Okay, so I'm not sure if I should include information about Survivor 27 or not. If you google that, every link in the first page of search results will all say that same thing regarding a potential twist for that season. I'm going to mention it in this blog. Also, this summer I am going to rewatch Survivor: Palau again and write down more of Jenn's appearance on the show. I don't know if I'd share it on the blog or not. I know that her wikipedia page is in need of editing regarding her time on the show. Maybe they (the editors) don't want to or maybe they do. I just hope that it doesn't end up like another page I edited extensively where there's now a warning that it contains original research. Also, I've been old enough to legally drink alcohol for a while now, but I haven't. I also haven't played any drinking games yet either. If I do ever play that, I'd need a good drink to play it with and the knowledge that I won't be driving myself anywhere. I'd drink every time Jenn is mentioned that season, which isn't that much, but could be a lot. I'd also type up information about the contestant just because I want to and have nothing better to do. For those of you that know me outside of this blog, you know that I've frequently talked about drinking games, but have never actually played them. Maybe I shouldn't because I'm on medication. But I should get to the twist for season 27.
There have been a lot of crappy twists on this show. (Really, Adam? This is how you introduce it?) This twist would, wait for it; put one tribe of favorites versus their family member on another tribe. While it may not be the worst twist ever (cough, rich versus poor, cough), it does sound pretty bad. The podcast that I listen to (and have posted a link to in this blog) says that the twist is better suited for Big Brother. I only ever watched one season of Big Brother, although I have had dreams that I was on it. In the most recent one, a contestant wanted to use her sexuality as a weapon and was naked in front of all the other houseguests. I'm not sure that I'd ever do Big Brother, and probably would not. If I want to talk about dreams, then I should mention the Survivor dream I had where Erik got voted off this season. I'm not sure who will get voted out. I'm just glad that someone from the new Gota is finally gone. But I digress.
The twist I was talking about is also the type of twist that almost cancelled the Amazing Race. They are planning (supposedly at least) to pit favorite players versus their family members. Some people have wondered why it is favorites against family members and not new players versus their family members. I guess that the tribe of family members would be new players at least, although it is possible that some of them have been included in loved ones challenges. In fact, there probably won't be loved ones challenges if the twist turns out to be true. I actually hope that it isn't. I mean, it does sound kind of lame. At least it is original. I can't think of a season in any country quite like it. There are other twists that they could do. They could put two tribes of fans against one tribe of favorites, as I frequently suggest here. Of course, I suggest that all the returning players are from the tenth season and that the new season was filmed in Palau. I also suggest bring back Jonathan and Wanda from Palau and Kourtney from One World to be returning players in the other season filmed there. They could do first timers versus second timers versus third timers, although it would probably turn out really bad for the fans that season. They could do third timers versus fourth timers, second timers versus third timers, or even second timers versus third timers versus fourth timers. Some argue that they are going with it because of the Pagonging problem that people complain about sometimes. I don't think that it's a really big problem, per say, because people will always love the first season and so many think that it was the best season of Survivor ever. And that was the first time that it happened. It also happened in the fifth, eighth, tenth (although that was before the merge and it more known as Ulonging), thirteenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, and various other seasons it sort of happened to an extent (including some from that list). Ulonging can happen to one tribe and Pagonging to another in the same season, although I only think that it happened in Samoa and Tocantins, if it even happened in them.
If they wanted to prevent Pagonging, they should keep doing more than two tribes. But there are a lot of great twists that they could do that will probably never happen because they are unsolicited ideas from fans, and therefore cannot be accepted by the producers. I'd love to be a creative consultant for Survivor. In fact, I'd rather do that than be a contestant. Although, both are unlikely. If you keep up with twitter, see if any contestants are mysteriously absent when they are filming the next season. A lot of interesting things happen on twitter and I enjoy being on it. I don't know why Jim Early is letting me follow him. Maybe his tweets are unprotected and he can't ban me from following him. Or maybe he doesn't realize that I'm the same Adam Decker that he banned from his facebook group because I wanted to know who the winner of this season was before it even started airing. There was probably other stupid stuff that I did as well that helped contribute to that decision. I'm surprised that he's even allowed on twitter. He knows that Survivor Sucks might be wrong. It was last season when everyone thought that Michael Skupin would win and he got only one vote to win. So they might be wrong about the rumored winner or runner up. Maybe the rumored runner up is actually the winner. But I'm not sure that I want to follow him that much and could and probably will stop following him since I'm not into spoilers that ruin the season sometimes. Also, I should put a picture on my twitter account so people can better recognize which Adam Decker I am. I did not write the janitor and I'm not an attorney at law. I don't know why I'm telling you this anyways since people read this blog and not twitter (I think). But enough of my ramblings.
Today on Survivor, there's two tribal councils in one episode during the individual part of the game. If you don't count Redemption Island seasons, this hasn't happened since Heroes versus Villains. The final eight contestants were talking about what had happened during the tribal council. Eddie and Reynold are no longer the three amigos. I have since dubbed them the two friends. That doesn't sound as cool now, does it? Eddie made a dumb move at the immunity challenge, but not as dumb as others this season. Reynold didn't win either. It came down to Brenda and Andrea, and due to a Survivor first, rules made by contestants, Brenda was out and Andrea won. Erik found the idol and gave it up to someone instantly. What is wrong with that guy? Did he lose intelligence somewhere? Anyways, no idols were played at the first tribal council in the episode. A cruel commercial happened before the votes were read.
Who was voted out? Reynold was voted out with the rest of the votes scattered. I missed who voted for who. Andrea has the hidden immunity idol. After tribal council, people talked about what happened. Then, there was another immunity challenge. Erik won it. I hope that he does good things with it. Scrambling happened after the challenge and Brenda was possibly the target and could get voted out. Andrea got voted out in this episode. She was blindsided with an idol in her pocket. Erik should have that. At least if he had it, he wouldn't have been the other dumb one this episode. To think, Andrea had two forms of immunity in this one episode and she still got voted out. Eddie is still in the game in an alliance of one. The loved ones visit happens in the next episode and people will try to get rid of John. Also, Redemption Island is now the next season to be eliminated from this one. This leaves just one or two representatives left from each season. In my mind, if both the fans get eliminated than Caramoan will be eliminated this season (even though it technically can't happen since every contestant from this season is from Caramoan, just not originally). My best of luck goes to Eddie, even though I no longer have a favorite to win. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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