I have no idea what goes on
with the casting process with Survivor so I have no way of knowing for sure how
they came up with the cast of winners that they did for the current season. I
don’t know who all was asked back, who might have declined being on the season,
who was cut, or anything like that. I will now talk about all of the winners
from the show that are not on this upcoming season. I won’t say that any of
them were snubbed from not being included, although I don’t know why Richard
isn’t part of this. This is largely just a post talking about them while wondering why they weren't included some of the time.
Richard from Borneo and
All-Stars was the first winner and one of the most well known players from the
show, at least early on in the show’s life. He was also known for being naked
at one point, something that made other players uncomfortable. Even more
infamously, he went to jail for not reporting his winnings from the show on his
tax returns. He might still be having legal troubles and might not be able to
leave the country as a result. It is possible that they didn’t want him as they
feared there might be more issues with sexual harassment that they didn’t need
due to what happened with Dan last season. He is the one I’m most upset is not
on the new season, at least not without knowing why.
Tina from Australia,
All-Stars, and Blood versus Water was popular in some ways. She is a bit on the
older side of life, even though people don’t realize that as much. She would
have been great to see yet another time, but she is not returning, much like a
lot of the classic winners. I seem to notice that being a theme with this
upcoming season.
Vecepia from Marquesas hasn’t
seem to have had much of an impact on Survivor since she was in it the first
time. She had been asked back for All-Stars, but I don’t know what other
seasons she might have been asked back on. I’m not that upset that she’s not
back and especially wouldn’t want her just so she could be a diversity hire, if
you will.
Brian from Thailand is
honestly the worst winner of this show in my mind. He has been seen as quite a
repulsive person in some people’s minds like Jeff Probst’s. I think that the
show is better off without him returning, but I don’t know for sure if he was
asked back or not.
Jenna from Amazon and
All-Stars is also known as a naked winner like Richard is. When she played the
second time, she wound up quitting to spend time with her mother before she
died. While I do think that she could return (unlike most, if not all,
quitters), she might have had more going on in her life this time around or
didn’t want to risk playing with her ex, Ethan.
Chris Daugherty (unsure if
name is spelt right) from Vanuatu was a true underdog when he was able to win
the game, overcoming a tough majority of great women players. It seems that he
has never once been asked back to play the game again. I don’t know why that
would be. Maybe he was asked back for this season, but I have no way of knowing
this for sure.
Tom from Palau and Heroes
versus Villains should be on the 40th season since he was on the 10th
and 20th. But he is not. I don’t know if there is much to say about
him. If they followed a pattern, they would have had other players on other
seasons as well.
Aras from Panama and Blood
versus Water was once described as the most boring winner ever. He does not
have much status to fame, but could have had a lot to prove by playing this new
season. I plan to do a post on the winners and who has more to prove. I’ll
mention good things and bad things about their wins, but that’s a different
post, if I make it at all.
Earl from Fiji was the first
person to win unanimously. He could have had a better story overall than he did
in the end, as many other people’s favorites was Yau-Man and he was voted out.
There could be more of a story to Earl than we have now, but he is not back for
whatever reason.
Todd from China has had a hard
life after he played, largely due to his own choices of descending into
alcoholism. While he has recovered from it, last I checked, he might have too
many issues with it still and might not appear on this show again, outside of
as a cautionary tale to others.
Bob from Gabon is the oldest
winner on the show, I believe. As such, it is possible that he was deemed to be
too old to compete like Rudy was for the twentieth season. Or he just isn’t
part of the cast. I hope that this post isn’t becoming too redundant as I need
to post something today.
JT from Tocantins, Heroes
versus Villains, and Game Changers went from playing a perfect game to having
one of the most disastrous second appearances on the show and did very badly
the third time he played as well. If I could think of any of the previous
winners who was most likely to have declined being on this season, it would
have been him, worried about placing worse yet again.
Natalie White from Samoa was
an underrated winner in many people’s minds. She was quite better than some
would give her credit for. While many think she simply rode someone else’s
coattails, I don’t think that she did. She could have done a good job on
another season (or tried to at least), but she isn’t here to prove how well she
can do without a shield of someone playing badly.
Fabio from Nicaragua is a
hated winner, even though I like him. He might not be seen as the worst of the
winners anymore, but still might make that place on other’s lists if not mine.
Like people who both made the cast and didn’t, he would have a lot to prove the
second time around.
John from South Pacific and
Caramoan liked being called by his last name for some odd reason. I will not
call him that. He infamously flipped on his tribe the first time around, but
people seem to forget just how badly he was treated by them or how he couldn’t
have won with them anyways. He played one of the seasons that people quite despise
a lot, although I don’t know how much he is still hated among the fans of this
game. I neither hate him nor love him.
Mike from Worlds Apart was
going to be on another season if he hadn’t actually won it. I hope that he was
considered to be brought back, but maybe he wasn’t in the end. I’d like to see
him play the game again at some point, if the show keeps lasting, that is. What
is noticeable is how almost all of those who won the game after him are on the
next season.
Chris Underwood from Edge of
Extinction might have more to prove a second time around than all of the other
winners due to how he benefitted from twists like the main one of the season
which saw him return to the game near the finale after having been voted out
long before the merge. No one, not even Lillian from Pearl Islands, saw such a
benefital reversal of fortune like he did. I don’t know who else might have had
such an easy path to the win. Not even Boston Rob could claim that.
Tommy from Island of the Idols
was almost certain not to be in an all winner season due to the way and time
that they film seasons on Survivor. Him being on a season would have spoiled the
fact that he was a winner to the other players and the fans who learned the
cast before the season started. There’s not much else to say about this as he
could play again if the show lasts.
Well, I’m sorry if this post
seems redundant in places as I wasn’t quite sure where it would go when I
started writing it and can only hope that it is entertaining to you now that I
have written it. I do not yet know when I’ll be able to see more of Survivor:
Gabon so keep an eye out for that in the future. Just know for sure that it won’t
be on this coming Sunday as I will yield this to another blog. I'm weird like that. For now, this is
Adam Decker, signing off.
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