If anyone has commented on this blog and I haven't replied to it, then I'm sorry. I don't know how to access comments after the blog post is updated. Also, if you are a former Survivor contestant and you are on twitter, please let me know if our account is real. I also wouldn't mind following you on twitter if you worked for the show in some way shape or form. That way, I know who you are. I might be interested in you are not even know it. I am following these accounts on twitter: Russell Swan, Jessica "Sugar" Kiper, and other Survivor contestants that I can't remember. I'd post the links here, but I think that you have to find them for yourself. And like I said before, I'm not sure if these accounts are real or not. You know I'm following you. Don't be afraid to send me a tweet sometime. Also, if I ever became a contestant, I would probably be a superfan. Those people can be dumb players in the game and I haven't watch the first season, but I might do better in the game than people who haven't seen the game much. Of the other four stereotypical Survivor contestants (and yes, Nicole, I know you are reading this and this is your idea and not mine) I know I wouldn't be the person who is there for the money, I don't like being called by my last name, I wouldn't use looks to get ahead (although stranger things have happened), and I definitely wouldn't be the strong man who thinks that I can win every challenge to when the game. Find my sister's blog and you can ask her what I'm talking about. Or go to www.youtube.com and hope that you can find the video that she may or may not have posted. Boy, this post is ridiculous. But, it comes with the territory. I always do strange pre Survivor ramblings before I get to the actually point and events of the episode. But, if you are still reading this, than at least I know that I haven't wasted my time completely. Also, be sure to find my other blog on this website which I have mentioned before. If I had the link to it, then I would post it here. But I'm sure that a google search can help you find my other ramblings. There may be many comments there already that I have no idea exist. So I'm sorry that I haven't replied to them. Also, I should update more of my TV blog as a lot has happened in the television world outside the Survivor world that I have no idea about. Also, if you are wasting too much time on the internet reading this blog, you might want to see a doctor. You could suffer from internet addiction, a wonderfully awesome, but very serious problem. Or, you may just like blogs. I think that I have a writing addiction. Otherwise, I never would have started this blog. I just hope that you are reading this right now. I might be writing this for no good reason and I may never actually publish this. I hope that I did, but I don't know. Also, in case you are wondering, Adam Decker, why are you so neurotic? Well, that's the kind of person that I am. I am very asocial and would never be like this outside of the internet. If you know me in real life, you already know enough about me. Also, I have yet to get an email from google telling me that someone has replied to this blog or not. I have no idea who in their right mind would do that, but it doesn't matter. Also, I remember that I'm following Eliza from Survivor: Vanuatu and Fans Versus Favorites on twitter. I don't know if that is really her or not either. I hope that it is. I really do. But in case you are wondering how big a Survivor nerd I am, consider this: when I find an old episode on VHS, I watch it in its entirety, even though I know everything that is going to happen in it. So I hope that you get that same thrill out of my blog as you do when you watch an old episode from an old season. I am the kind of person that should have a podcast, whatever that is. But there are a lot of TV shows that I'm nerdy about. That's why I'm on www.fanfiction.net. In fact, that is probably how you found this blog. If it was, then self promotion works! If it wasn't, than whatever I did still works. Maybe you've found a lot of my posts at www.tvseriesfinale.com and that is how you know who I am. Or, maybe you like blogs and thought mine was entertaining. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you've found the right Adam Decker. There are a lot of Adam Deckers in this world. I am merely one of many. Also, if someone can explain why Katie was the one voted off in the last episode, I would like to know. Something was clearly lost in editing. Also, I honestly don't know much about her in terms of the game. There are many forums that I'm a part of and maybe that's how you know me. Hopefully, you don't know me as a banned member of a forum. Also, in terms of forums, is Survivor Sucks a good forum for Survivor fans or a horrible one? I've never really understood the point of that forum. I've never been there either. I would recommend avoiding it anyways as it is only know for promoting spoilers that may or may not be true. I do not like spoilers and am not going to look for any. If you know any, DO NOT post them here or I will not like it. I also don't think that any other fans of Survivor would like to know who gets voted out in this episode before the person leaves the game. Spoilers are the reason that I wasn't too excited about Heroes Versus Villains. I already knew who the final three would be and the spoilers turned out to be accurate. So I wouldn't look for something stupid like that. I don't want to know what will happen before it happens. But I guess that is probably because I went places I shouldn't have gone and did things that I shouldn't have done. The spoilers may also have been because of Russell Hantz, resident asshole of the Survivor universe. I can't believe that he thinks he's the best player or that any other person thinks that he's good. But, if you see a season with accurate spoilers and he's in it, I hate to tell you, but he made it very far. Besides, he can probably afford the five million dollar penalty that people are charged with if they reveal spoilers. Although, it could have easily been someone else who worked on both seasons that never signed a contract. Anyone could have been the source of thos rumors and Russell has denied that he was the one responsible. That's why I would never blog about a season I was in until after it aired. If you know me outside of the game, I can't tell you what will happen. Besides, you are only charged the money if they find out that you were the one who really did it and you signed a contract telling people that you wouldn't. Besides, spoilers could easily be fake. Remember how Boston Rob was voted out before the merge in Survivor: Redemption Island? (He wasn't)
Man that rambling was way too long. It really was. I should get to the point. There are many Survivor communities out there for everyone who is a super nerd. And there are many people who would have read books that were written by the former contestant. I should read Michael Skupin's fireproof book. I really should. I have seen a movie called fireproof, but it has nothing to do with that book. There is also a book based off of the movie fireproof that has nothing to do with the book Michael wrote. So it is really confusing, if you ask me. I am also tired of all these veterans returning to the game of Survivor. Have they run out of ideas for good seasons? Maybe they have or will have when they do a Celebrity Survivor. That's when they've jumped the shark. I'd hate to think of who would even pass for a celebrity who would want to compete for a charity and not themselves. Besides, when an international version of Survivor does celebrity seasons, they normally have a lot of contestants who quit the game very early into it. So I don't think that it would be a good idea. I really don't. Does Survivor need more contestants who are (in)famous for quitting the game? I hate it every time a contestant quits, even though I don't know why they really do it. I should note that most of the random information in these blogs come from www.wikipedia.org and thus may not be accurate. Have you seen the wikipedia page on wikipedia? They could not have painted themselves in a better light and that page is locked from the average change that most people would make. So don't blame me for any inaccuracies in this blog post, or any blog post for that matter. I'm just telling you to be wary of spoilers. You'll never find them here. Unless, of course, I'm on the show and become an idiot. Besides, I'm dumb enough already. I'd probably be an immediate outcast like Zane. Also, I'm surprised that misrepresentation of contestants has never been a controversy caused by Survivor. It very easily could be. But most people don't know everything that happens on the island. Based on questions asked during reunion shows, Jeff Probst himself doesn't know what happened sometimes. I, for one, am very interested in who will win the game. But I have no idea, as I'm not into spoilers in the blog. If you, the reader, know any and post any in this blog, you are the problem and not me. Besides, I have yet to get an email saying that someone has commented on this blog. I just hope that someone is reading this. And if you found this blog through my www.fanfiction.net account, I hope you like what I've said. But I've already mentioned that once in this post alone. Sorry for repeating myself. I do that a lot. Also, if you like saying that anyone can make wikipedia wrong, consider this: can't anyone make it right as well? I take sole responsibility for any misinformation contained in these blogs. I don't even know where some of this information comes from. Besides, if CBS or anyone else starts sending me angry tweets or angry posts in this blog, then I know that I said something stupid and I will probably stop writing this or any other blog. In regards to the whole controversies caused by Survivor, I once heard of an international season that was either cancelled or unaired for some reason. I know that the rules of The Amazing Race say that the contestants earn the winnings they get whether the season ends up airing or not. I don't know if something like that would ever happen on the American Survivor. If they did cancel a season, there would have to be a very serious reason like a contestant dying. I hope that never happens and whoever was in that season may never be allowed to talk about it. I'd imagine that they'd film a replacement season, but if we'd ever see these contestants again would be unknown by the general public. It would be the biggest controversy in Survivor history, if it ever happens. We'll never know. Besides, they'd have to offer the remaining players something if the season never aired but was filmed entirely. But, I should stop rambling now and get to the point of this blog post. What happens in this next episode?
Sorry in advance that this isn't the typical blog post. I couldn't write this while the episode was airing. At the tribal council, RC and Jonathan had the same number of votes, or Jonathan had one more. Jonathan is probably feeling better that he hadn't played his idol at the last tribal council because he could have been going home today if he had. I don't know what a revote would have done and who would have gone home if that had happened. I forget who on Tandang had the immunity idol. I hope that it wasn't RC. I don't know exactly what the rules are regarding idols are. From what I understand in past seasons, if the player has the idol at tribal council, doesn't play it, and gets voted out, than the idol is not replaced. If the idol is left at camp and not brought to tribal council, it is found by producers, hid again, and reused in the game. I don't know if an idol by a person voted out can be given to a player at tribal council or not. If it is, it is normally before the vote so the new player can use it. But I know that in Survivor: China, when James got voted out with both immunity idols, he took them with him after the vote and they did not reenter the game. Also, if an idol is used properly at a tribal council, it may or may not enter the game, depending on what the producers do. I do not think that they will replace Jonathan's idol since there are still two in the game. I wish that I knew who has the idol from the old Tandang tribe. If it was RC, than only one idol remains in the game. If it wasn't, than there are two. The merge came at a strange point since there has never been a merge at eleven players before. The jury started with this episode. I don't know if they are doing a final three or final two. They typically do final threes in seasons they've made lately and the last season not to have one was Tocantins. So there will either be a final three and jury of eight or a final two and jury of nine. Now there are Survivor firsts that have happened this season that I can't believe I haven't noticed yet. Matsing is the first tribe to lose every challenge it was in. Denise is the first contestant in a season to attend every tribal council in a single season. Even in Survivor: Palau, there were two tribal councils that Stephenie wasn't at. Also, this is the first time that a tribe has avoided tribal council before a merge in Survivor history. The only two seasons before where one tribe won every immunity challenge had a twist that brought them to council and had them vote out a member of their tribe at least once. Those two seasons were Palau and Fiji. The only other important part of this episode is the merge. I don't know why they never told us the name of the new tribe. Do they even have a name? If they do, they have yet to inform the viewers what that name is. That's an important detail that I think that they left out. I don't know if Jonathan will last much longer in the game. He probably doesn't have that many friends left, if he has any at all. Also, it is interesting that the contestants think that the Matsing immunity idol is no longer in play. Well, Lisa and the two Matsing members both know that it is. But some contestants think that it isn't in the game. But, to be far, some people thought that Colton's idol last season might still be in play after he left. So we have no idea what will happen with the idol from that tribe. I for one am sad that RC is gone. I don't know why it seems that women are always the ones getting voted out. But I guess that I didn't really know who she was or that she did much in the game. It's a shame that whatever she did was edited out. But I'm looking forward to the next episode. The promo for the episode made it seem that Jonathan would be fighting for his life in the game. It could have easily been him voted out this episode. Hopefully, the next blog post will be normal. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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