Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Survivor at 40: Greatest Moments and Players

There is a Survivor special airing a week before the season premiere so I figured that I might as well do a blog post on it. I might explain in a blog post for the next season what I was doing with my time that I normally devote to this show on Wednesdays and see what else is in store for the future. I won’t do that now as instead, I will get to the blog post in question.

In the first segment of the show, we are reminded of some of what happened in the first season of this show. We are going to be given new insights into the game with a sneak peak of what will happen next season. We are reminded of Jonny Fairplay’s lie about his grandmother who had not died. We learn more of Cirie’s struggle with one of the challenges that she was able to complete after losing it. Alliances were formed and present as long ago as the first season. Rob and Amber had the greatest alliance on the show thanks to their romance with each other. They are still together, four kids later.

In the second segment of the show, we are reminded of how people adapt to the game for all the twists in the game. Tony lied about his idol. Sarah used a secret advantage meant for another. We then learn about the fire making twist and how it affected the game going forward. For some reason, they make it seem like it was exciting in Cook Island when that season made it the most boring of them all. They then tell us of how Chris Underwood gave up immunity to get rid of Rick, a risk that paid off.

In the third segment of the show, we are given a segment on idols in the game. Parvati has two idols and she knew how to use them. She knew which two players weren’t safe. James in China didn’t know how to play either of his idols and say safe. Russell Hantz became notorious for finding idols. They ended up hiding idols at challenges. Some contestants started hiding fake idols which lead to great moments when others had tried to play them.

In the fourth segment of the show, we are given tribal council moments that had happened over all of the seasons throughout the game. They had to explain what happened in Cambodia after all of those had immunity and only a unanimous decision could decide what went on. In Blood versus Water, Ciera voted out her own mother, even though she didn’t have to as Laura would have been voted out either way. In Game Changers, Cirie was voted out since no one was eligible for elimination. In Ghost Island, there was a tie at the final tribal council. We are then reminded of the epic blindside that had happened of Erik at Micronesia. Everyone played their roll perfectly.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get the first sneak peak of the 40th season of the show. People have been waiting a while to see the Super Bowl of Survivor seasons. Parvati hasn’t been able to be her old diabolical self lately since she hasn’t been on Survivor. Amber wants to beat her husband, whom she is competing against now. The contestants arrive at the challenge side. The men arrive first and the other group is the women. Sandra feels betrayed that Rob is playing again. People point out that his wife is here too. We’ll have to wait to find out what happens next week when next season starts.

So this special didn’t really offer much to it, but I guess that I’ll keep this post the way it is written since no other post is ready for Wednesday like their otherwise could be. There will be a post this Sunday. I will be back then with the next post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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