Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Episode 29.3

There is something that I should tell you about now before I forget to. I have discovered a great new blog. The person who wrote it sent me a link to it in twitter. I’m not sure entirely who this person is or why he sent me a link to his blog. But I do know that he has a great blog and I hope that he reads this blog as well. We have differing opinions, of course, but I still feel that I should tell you about his blog. His is more of an analysis of players from the season. I do plan on reading his blog on a regular basis. It might even be a new blog, but I don’t know for sure. If it is, I’m a bit jealous of the fact that he has so many comments on just two posts where as I’ve been doing this blog since Survivor: One World and have only gotten one comment throughout these many posts that I’ve done. I have over 100 posts! But, he is a pretty good blogger so I figured that I might as well tell you about him. Truth is, I’ve been looking for a potential replacement for a while. Don’t worry, though, I don’t plan on going anywhere. I plan on blogging until the very last episode of Survivor airs. But, I figure that having a replacement for me would work well in case something happens to me before something happens to him. In case you were wondering, the link to his blog is The writer of it is a man by the name of Alex Gomory Keisler. We have different views on the players, but that is to be expected as we are different people. For instance, he was a big fan of Val and I thought that she wouldn’t do that well in the game. I thought she was kind of bland.

Mysteries so far this season: Is this John Rocker’s last episode? Is he still the same person that most people don’t like? Why did he flip on Val? How does this define the game? Will this help Jeremy excel at the game? Will John Rocker end up like Brad Culpepper? Will Natalie’s game actually improve now that her twin is gone? Will she, instead, be an easy mark once her tribe loses an immunity challenge? Who is Jaclyn and why is she getting no airtime? What’s up with Baylor? What is her main impact on the season? Has she become the next Ciera? Would that be good or bad? Will there be a tribe swap this season? When will it happen? Do both tribes have to attend tribal council first? Why is this season so similar to the first blood versus water? I want to reach the point where people stop making comparisons to the previous blood versus water season and this becomes its own thing. That’s what you really want from a Survivor season. You want something different. And I hope that difference comes up sooner than later. I still don’t know what to expect from this season.

Well, I was not able to watch a movie on Sunday. I probably could have, but I didn’t. I even rolled the next choice. I would watch another Celtic Woman concert. But, I decided not to as it probably wouldn’t work out this time. At least I had fun bidding farewell to my pastor. I was, however, able to watch a Saturday movie. I watched that last Indiana Jones movie, which is much better than people give it credit for. Indiana Jones was replaced with Mr. Bean’s Holiday. With another Bean movie on the list, it is hard to tell if I should have let it be added to the list. I got the first one thinking it would be as great as the other one. It may have been a mistake to get it. Oh, well. Meanwhile, Celtic Woman has now outlasted every other thing on the list. Every other thing that was originally on one movie watching list has since been replaced with something else. Of course, Celtic Woman is supposed to perpetually be on the list so I always get a chance to watch it. I’m willing to change things. For instance, I’m going to get rid of the snack options that I roll for and just eat whatever I want to. If what you choose to do starts annoying you, then it’s about time to stop doing it. As for Celtic Woman, there’s a deadline that I need to get the watching done by this year, if I’m to reach the special stopping point that I have. Of course, I might just give it up wherever. And I will inform you of when/if I add a Monday movie list as well as why I decided to add these particular movies to it.

I watch too much TV. I really do. Sometimes I have to record two other shows while I’m watching a third. It can be quite bothersome. It was too much of a hassle to record Arrow so I had to give that up. I just hope that no other good shows air at the same time as Survivor as there is no way for me to watch them anymore. I would if I had a second VCR, but that probably won’t happen for a while, if it ever happens again. Meanwhile, I’ve been avoiding twitter so far during Survivor episodes since I don’t want to miss the start of the 100. I know that it doesn’t start until immediately after Survivor, but I watch something at the same time at the 100. That’s why I have to record it. And I will more than likely not be ever get off of twitter fast enough if I were on during Survivor and wanted to record this show. And I won’t know when it starts for a while. So, I figure that I might as well ignore live tweeting for the moment. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Baylor was upset that people voted against her, something that I feel never really matters if they are still in the game. Josh flipped on Val. They are focusing on Drew’s laziness so that is probably bad for Drew. Is this set-up for today’s elimination or a future one? I guess it all depends on who wins the immunity challenge.

In the second segment of the show, Jeremy is mad at the other tribe for voting out his wife. He does seem like the Tyson of the season where this event is what drives him to the end and wins. But, I don’t want to get ahead of myself with potential spoilers. Luckily, I don’t know any spoilers for this season. And I wouldn’t want to spoil the events to these readers of this blog either. Keep in mind that most of the stuff that I talk about here are predictions. If they are not the kind of thing you are interested in, then let me know. You can ignore the confessional count. You might consider them a spoiler. They could be since they are an indicator of how people do in the game. Anyways, Wes wins the challenge for his tribe, giving them their first win. And I can’t stop writing this blog for long enough to eat supper. Just by typing these sentences right now proves it. Why can’t I stop for a moment? Ugh, I just keep doing it. I guess that I should find better time to eat lunch so I’ll be hungrier for supper. Anyways, the winning tribe chose the fishing gear that the other tribe gave up last episode. I wonder if they did that on purpose to either not waste the reward or give moments like this where the other tribe had the reward that they should have had. Meanwhile, I need to learn the names of the tribes. Also, John Rocker tried to explain the situation with Val to Jeremy, but I don’t think that it worked out either way.

In the third segment of the show, Jeremy was upset and chewed out John Rocker to everyone else. Julie doesn’t like her boyfriend being a target. Josh and Keith bond on Exile Island. This messes up my confessional count. Also, I have a terrible cold which is affecting my life. Hopefully I can get over it soon enough. Baylor is using her smarts to possibly get rid of John Rocker. This could be what her edit is going towards this season. She has to be doing something important. But I don’t know if she’ll continue making the majority choices all the time. That’s not always something that you can choose to do. It can be a matter of luck a lot.

In the fourth segment of the show, the dramatic view of the sky with the interesting music means that the immunity challenge is happening next. The challenge seems different than the challenge preview online made it seem like it would be. That always seems to happen so you have to wonder why they ever do the previews. I guess things just change as always. Hunapu wins immunity as always. John Rocker verbally fights with people after the challenge. Actually, they are more arguing with him than he is with them. I don’t recall seeing fighting after challenges, but this has probably happened before. It happened in Panama, although that was the individual phase of the game.

In the fifth segment of the show, Coyopa returns from losing the immunity challenge. If John Rocker feels that he is a target, he will play his hidden immunity idol. I’m not going to question his intelligence because even smart players make mistakes, but he seems like the type of person who would be voted out with an unplayed idol. Unfortunately, splitting votes won’t be able to happen since there’s no supermajority in the game. Baylor wonders if someone might get completely played which is bad if she’s the one saying it. Meanwhile, Jaclyn seems to be in no trouble at the moment since she is still getting no airtime. In fact, she could be getting a quitter’s edit. Of course, I don’t know if someone is going to quit this season or not, but we’ll see what happens. When asked for an idol, John Rocker doesn’t play his. The person voted out was John Rocker. I do wonder why nobody ever gets voted out with an idol and then openly gives their idol to another player. If I did that, I’d give them a fake idol.

On the next Survivor, Drew may be doing something crazy, stupid, entertaining, wonderful, interesting, ballsy, a mix of any of them, or all of them at once. I’m probably missing stuff too. I guess that I’ll have to see the episode to know for sure what it is going on. If this episode gave us what we want that we knew we wanted, then maybe the next episode can do that without us knowing what we want from it.

Total confessionals: Dale- 4.5, Kelley- 1.5, Baylor- 7.5, Natalie- 4.5, Josh- 12.5, Alec- 3.5, Drew- 2.5, Jeremy- 9.5, Reed- 1.5, Julie- 3.5, Jon Misch- 3.5, Keith- 6.5, Wes- 2.5, Missy- 4.5, John Rocker- 5.5, Jaclyn- .5

New confessionals this episode: Kelley- 0, Baylor- 3, Natalie- 2, Josh- 5, Alec- 2, Drew- 1, Jeremy- 3, Reed- 0, Julie- 2, Jon Misch- 0, Keith- 3, Wes- 1, Missy- 1, John Rocker- 3, Jaclyn- 0, Dale- 0

Revised total confessionals: Reed- 2, Julie- 4, Jon Misch- 4, Keith- 7, Wes- 3, Missy- 5, Jaclyn- 1, Dale- 5, Kelley- 2, Baylor- 8, Natalie- 5, Josh- 13, Alec- 4, Drew- 3, Jeremy- 10

Okay, I decided to redo the confessional count now instead of later. Jaclyn is still scrapping the bottom. The three highest are Baylor, Jeremy, and Josh. My picks for the three finalists are currently Wes, Alec, and Drew, something I was pretty much stuck with when I made predictions and will stick with until any of them are eliminated, at which point I’ll think of finding other people to replace them. I may have actually read spoilers regarding certain premerge boots of this season, but we’ll see if that happens. The supposed winners are still Alec, Wes, and Baylor. Sorry if you find this sort of thing a spoiler. But, you can probably stop reading at this point anyways. Of course, most people I know probably don’t read this blog and a blog like this would probably get more people I don’t know reading it, which also doesn’t seem to happen either. Of course, having many different facebook friends who are Survivor contestants is probably helping my chances of getting this blog read. I just wonder if I could update to vlogs so I could interview some of them. For now, that seems unlikely that I could get that technology or would want to use it. I probably don’t have time. Anyways, this is Adam Decker signing off.

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