You know, I've been trying to think in my head who would be a good set of contestants if they ever wanted to do a Survivor: Second Chances. You can feel free to come up with your own list if you want to. You just have to obey these rules: 1- No winners allowed. Unless you can somehow justify why someone who won the game would need a second chance at it, you can't include them in your list. 2- They must have only played the game once. If you wanted to say, bring back Shii-Ann from Thailand because she was screwed by the fake merge, I hate to tell you this, but you can't. She already had a second chance when she did the eighth season. If you wanted to bring back Tyson because of his stupid move from the twentieth season, you can't because he has played the game once before that. The season is called second chances and if it is anything other than a second chance, then it just doesn't work in the game. If you want to include people like this as those that don't count, feel free to, but they cannot be on the real list. 3- Due to the sheer number of people who could come back, you must come up with a good reason as to why they in particular deserve to come back and others don't. 4- You can include maybes on the list if you so desire. 5- You must have ten men and ten women. You cannot have less, but you can have more if you can't decide otherwise. 6- You can't just bring people back for the heck of it or because you think they'd make a good player. There must be a good reason, as I've stated before. My list may even have more than what should be on there. Those are all the rules that I can think of for now. I will come up with my own list later, during my hopeful sporadic summer postings.
I also mentioned my Big Brother dream. I don't think that I'd ever be a contestant on that show. The living conditions may be better, but you have to last for much longer to earn half as much money. Plus, you can only watch the season if you are out instead of being able to watch the whole season after finishing filming it. I only watched one season of Big Brother and that was because of a parody I saw of it on The Talk. For those that don't know, the same host of Big Brother is also a co-host on The Talk. But I shouldn't talk about it because this blog is about Survivor. A lot of interesting events have happened this season. Erik has now given up the immunity necklace (dumb move the first time he played that cost him the game), the tribal immunity (by coincidence, he was the favorite who handed it to the fans during the Brandon meltdown), and a hidden immunity idol (last episode). This makes him the first player to give up all three types of immunity. If the idol does reenter the game, although I'm not sure it will, I hope that he keeps it for himself this time. Like I've said before, I have no idea how the idol works. I've stated my theories here but I'm not sure if they are right or will always be that way. The most idols ever played in one season was six in the twentieth season. Four idols have been played this season. If there is another tie at tribal council, then Palau's record of most ties at four will be matched. Two ties, and the old record will be beaten.
Since I keep bringing up the topic of Survivor: Second Chances I might as well talk about Redemption Island. I think that it was a good idea, but there were some flaws regarding it. If I brought it back into the game, here are the changes that I would make. 1- The contestants do not see what goes on at the island. The viewer does, but not them. 2- Have reward challenges and immunity challenges in addition to the island. If this is not possible, do not have the island present during the individual part of the game. 3- When someone returns from the island, they get a special immunity at their first tribal council back in the game. (This would only work if not used post merge). The outcasts had immunity when they came back in and if they don't have immunity they'll just get voted out again. 4- If used throughout the whole game, there should be more than two reentry points. If only used premerge, then there should still be two reentry points. There could be a double tribal council where the winner of the duel would return to their original tribe and the two people voted out from each tribe would be the next in the duel. This twist should be used during a second chances season, in my opinion, even though it would give them more than a second chance. I just hope that it works better with these new rules. But enough of my ramblings.
So it began with Erik going a big crazy with wanted food and climbing a really tall coconut tree to help get the food. The castaways then got treemail regarding the loved ones challenge. It was very emotional as always. Brenda won and chose Dawn to go with the reward. But, she gave up both of their loved ones to give everyone else their loved ones and second loved ones as well. Next, the immunity challenge happened. Dawn ended up winning that. You know, I should stop the live tweeting during Survivor episodes and go back to the blog posts that we all know and love. Or maybe, I'll hope that whoever reads this blog also reads my twitter feed. So anyways, the people went against Brenda and she got voted out. It's sad for her. Nicaragua is the next season to be eliminated and since it is probably not a final two this season, only one other season can be eliminated if any season does. On the finale week, the final five have an interesting story. I'll be back then with more information. That is all for now. This is Adam Decker, signing off.
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