Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Survivor: Winners at War Premiere

I never thought until recently that the show would be ending. I am a bit worried that it will. Maybe I still have nothing to worry about. You’d think that this would be an unlikely event, the show ending. But you also might think that this would be an ideal season to end with. I have no idea what the future, if any, of this show will be. People have been a bit irritated at some of the recent seasons. But they thought that after the first few seasons that aired after Heroes versus Villains.

I don’t have the same hatred of a lot of the seasons that some of the fans do. It depends on the season. All I know is that if enough fans stop their support of the show by not tuning in anymore, there will not be a show on anymore. It has not been a thing that has happened yet. I don’t even know what shows it has happened to offhand. I hope that there aren’t people hate watching it. Don’t watch anything if you are just going to hate watch it. We’ll see what happens in the future.

Something that I’m wondering right now is about the potential alliances due to former season links. Some of these contestants have played the same season as each other and two are married to each other. I wouldn’t say that means automatic alliance, but I would say that it is something everyone should look out for going into this season. I don't know why it wouldn't be important.

I wonder about the Edge of Extinction factors going into this season. It is like climate change because it changes everything about the known game. We are in the fuck it weather stage of this planet. I hope that this is the last time that Edge of Extinction is used. If they want to give the winners a second chance, they should have just used Redemption Island instead. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Tony talks about this being the Super Bowl of Survivor seasons. Ethan thinks that it is a miracle that he is still here today. Parvati misses being her diabolic self. Amber wants to beat her husband again. The contestants arrive at a sand area where the men gather first. Yep. It is just like what God did. He made men and then something better came along. The women come next to the sandy area and gather with the men. Sandra feels betrayed to see Rob here since she didn’t know that he was playing again. Wendell is glad that he won and then gets to play again. Yul talks about how the game has changed, as does Amber. Jeff thinks that they should have a toast to celebrate the occasion. He pops open a bottle of alcohol. Ben talks about some of what is going on. Jeff reveals that they are not doing a men versus women season of all star players. I might like to see that at some point.

We get the red tribes and blue tribes revealed. I wonder who took care of Rob and Amber’s kids while they were away. Jeff talks about fire tokens that are being introduced and he tells them about the Edge of Extinction, being open about it this time. They also learn that the grand prize has been doubled this season. I don’t know how much the runner-up will get, but I do hope that it is less than a million.

Jeff explains that the first challenge is for both immunity and reward. This might be the first time that a person will be voted out this soon in the game. But when is tribal council? And how many twists will be in this new season? I guess that we’ll find out. What role will the fire tokens play? We don’t know yet what it might do, although it likely won’t take place until after the challenge. The red tribe wins. The blue tribe will not be voting someone out tonight, but will vote someone out the next night. Adam thinks that there is no easy target, but someone has to go.

In the second segment of the show, the red tribe learns more about the fire tokens and how it can help them at or before any challenge. But they would have to work together, combining their money to pay for more than one thing at the moment. Sarah, Amber, and Tyson talk about leaving their families and others behind. Sandra might be looking for revenge against Sarah and tries to make amends with Tony. But is this sincere?Meanwhile, Sele arrives at their camp and talks about what to do going ahead this season.

Rob is upset that they have lost right away. Parvati is now married… with children, er, a child. This will change some of her strategy in the game. Ethan thinks that playing Survivor is living. He feared death. I don’t fear death. I have accepted that it will happen. If Davy Jones asks if you fear death, you stab him so he knows that you mean no.

Denise doesn’t want to go to every tribal council this time around and is upset that she will once again have to go to tribal council and forms an alliance with Adam, but the others notice them wondering off. Tony wants to find an idol again, but has to play and keep it cool, not wanting to repeat his mistakes from the second time he played the game. He is the person who came in worst at another season of all the winners in this season, if not all the winners who ever played the game. Amber is emotional as she looks for tribe materials and look for an idol. She can’t be gone too long. Yul wants to align with Sophie as he is concerned that others might have alliances including from a poker game that was on TV.

Rob and Parvati might be working together this time around. She is a bit skeptical of this choice. Danni thinks that they should get rid of Rob right away due to him being well connected. Ben reveals this to Rob after being initially hesitate of it. Rob confronts Danni about this. She owns it, but tries to play it off as not only him being targeted. Now they might be working together, doing an old school alliance.

In the third segment of the show, Ben is glad that people aren’t after him. The vote might be between Denise and Adam. But Adam seeks to go after Natalie and Jeremy since Natalie admits that she will be willing to work with him again. Rob is sure that he knows how to dictate the vote. They still don’t know how the vote might go this time around even as they are set to go to tribal council next. They go off to tribal council with many possibilities in the air.

In the fourth segment of the show, Ethan talks about how the game has changed this time around. Rob talks about how Denise and Adam left on their own with each other at some point. Natalie is worried that she might suffer her sister’s fate in the game. Michele talks about how everything could change this season. There is whispering going on while someone else is talking. The votes are cast and we go to a commercial break next instead of getting straight to the results.

In the fifth segment of the show, Natalie is voted out and she is forced to go to the edge of extinction. She gives her fire token to Jeremy. She didn’t have to give it to someone on her tribe. She is now in limbo and has the chance to earn more fire tokens in the game. Sandra talks about her philosophy. Is it AM philosophy like the kids from ABC? Sandra is upset still that Rob is playing again when he said that he wouldn’t do that. Meanwhile, Yul forms an alliance with other men on the tribe.

In the sixth segment of the show, Michele talks about being left out of the vote. She feels that she has more to prove as a winner. I hate that people don’t like her. There might be a new school alliance in the game. Jeremy gets a second fire token that was Natalie’s that makes him the richest person in the game. On Extinction Island, Natalie follows a clue to find a fire token. Is this the same Extinction Island as the last time that they had it in the game? She gets an idol she can sell to someone on the losing tribe. But how will she do that? The idol only lasts for three tribal councils.

In the seventh segment of the show, we get to the next challenge. It is an immunity challenge that will be going on this time around. Despite setbacks at part of the challenge, the blue tribe wins giving Denise her first ever tribal immunity win. Rob is worried that his wife will be the target.

In the eighth segment of the show, the tribe wonders who to vote out and Tony actually asks if there are any volunteers. Many names are brought up at the start. Everyone is a threat. Everyone is out for blood. Sandra sows discord since she got the idol in exchange for her fire token. I might have to do a running tally as to who has what numbered fire token. I mean, I keep track of confessionals.

Tyson is brought up as the name as to who should be voted out. There are talks of a supposed poker alliance. Tyson realizes that he should do more to survive the vote. Kim thinks that she is in danger since no one is talking to her. All the votes are up in the air this time around. She thinks it is certain that someone from the poker alliance will be voted out.

In the ninth segment of the show, Amber talks about how the game has changed when she is at tribal council with the rest of the tribe. Tony came to play. Amber hasn’t been around for a while. She and Ethan are the two players this season who had the longest gap of play ever. Kim admits that she knows that she is a target due to the poker alliance.

Kim tries to convince others that this three hour game of poker wasn’t something that affects the game now. Does she know when to hold? Know when to fold? Sandra talks about how things will change since double the money is at stake. We get to the votes next. While Kim gets a lot of votes, it is Amber who is voted out of the game. She gives her fire token to her husband as she goes to the edge of extinction. Who else would she have given it to?

On the next Survivor, Rob wonders who voted out his wife. Someone has to do something dangerous with a ladder or otherwise does it for some odd reason. Will there be a medical evacuation? I guess we will have to see what will go on later. Amber talks some as she arrives on Extinction Island, but we do not know how the votes fall, yet at least.

Total confessional count: Natalie- 3, Tyson- 2, Danni- 2, Sophie- 2, Jeremy- 2, Sandra- 4, Ben- 3, Michele- 1, Wendell- 1, Adam- 3, Yul- 3, Sarah- 1, Amber- 3, Rob- 4, Parvati- 4, Kim- 1, Denise- 1, Tony- 3, Nick- 1, Ethan- 2.

Fire token count: Ethan- 1, Tyson- 1, Danni- 1, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 2, Sandra- 0, Ben- 1, Michele- 1, Wendell- 1, Adam- 1, Yul- 1, Sarah- 1, Rob- 2, Parvati- 1, Kim- 1, Denise- 1, Tony- 1, Nick- 1; Natalie- 1, Amber- 0.

Jeremy and Rob have the highest amount of fire tokens with two a piece whereas Sandra has none, but does have an idol good for two more tribal councils. Rob, Sandra, and Parvati have the highest number of confessionals right now. The lowest is a tie between Michele, Wendell, Sarah, Kim, Denise, and Nick. We will see what goes on with them later. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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