Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Episode 29.5

Last I checked, people still haven’t read the blog post: Episode 1.7. Does this mean that I’ll stop posting things here until someone reads it? Probably not. But, it could happen. I just want every blog post here to be read. Just one person needs to read it. You don’t even have to read it. Just click on it so the page view count adds a number to it. I also need to update my TV blog and haven’t been doing that as much lately. I think that I could update it every time an unread blog post here comes up. Or whenever. Things don’t always go according to plan. The TV schedule for the fall season is sometimes changed before those shows start. The Big Bang Theory was supposed to air with The Millers. It would have been easy to choose what to watch and what to record. But then they decided to air The Millers on Mondays instead of Thursdays. Meanwhile, The Big Bang Theory is still moving to Thursdays as planned. They will be paired with 2 Broke Girls and Mom, neither of which are any good. It is never that easy to start recording a show at the 30 minute mark especially if there’s nothing to pair with it. But I’ll just figure it out like I always do.

I also wonder what would replace this blog should Survivor ever end. (Trust me, this blog will post about old seasons as often as I’d have to until a hopeful return of this show.) I don’t even know if I would replace this blog, but I have an idea as to what I could do if I needed to. I had a dream that I started a third blog, but I can’t remember what that blog was about. Typically I do things in dreams if they tell me to, although I don’t have to by any means. I probably wouldn’t have if I could remember what the TV show was. It might have been Madam Secretary and I’m not sure that I’d want to do a blog about that. I like the show, but I can’t remember for sure what show the dream had me doing a blog of. Plus, the dream made it seem like the show had some sort of connection to Survivor. That means that it probably wasn’t about Madam Secretary, but the dream could have been saying things that don’t make sense, typical in the dream world. If you think that I SHOULD start a blog about that show, then let me know. It may make me want to start blogs about every CBS Sunday show, although I have no interest in ever doing a blog about 60 Minutes. It’s a good show, but I could never do it justice.

Mysteries so far this season: How will the tribe swap affect this season? What will the new tribes be? Who will gain control because of this? Who will lose control because of this? Will anyone wind up on the same tribe as their loved one? Why was Keith compared to a snake in the last episode by the editors? Does this mean good or bad things to him? Why would both male alliances crumble from both tribes in back-to-back episodes? Will a successful male alliance ever happen in any Survivor season? To my knowledge, none ever have. I hope that one will. It seems weird to have a string of male winners right now and none of them be in a successful male alliance. They have had at least one woman in the alliance and more than just the man they valued most like Gervase or Woo. I do miss having a woman winner. I gladly know no spoilers of this season (with the possible exception of who some of the premerge boots are). I don’t know who the winner is this season. But I feel that the edit is saying that a man will probably win, although whether or not this happens is unknown.

As I’ve said before in this blog, you can learn a lot about this show by watching, listening, or reading things about it. I highly suggest that everyone listen to Shamar’s interview at Survivor Oz so you can learn that the editors hated him. It’s possible that the editors hated Drew. Why do I say that? Well, on Survivor Live, he said that it wasn’t him only who thought of throwing the challenge. Most of his tribe was in on that idea. That’s why some of the strong members were sitting out. The edit made it seem like he was the only one in on it and that got him voted out. Maybe it was the editors way of saying that throwing the challenge would only have a negative effect on him. I can buy that. But the fact that other people besides him helped throw the challenge is something I feel that is worth knowing. I still don’t know what to nominate for dumb moves yet this season. Well, besides John Rocker’s overall bad game play. I also need to think of the most memorable moment and where this season ranks among all of the seasons of Survivor. There’s other stuff to, but I will get to that in the final blog post of this season. I should probably not promise to post stuff here since I don’t know if I’ll ever do it. But, we’ll see what happens as time goes by.

Here is an update on the movie watching that I’m doing. Saturdays might have been improved in some way. Typically I’m stuck watching something not on the list because my mother would get off of work in time for supper and we’d watch something together. Most of my list doesn’t interest her. But, since she needs to stay caught up on different TV shows and doesn’t always have the time to watch them, Saturdays are actually a good time for catching up on them and we can do things separately on Saturdays which works best for both of us. On Saturday I watched Made of Honor. It remains on the list since I want to hear the commentary that goes along with it. On Sunday I watched Juno. While Juno has a commentary, I decided not to listen to it since I have to remove certain items from the list before I won’t be able to watch any of them. This is obviously one of those items. On Monday I watched one of the Stargate movies and still have the two hour pilot, which I’m counting as a movie, to watch sometime. I still don’t know if I’ll ever want the Stargate SG-1 series to watch sometime. But I might end up getting into it in the future.

You know, I’ve been unimpressed by this season so far. It’s far from terrible, but it’s not outstanding either. I haven’t listed where it ranks among the other 28 seasons, but it would probably be with the average seasons. I still haven’t figured out who the breakout star of the season is. I don’t know what the most memorable moment of the season is yet either. A lot of these events have probably not happened yet. But I find it odd that the cast is so strange. Every boot so far has done something dumb that got themselves eliminated. The edit is a bit too obvious with who is going home. It is hard to tell what there is to look forward to in it. I might end up liking it, but I haven’t been into it so far. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, people were surprised as usual about what happened at tribal council. Alec was convinced for some odd reason that Drew would still be there. They were shocked by Drew’s elimination and got a second shock by the tribe swap.

In the second segment of the show, the contestants talked about the upcoming swap. It turns out that there wasn’t a reward challenge in this episode. That’s strange since it looked like a challenge was set up. But, they could have just left the most recent challenge still set up to fool everyone. I don’t know what to think about the relationship between Reed and Josh. I just wonder why we are seeing so much of Josh and none of Reed. Except for the gay part, they seem a lot like some Christian couples in the fact that they don’t have sex before marriage. We get to hear some about Jon worrying about his father. This makes me wonder if he’ll do what Jenna Moresa did in All-Stars. Jaclyn wonders if she and Jon should sleep together. Seasons like this make me wonder if someone would ever get pregnant on the show. Of course, it probably won’t happen. The new Coyopa: Kelley, Dale, Missy, Baylor, Jacyln, Jon, and Keith. The new Hunahpu: Josh, Reed, Wes, Alec, Julie, Natalie, and Jeremy.

In the third segment of the show, Alec is suddenly glad that his brother is gone. Jeremy is worried that Alec will join up with Josh and Reed. Jeremy goes overboard with his surround and drown strategy. Well, talking about it, not actually doing it. Dale and Missy have issues over the rice at camp. I don’t get why this is such a huge problem, but we’ll see what happens next.

In the fourth segment of the show, Hunahpu was feeling weak due to the lack of food. We then get to the immunity challenge. In the challenge, Hunahpu won a quick lead and kept it the entire challenge. They then went into a possibly foolhardy decision about rice. He let them keep immunity. Basically, I don’t know what to think of this or what will happen next.

In the fifth segment of the show, Keith thinks that he might be voted out next. The scrambling begins and it is hard to say what to make of it. I don’t know who the target would be as Hunahpu goes to tribal council. Keith does not play his immunity idol. In the end, Kelley got voted out for reasons I’m not entirely sure of. It’s a viewer blindside, which always seems to show a lack of good editing in my mind. I hope that it makes sense later.

On the next Survivor, Dale’s fake idol will come into play. People realize that other people are supposed to have the fake idol and not the person who created it, right? Hunaphu’s deal could lead to troubles for them, but we don’t know what it might be yet.

Total confessionals: Kelley- 5, Baylor- 12, Natalie- 6, Josh- 16, Alec- 8, Jeremy- 16, Reed- 3, Julie- 6, Jon- 10, Keith- 10, Wes- 4, Missy- 6, Jaclyn- 5, Dale- 8.

New confessionals this episode: Dale- 2, Kelley- 1, Baylor- 2, Natalie- 0, Josh- 3, Alec- 2, Jeremy- 3, Reed- 1, Julie- 1, Jon- 4, Keith- 2, Wes- 1, Missy- 1, Jaclyn- 3.

Keith and Jon now have more than ten confessionals.  Josh and Jeremy tie for the highest. Reed currently has the lowest, although I may have accidentally missed one of his and attributed it to Josh instead. Wes is pretty low too at the moment. In today’s episode, Natalie is the only one who doesn’t get a confessional. Meanwhile, I have to figure out how to rearrange the confessional count for future episode. You may not see it the way that I do. Regardless, I still have to find a way to change the name order, even if that means planning things out in the future. I guess this means that I might have to start writing the blog post for the seventh episode. At least this episode wasn’t as predictable as others have been in the past this season. Hopefully everything will turn out great since I’m not sure what’s going to happen with this season. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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