Sunday, May 12, 2013

Survivor: Caramoan Finale

The final five is John, Dawn, Sherri, Eddie, and Erik. There are lots of different spoilers that I've heard about this season that may or may not be true. I mentioned in the very first blog post about this season that I read a potential spoiler on who the winner of this season is. This is by the same people who thought that Michael would win the last season. They said (originally, at least) that there would be a final two. That is most definitely not true. But there is a 20% chance that the potential winner for this season is accurate. They say it is John. They also say that Eddie gets voted out at the final five and Erik either quits or gets medically evacuated at the final four. There are two times that a potential evacuation could have happened in the last three days of filming. The first time was in the fourth season when it happened to Paschal after he was just eliminated from the game by a purple rock. He collapsed and missed the final three tribal council. That is the only time a jury member missed a tribal council. We don't know if it would have happened if he hadn't been eliminated. The other time it was close to happening was in Survivor: Panama. On day 39 with only two players left in the game, Aras broke a glass at a celebrational feast for the final two. He got stitches on site, since you really can't be medically evacuated at the final two. Danielle would have won instead, but I think their decision was great as is. If that had happened at, say, the merge feast instead, that might have been a medical evacuation instead. If there is a medical evacuation in the last three days of filming, it may explain why Jeff Probst didn't reply to my tweet asking about that. But a lot of people don't reply to my tweets anyways and he only did that one time because of a legitimate problem. So we have yet to see if any of this will happen. My sister who unfortunately is out of the country is unable to watch this season or the next three (if there are three more) is upset at all the tweets I'm saying about Survivor, so I won't be on twitter during the live finale this week. Besides, I need to get more in the blog anyways. At least I know what I can get my sister for birthday and Christmas presents when/if they are finally released to DVD.

Also, I had a dream about Survivor: Pearl Islands. Supposedly, in that season, a mutiny was offered to the castaways at some point in the game, but since nobody took the offer, they edited that out and thus, the typical viewer would have no idea that it was offered at all. Well, my dream showed there being a full-fledged real swap that season. Nothing else really happened in the dream, except there were more thoughts on the Outcasts twist. An interesting thing about Pearl Islands is that it had produced a returning player in each all stars season until now. But since this isn't a full-fledged everyone is a returning player season, then maybe this doesn't count anyways. But it's the only season before Survivor: All-Stars to have a representative in Micronesia. For now, my picks to win in order of most likely to least likely are John, Dawn, Eddie, Erik, and Sherri. We just have to remember that the jury has Michael, Phillip, Malcolm, Reynold, Andrea, and Brenda. Plus, there are two more people who will be on the jury as well. Both fans left in the game could wind up on the jury, at the final tribal council, or one on each. It is possible that there is a final two, although the all knowing Survivor spoiler god named Jim Early says that it is a final three and there has never been a final two when five people were all in the game on day 37. An evacuation could mess things up, but it might not.

You know, if they do decide to bring back returning players from Fiji in the next season (that I don't think they will, but figure that I have to talk about something), there are a lot of versus that they could do. They could do Liliana versus Gary, who to my knowledge are the only players to never lose a challenge, but still had to leave the game regardless. They could do Cassandra versus Dreamz who tied at the final tribal council with the same number of jury votes. Dreamz versus Yau-Man would make more sense since that would be a valid rematch. There are probably more, but I can't think of them right now. But enough of my ramblings.

After the incredibly long recap of the season and the last episode, we finally get to the point we are waiting for. Poor Erik is getting screwed at the final five again. At least this time, it isn't by his own doing. This makes this the latest evacuation in the game to date. He made it even longer than James, who previously held the record. Erik is now one of the few contestants to rank in the same place when he played the game again. James is actually another one. Micronesia is now the next and probably last season to be eliminated from this season. This means that there's a 50% chance of a fan winning and a 50% chance of a favorite winning. If they ever do the twist from the last season, he could return with Bruce and Joe, the post merge evacuations. Shemar, Colton, and Mike (from Samoa) are another group of pre-merge evacuations. That leaves just Dana (if you count her as an available returnee), Kourtney, and Gary, the people who left the game to medical reasons before they could even go to tribal council. Or maybe the last one will never happen because Gary could return with a different twist and so could Kourtney. Meanwhile, the now four people returned to camp and talked about how they can win. Eddie made a good joke about trying to win the game. I wonder if the reward challenge that they are doing now was supposed to be an immunity challenge before Erik prematurely left the game. In fact, some people have argued that the same thing was messed up last season when Dana left the game. I don't think that Eddie will win the advantage of the reward based on previews for this episode. But since this is simply a reward, it really doesn't matter one way or another. People keep losing their stacks of cards so they don't know who will win. Until John finally won the reward. This could help him win the game.

In the next segment of the show, most final four scrambling happened. Dawn continued to be unstable. I do wonder if the advantage was a last minute edition to the game. Erik's evacuation was a Survivor first. Never at the final five has an evacuation ever happened. The sentimental rites of passage happened with the same sentimental music that they always play when they do that. Then, finally, we learn of the advantage at the final immunity challenge. It doesn't seem like that huge an advantage, making it fair, and it doesn't seem like that small an advantage where winning it was useless. Since there is no order that they do the challenges in, this could have been the final five one and it was switched with the last one. Or, maybe, this was always the planned final challenge. By the way, Caramoan and South Pacific are the two season that aren't going to be eliminated this season. It looks like John will win the challenge and thus secure himself a probable win in the game. I predict that Eddie will be voted out by the other three people. John, thus, is the only contestant this season to have no votes cast against him (unless I'm wrong). Now if he can only win unanimously (unlikely), he'll be able to do something that only JT on Tocantins has ever done. Maybe he'll come close to a perfect game, but I'm not sure that he'll get it. We have yet to see what else will happen. Now I'm about to eat a messy supper and, thus, will not have access to the computer for a while. Hopefully, I will be able to have a good blog regardless. I'm not distracted by twitter this time, so hopefully this won't be a huge distraction.

In the next segment of the show, Eddie got voted out at the penultimate tribal council leaving Sherri, Dawn, and John at the final three. As always when there is a season with returning players, at least one of them makes it to the final tribal council. Sherri outlasted all the other fans in this season. That was incredibly likely to happen. I couldn't see how Eddie makes it the farthest of the fans and he didn't. I see Sherri maybe getting one jury vote, if even that. John might win. If he doesn't, Dawn will win. I'll be shocked if Sherri wins. The jury speeches brought interesting entertainment. Phillip took back Sherri's membership in Stealth R Us. John is probably who he votes for. Could the vote be a tie? What would the tiebreaker be? How would they resolve it? Would they have to do a rematch of sorts? Would the jury vote again? Reynold had an interesting conversation with Dawn. The final three voted Brenda out of the game. Who will she vote for?

So, the winner of this season is John. That proves that sucks. It said who the winner of this season was before they even announced the cast. I see that they actually got it right this time. I think that he won unanimously since only one vote for him was shown. This makes him the second person to play a perfect game. Only, he did this the second time and not the first. But at least he didn't do anything as stupid as JT did the second time he played when he played the first time. He did flip on his tribe, which sucked for his tribe and didn't help him that much. While we are on that topic, I am going to bring up the three stupidest moves of the season. The bronze award goes to Andrea for getting voted out with a hidden immunity idol in her pocket. The silver award goes to Phillip for sitting out an immunity challenge, thus getting voted out that night. And the gold award for stupidest move of the season goes to Brandon's meltdown. I will also give an award to the most memorable moment of the season. Am I the only one who finds it strange that the pre-jury boots are not present where they normally are? I notice that they are there, but they are hardly focused on that much. I'm glad that Malcolm won player of the season. Him playing two idol and eliminating Phillip wins the award for most memorable moment of the season. Two seasons ago, if I forgot to give the award to Manano giving up immunity as the most memorable part of the season, then I am now. Last season, I know that I forgot to give the most memorable award of the season to the tribal where two idols were revealed. But, my congratulations are to John for playing a perfect game, the second person to do so. He is the third to win unanimously.

So, the next season of Survivor is called Blood versus Water. They didn't reveal anything else about it. Where is the location? Who is the cast? Why are you using such a lame time? Do you want to get cancelled? A family edition of The Amazing Race almost got it cancelled. There has been way too many Big Brother seasons when contestants knew each other and even one where a half brother and sister didn't know each other. Stay tuned for information about that season that will start filming soon around the time it starts airing. I will publish the cast when I know who they are. There have been different reasons people have won unanimously. I don't know why Jeff failed to mention that a perfect game had happened again. But as for a unanimous win, there are three ways that it could happen. Either everyone hate the other finalists (like in Fiji), everyone loves one of the finalists (like in Tocantins), or a combination of the two (like this season). Expect a lot of random posts during the summer. Hopefully, the next season isn't as bad as people think it might be. We have yet to see. I don't know if seasons typically haven't started filming when a reunion show is done or if they have. Typically, the spring season is already filmed at the fall finale, but I'm not certain about that and if it is always true or not. I don't know about the fall season being filmed during the spring season or not. I couldn't understand if the next season is returning players versus family members or new players versus family member. Neither of which seem like a good idea. Oh well. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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