Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Episode 29.6

Okay, so you may not notice it, I had to work ahead on the confessional count. This episode and the next will have a new order based on the previous episode. I may change the order so that if one of the potential leaders of the confessional count is voted out, then I will put them first in this episode’s confessional count. There are four potential leaders and they are Keith, Julie, Jon, and Reed. I don’t know yet if any of them are in danger of being voted out in this episode. If one of them are, then it might change this week’s list. I might be getting to crazy about reordering stuff in the confessional count. I’m crazy about a lot of things. Speaking of which…

Here’s an update on the movie watching list. Remember that the purpose is to eventually remove Seventeen Again from the Sunday list and replace it with the Survivor: Borneo special, as I call it. Once I watch the special again, I will replace it with Survivor: Borneo episodes to watch on Sunday while the rest of the movie watching list is moved to either the Saturday list or Monday list. The biggest problem with this whole system is that I typically only choose movies to watch by assigning a set of six movies a number in alphabetical order where choice one occurs first alphabetically and choice six occurs last alphabetically with the other four choices somewhere in between. This has prevented me from watching Seventeen Again. Meanwhile, I keep watching other movies and apply other rules to these lists. You see, a replacement is chosen by picking from certain movie choices that can occur alphabetically between the choice both before and after the choice you are taking away. You can roll for this option, or you can choose to replace it with a particular movie if you have either a strong desire to watch this again or you have a dream about this choice.

You see, rolling for a movie choice isn’t the only thing that can make me choose it. There was an extremely complicated thing that I did that allowed me to watch High School Musical 2 on Saturday. It would be hard for me to explain it, just that I probably won’t do it again since it was incredibly annoying to me. So I watched that without having to roll for anything, but I will not be able to do that unless I reinstate what I did the first time. I already stated that I probably won’t do this. I’m not sure that I can even explain what happened. On Sunday I wound up watching Flight of the Phoenix. This was replaced in the choice option list with Enchanted. On Monday, I watched Beauty and the Beast. I still need to get a better sleep schedule to better watch Monday movies. I need enough time to go into work, get enough sleep, and watch a movie, all in one day. That movie was replaced by Bambi.

Mysteries so far this season: Is the potential quitter going to make the merge? Why was Kelley voted out? Does that make any sense? Is Dale’s fake idol the one that’s going to get burned? Is this season going to get any better or will it remain mostly a disappointment to most fans? I think that a lot of seasons are underrated, such as Nicaragua, Redemption Island, and One World, to name a few. While I haven’t heard that many people’s opinion on this season, the overall reception is pretty negative. While it is far from terrible, it isn’t that great either. I guess it is to be expected. This show can’t always be as good as you would want it to be. Meanwhile, I’m still not sure what I want to happen with this game. I do wonder what will happen with Natalie. Did you know that every season that has a Natalie has that contestant make the finale episode of said season? Does that mean good things for Natalie? I still think that the elimination of her twin might have been the best thing for her game. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Dale feels like he’s lowest on the totem pole and uses his fake idol to leverage people. Jeremy doesn’t think that the rice situation is good. Jeff only remembers Australia as when a tribe needed more rice. He must be forgetting that the merged tribe needed rice in Nicaragua. Jeff berates the tribe for their overall dysfunction. I don’t remember ever hating both tribes before. There’s normally one that I root for. Jeff is taking almost everything from the tribe giving them only the stuff that a tribe basically starts with at the very beginning of the game, with the extra bit of rice they need, of course. They had it coming.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge. I think that the yellow tribe will win. I wonder how they’ll do the mash-ups. They put up whoever they want to. Reed fights against Baylor for the challenge. The challenge seems neck-in-neck at the beginning. Baylor wasn’t that good at the puzzle, which only seems to increase the similarities between her and Ciera. Baylor goes to Exile Island. While Reed originally wants to send Julie to Exile Island, Natalie decides to volunteer to go. She is not the first contestant to ever do this. But, she is the first from this season. (In case you are wondering, Yau-Man did this in Fiji. If there are any others, then I can’t think of them.)

In the third segment of the show, Jon talks about how Dale has an idol. They were trying to make new plans as to who to vote for. Meanwhile, I forgot who really does have the idol for Coyopa. Jeremy thinks that Reed and Josh are a threat. And he keeps thinking about how dumb his tribe is. If you didn’t notice, they are not giving Jeremy the usual lazy black guy edit that most black guys normally get. I don’t know if Earl got this, considering how Earl is the only black guy to have actually won Survivor. Does this mean that Jeremy wins this season? Possibly. But it could just mean that he has some dramatic impact on this season. Meanwhile, it’s possible that Julie is going to quit. Why is it normally always women who quit? I guess men just stick to other methods of quitting that doesn’t make them official quitters. But that’s arguable at best. The only woman who asked to be voted out, Shawna in Amazon, didn’t have her wish granted, although she was voted out later when she wanted to stay in the game. So, maybe it’s just a bit weird how one counts the whole quitting thing. Meanwhile, I think that almost nothing important happened at Exile Island. In fact, this episode may have less of Exile Island than any other episode of this show. Weird.

In the fourth segment of the show, Julie is still considering quitting due to the rainstorm. We then get to the challenge that’s by the ocean. I have a feeling that we might actually see a quit at this point. The challenge went back and forth and ultimately Hunahpu won. Guess I was wrong about the quit. I wonder if they’ll even really be one in the future.

In the fifth segment of the show, Keith is hoping for the best at tribal council. He is the one with the real idol. Dale is tricking Jon into getting a fake idol if Dale survives today’s tribal council. This could lead to problems if Keith plays his real idol at tribal council. Jon thinks of voting for Missy or they could split the vote against Keith and Dale. This will probably lead to an interesting tribal council, as always. It’s hard to make anything out of tribal council. When asked about idols, nobody plays it. Dale gets voted out, effectively making him and Kelley the lowest ranking pair from this season.

On the next Survivor, oops! I missed what the promo was. Guess that I’ll have to wait until the episode airs. I think that it is probably a merge coming up. That typically happens two tribal councils after a swap. But it’s hard to tell. Meanwhile, a surprise SVU rerun (not a huge surprise since anything new is running against game seven of the World Series) means that I get to watch the 100 live and don’t have to record anything. I should also check out my cast assessment. I want to be doing well, even if they are just predictions. I should also post how well my updates are doing. I was three for five before this episode aired, so maybe I can still do well. I remember placing either Keith or Wes as one of the finalists, but I might have switched them up in my mind and wrote down the wrong prediction. Either way, I don’t think that either one will actually make it to day 39.

The potential quitter might be during the merge part of the game. That would mean that they aren’t put on the jury, since the rules were changed after the twenty-first season. (On a side note, what’s interesting about the two quitters being on the jury in Nicaragua is that they both voted for Fabio to win. Fabio only won by one vote. That means that the season could have been altered if they weren’t on the jury. This fact, while noticed by different fans, has interestingly garnered little to no controversy.) So I don’t know how my predictions will fair during facts like this. They obviously wouldn’t be on the jury, but they wouldn’t be a premerge boot either. This probably means getting that player wrong at any cost. But I don’t think that it will matter. We don’t even know for sure if someone is actually going to quit for real or not. They haven’t touched upon a lot of the things in the super promo at the end of the first episode. That means it could be a while before we see any of it.

Total confessionals: Keith- 11, Wes- 4, Missy- 9, Jaclyn- 5, Dale- 10, Baylor- 12, Natalie- 7, Josh- 17, Alec- 9, Jeremy- 19, Reed- 4, Julie- 8, Jon- 13.

New confessionals this episode: Julie- 2, Jon- 3, Keith- 1, Wes- 0, Missy- 3, Jaclyn- 0, Dale- 2, Baylor- 0, Natalie- 1, Josh- 1, Alec- 1, Jeremy- 3, Reed- 1.

Dale joined the ten or more confessionals club only to get voted out during the same episode. Jon surpassed Baylor as third highest. Josh has second highest while Jeremy has the highest. Meanwhile, Wes and Reed are tied for the lowest at the moment. I might have heard mostly inaccurate spoilers regarding potential premerge boots for this season. But I missed whether or not the merge is actually happening in the next episode. We’ll see what ends up happening. I’ll also figure out when to put both confessional lists in the same paragraph. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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