 1, Christian- 4, Kara- 2, Angelina- 1, Alec- 2, Bi- 0, Elizabeth- 3, Gabby- 2, Alison- 0, Dan- 2, Davie- 4, Lyrsa- 0.

I’ve decided not to tell you what the total for each people is or means going forward. You can count with the two people who were eliminated in this episode, Bi and Natalia, and see what their numbers are with the others going forward. Now I wish that I could say and knew for sure whether or not I will be back on Wednesdays for the rest of this season until Advent. I should be there for as often as I can be, but I know that the episode before Thanksgiving could get tricky. We’ll see what happens and I hope to be on time as often as possible. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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