Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Episode 36.10

Someone will have to tell me their experience buying Survivor seasons on DVD thus far. Because I was getting things on Amazon and thought that I should get myself Survivor: Gabon on DVD. Only it wasn’t eligible for free shipping. I don’t know why that would be. If something is too expensive, would it not be available for free shipping then? Or was it due to lack of availability at the time I was looking for it? It just seemed odd to me that it had the amount to qualify for free shipping yet not be something that I could get. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Domenick is glad that Laurel told him what she did. Kellyn is glad that her old tribe is still ahead in the numbers. I still don’t know what the old tribe’s names were. Wendell thinks that his alliance is secret enough that people won’t be able to tell it is there. Domenick goes out looking for another idol. He finds an emblem coconut that gives him a fake idol from Millennials versus Gen X. It is still a fake idol. But it doesn’t seem like that dumb of a move to me to have a relation to the whole concept of Ghost Island and reversing the curse.

We then get to the immunity challenge. There will be two immunity winners and two separate tribal councils. There will be two temporary tribes. This is like the merge twist from Fiji again. Kellyn is the first person out of the challenge. Michael is out of the challenge next. Instead of don’t look down, in this challenge, you don’t want to look up. Donathan is out of his tribe first. Laurel is then out of orange. It is then Sebastian and Jenna out on their tribes. Angela is out of the challenge and purple has to go to tribal council first. Chelsea is the winner on her tribe.

The final showdown is between Wendell and Domenick. It’s interesting that these two allies are up against each other. Domenick is looking cocky in some of the back and forth between the people. But he does win the challenge. Did Jeff really just say “head back to tribal” instead of “head back to camp”?

In the second segment of the show, the two temporary tribes return to camp together. Michael wants to borrow Donathan’s idol for just a while. He still wants to lie about having an idol when he doesn’t really have one. Don’t tons of people know that Donathan has an idol? Kellyn easily believes Michael’s lie about having an idol despite not seeing one or even a fake one. Kellyn is scared enough about the idol that she might not vote correctly and wants to vote for Laurel. Wendell wants to convince Laurel to vote for Kellyn. Kellyn wants to use her extra vote tonight.

In the third segment of the show, we are still at camp and people still need to figure out what is going on. Maybe we are getting the other “tribe’s” pretribal talk. Jenna doesn’t want to go home and thinks that she is the target. Donathan wonders if he should play his idol on himself or Jenna. He is also worried that Laurel could be voted out on the other tribe. Jenna actually wants to save herself and vote out Donathan with Donathan playing his idol on her. That would be a fun move. But I do have to wonder if the idol will be in the possession of Laurel on the other tribe.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the tribal council between Donathan, Jenna, Sebastian, Chelsea, and Angela. They talk about old tribe lines. Jenna thinks that she is ready to vote. I’m surprised that there isn’t someone trying to flip another person like they used to before idols were a thing. That just doesn’t happen much anymore. Jeff wonders what was done to flip the other side. Jenna still wants to think that she is on the bottom.

Due to editing, we won’t know if this is the fewest questions that Jeff has asked at a tribal council or not. When asked about an idol, Donathan plays an idol on himself. That was a wise move. Jenna is voted out and then goes straight to the jury. Will Jenna get final words?

In the fifth segment of the show, Laurel thinks about how Jenna was voted out. Kellyn goes on how she is nervous about things. This is the next tribal council between Laurel, Kellyn, Domenick, Michael, and Wendell. Jeff wonders if someone on the bottom should flip. Domenick talks to Wendell about some sort of secret. Only Kellyn isn’t included. She could flip, but I don’t know if there would be an advantage to it or not. Apparently Kellyn can vote twice without having to tell someone in advance that she will be casting an extra vote.

The whole secrets this season is very strange. At least people are keeping them secret this time. No idols are played and the votes are all over the place. There is a tie between Michael and Laurel with many confused by the extra vote. Michael is voted out and doesn’t break the curse after all. But why were the votes so scattered between people? Why weren’t Laurel and Michael united in their votes? This is really confusing, this whole season. Who is in control?

On the next Survivor, the majority is on thin ice and there is a loved ones challenge happening on the next episode. I guess that we will see the emotional episode and wonder why it is taking place at the final eight instead of seven or some other time.

Total confessional count: Domenick- 26, Kellyn- 20, Jenna- 8, Wendell- 14, Donathan- 16, Laurel- 13, Sebastian- 7, Angela- 7, Chelsea- 3, Michael- 25.

New confessionals this episode: Chelsea- 0, Michael- 3, Domenick- 4, Kellyn- 4, Jenna- 2, Wendell- 3, Donathan- 3, Laurel- 2, Sebastian- 1, Angela- 0.

Jenna had two new confessionals this episode, the same number as Laurel. Michael had three new confessionals, the same number as Donathan and Wendell. The only people higher are Domenick and Kellyn with four a piece. Everyone else is lower with Chelsea and Angela tying for the lowest with zero a piece. As for total confessionals, Jenna had eight, the highest of the single digit confessional count. The people lower than her are Sebastian, Angela, and Chelsea with Chelsea as the lowest with three. As for Michael, he had twenty-five confessionals. The only person higher is Domenick with twenty-six. This means that everyone else is between Jenna and Michael in terms of total confessionals. There is not much else to say so I should get finished with this post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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