As this season of Survivor continues to air, I still have a lot of questions in my mind completely unrelated to this season. Is Survivor Sucks a website forum for or against Survivor? Are the spoilers there accurate? How many Survivor contestants have real twitter accounts? Does anyone related to the show read this blog? Who will win the season? What contestants will return for the next season (provided it really is an all stars season of some sort)? Does more than one person read this blog? Why does the promo for each new episode always suck? If I had a podcast, would I be able to get as many people as another podcast that exists online (link in last post)? Do people read this blog because they watch Survivor or do they watch Survivor because they read this blog? But Survivor has had hundreds of players. Some of them might be reading this blog. Also, I'm still surprised that they aren't going back to Palau and filming two back to back season while the new tribes are lead by players of the tenth season who've never played a second time yet. There are sixteen available contestants that would be great (three have played the game again and one has died). But, if you read this blog, you already know what I have to say about that season. Also, what would be strange in my mind is if there was a Survivor season without a Survivor first. That, in and of itself, would be a first. Can you imagine people talking about the first Survivor without a first? Sorry if this sounds confusing. Also, why have fake immunity idols never been a part of the game since Survivor: Gabon? You'd think that players would be interested in deceiving other players with fake idols. I guess that's a thing of the past or nobody has thought of doing it again. And another thing: In regards to Redemption Island, why was it never an island? It was used twice and neither season had it as an island. It was a good idea, but because they didn't know how to do it right, it disappeared, never to be seen again. If it does get seen again, I hope that just the viewers and not the players get to see what happens. Also, Exile Island was retired after Coach in Survivor: Tocantins made it a good thing instead of a bad thing, but the island was already flawed to begin with. You shouldn't be allowed to send the same player in back to back episodes. Also, if they ever do Redemption Island again, then they shouldn't use the hidden immunity idol that season. But I did like the seasons were the hidden immunity idol was only available to those who went to Exile Island. Something else I was wondering: why haven't I ever met a Survivor contestant? There are so many of them. I should have met one by now. I guess that none live in my area and since I can't go to places where they might live, I'm pretty much stuck with never meeting one. I could always go to a reunion show if I suddenly found myself with a surplus of free time. Or I could go on the show myself. I already know the nonexistent rule that I would probably test to see if my theory is true. That theory, which I've mentioned before, is that if there's no rule against it, than the contestants can do whatever they want. If it is reasonable, then the theory is true. If it is highly unreasonable, than it might not be. I wouldn't want to be the first contestant expelled from the game. Honestly, that's a first that I hope never happens. That would mess up a lot. Would they even get prize money? Would they be banned from the reunion show and every future season? Also, if they do a Celebrity Survivor, than who would qualify as a celebrity? There have been so many playing for themselves whom I've never known of outside Survivor. And since celebrity editions of reality shows require the players to play for a charity instead of themselves, how would they even convince anyone that they should play that way? I wouldn't want to play for a charity if I were a celebrity on Survivor. If I were a celebrity outside Survivor and were playing for some charity, than I'd probably make it a good one like the It Happened to Alexa fund, which I actually did play for in a dream of mine.
Also, does anyone who read this blog watch The Jeff Probst Show? For some odd reason that Jeff Probst isn't associated with Survivor in any way, shape, or form. I wish that they would do interviews with contestants that were voted out like they used to do on The Early Show. But at least Jeff is still hosting Survivor. I'd fear for the future of this show if they had to have a different host. Another thing I should add to my blog are the three stupidest moves, players, decisions, etc from this season. I think that I will in the last blog post of mine this season. I will do that when the finale airs. I don't know who will win. I could do a guess as to who I want to win and another as to who will actually win, but I don't think that I will. I could, but I won't. If you are ever interested in my crazy Survivor obsession, don't be afraid to post here and ask me about it. By the way, don't waste your time with the Survivor Sucks forum. It's a pointless waste of time. Also, if you are a former Survivor contestant and your real self is on twitter, send @IamAdamDecker a tweet sometime. I will try to find more of you to follow. And thank your Russell Swan for replying to my tweet. Should I tell you about this blog? I hope that you like what I've said here if you do read it. Also, when it comes time for Advent and Lent, my blog will become very strange. Hopefully, it will still exist. I know that I'll have to start recording shows and watching them later while I normally blog about the episode when it first airs. Of course, I publish the post later and that gets into some of the problems. The post will be written a long time before it gets published to the corresponding episode. Also, regarding Jeff's rant: taxes are the reason that many contestants blow their winning immediately. Otherwise, so many of the people could wind up not reporting it on their income tax reports and thus go into jail. But to my knowledge, that has only happened once with one person. And that person won. I also find it humorous that Jeff Kent's rant talked about Obama, who was president at the time, but was not yet reelected until the footage aired. That will show rich people whose boss. I can't think of someone who has started rich and actually won the game. Those people are normally assholes like Russell Hantz. And if he's reading this, take note: there's a reason I'm not following him on twitter. My prediction for the season: Should win: Denise, Will win: Michael.
Here's another thought: could the host of Survivor want to leave? I heard rumors that he wanted to stop hosting since the moment his contract was first up for renewal. If you following the contracting news, you might realize that lately they only seem to get him for two seasons at a time and never any more. If the next season is an all star season, then it could be the last with the regular host we love as a way to send him off. If they do have to get a new host, I have no idea who they would choose. Would it be a former contestant? Would it be a famous person who is a big fan of Survivor? Will it be someone completely new in the industry like Jeff Probst was when he was hired to do that first season? Mark Burnett has said that he chose Jeff for the job because he was the most eager of all the applicants. Mark also said that if he didn't hire Jeff, he would have gone with the person who ended up hosting The Amazing Race. I hope that if seasons 27 and 28 find a new host, that he or she is good at the job. They'd be stuck with the person for at least two seasons so hopefully they pick a good one, if they need a replacement. Most fans say that if Jeff Probst were to leave, that they would stop watching. Jeff could host both his talk show and Survivor, considering that Survivor would probably be filmed as his talk show is on summer break. I don't want to spread untrue rumors that Jeff is leaving the hosting duties, but I don't know for sure. Also, is anyone annoyed that most reality show hosts are guys? Can't women be hosts as well? Who would a replacement host be? Would they be associated with CBS or some other successful venue outside Survivor? Would it Colby Donaldson or Jenna from Amazon? I know that an actress from The Big Bang Theory is a fan of the show. Would they be able to get her to host? Besides, would she be able to star on two shows at once? (The actress I'm referring to plays Amy.) I guess if Survivor 26 is the last time Jeff hosts the show, we will find out then. I just hope that his talk show is a good alternate career to this, if he stops hosting Survivor. I've heard that bad hosts have ruined international Survivor seasons. But I don't know for sure if they did. Also, to my knowledge, Jeff is not going to stop hosting Survivor. I don't want any of you confused. It's merely a possibility, like anything is. Poor Jeff is a busy man. After filming for this season wrapped, he had to do the One World Reunion show only to fly back here to do the 26th season. I don't know when he had time to do a pilot for a talk show, much less the show itself. I've even heard that he keeps regular contact with his wife and filming while filming Survivor seasons which could suggest constant flying back and forth all the time. I'll never know how he goes to New York for some of the Survivor reunion shows. In case you didn't know, some but not all of the reunion shows are filmed at the Ed Sullivan theatre. How that works with filming the Late Show at the same time is beyond my understanding. Normally the Late Show would be on break, I'm guessing. There are probably people who work on setting on the theatre for the reunion show one day and the Late Show the next. I'd love to hear some of their stories. But enough of my ramblings.
In the recap, they pointed out how Lisa had screwed up recently by making the big move that she did. When they came back from tribal council, Jonathan learned that he was the one who screwed up the vote. A tie wouldn't have helped anything, but since he voted for Abby, he may have messed things up. He also wondered who on the tribe was playing what game. Poor Lisa wanted to be known for more than just a teen star, and people that just recognize her for that would find it hard to live the game. My mother thinks that her confessional is interesting and mature. The reward challenge was with muddy people getting balls in baskets. They have definitely done this type of challenge before. The winner gets to be ambassadors to a nearby area to help them with supplies. Abby is given an ill luck of the draw and can't be in the challenge. She should at least be able to vote for a team to win so she can win with her pick of team. My sister wishes that she could win this challenge and thinks that Lisa will be voted out this episode. The red team of I forgot who are doing better in the challenge. Poor Artis isn't getting much attention this season, so he's either not important yet or he'll be more important later. I have no idea who will get voted out. The red team will probably win unless the yellow team gets a big comeback. They don't. Malcolm, Penner, Denise, and Carter were the red team and won.
In the next segment of the show, the native village in the Philippians was were the reward challenge went to. Jonathan had trouble explaining his name to the kids. He goes by Penner, but that's not his first name. I would be confused too. When I was young I didn't know why my cousins referred to my aunt as mom and my mom as aunt. The politics of the game even continued on the challenge. That's a bummer for those in the game, if you ask me. Back at the camp, different politics played out. Abby may be the most naive person who has played the game, or at least the most naïve who made it this far. I still don't know why Lisa said that she was playing both tribes at the tribal council. Lisa is too sweet to play the game. (Remember Zane?) I don't think that sweet players last that long. Matt in Redemption Island would have done better if he wasn't so darn sweet.
In the next segment of the show, the tribes met for an immunity challenge, which makes me believe that there's no gap when the reward ended to when this challenge began. The challenge looks impossible to the average eye. That's probably why it is an immunity challenge. I hope that Michael wins. He does. That makes me feel good since he is still a favorite of mine to win. It's also good since he's a veteran player and they are still the targets in the game. So it might be Jonathan who gets voted out. Off topic: am I the only annoyed by all the Christmas commercials? Maybe I should post an official list on either this blog or my TV blog. I saw 27 before Halloween!
In the next segment of the show, the politics at camp played out once again. Denise wants to get rid of Tandang members so Jonathan might have a chance of not getting voted out. Jonathan is still remembered as a good villain by me at least. That's probably what he's doing right now. I'm glad that Michael won individual immunity since he never had that chance in Australia. I have no idea what will happen, but I'm guessing that Lisa could be the one voted out since she's been given so much airtime in this episode. I notice that there still isn't a tribal council hashtag. Did I use it for nothing? I have the feeling that Lisa is digging her own grave at the tribal council. One shouldn't reveal that they are playing both sides. And nobody pronounces mature right anymore. The t shouldn't be so emphasized in the word. That bugs the hell out of me. If you know me outside this blog, please pronounce the word right! Michael says that he's more a fan of the game then he is a player. But I still don't know who is getting voted out as the editing is very vague. I don't know if an idol will be played, but if it is, I hope that it isn't a waste. Lisa talks too much. She will be her own downfall in the game if there is one. So far, the only known votes are for Penner and Artis. No idols are played, so hopefully none will be wasted. The person voted out was Artis. The poor guy. I don't understand why they got rid of him instead of Penner. The poor guy didn't get much if any airtime in the game. Poor guy got voted out. What happened to getting out Jonathan? That doesn't make much sense, but I like that he is still in the game. The final vote was five to four.
I don't know why my family is complaining about Abby so much. Just because I don't like her doesn't mean she's deserves so much ill will. I still don't know why Artis got voted out. Michael voted for him and Lisa voted for Penner. That's important to know, I think. Why would Michael vote against Tandang? Does he support the unspoken rule that returning players should stick together? That would explain why he didn't vote for Jonathan. Not sure what will happen in the next episode. Good news for Abby and Malcolm: neither played their idols and neither needed them. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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