Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Episode 36.12

I didn’t really know some of what to do with the confessional count this season and how to rearrange things in it. I wasn’t doing as well with things in the previous post. I’m having less and less time for all the writing that I like and am used to. But I shouldn’t be too worried. At least I have jobs with flexible hours. I’ll need to find more of I can. In fact, if you know somewhere that is looking for someone to do professional recaps of Survivor, then let me know. I’d like to do that if possible. Check out other blogs of mine for other reviews. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Kellyn thinks that she is at the bottom. We get some of the story of her life. They only tell us these if they are important enough in some way to the story. Donathan and Laurel are the last people from their tribe left, I think. Can they take control of themselves? He wants to take the game into his own hands. Donathan wants to work with Kellyn. Will they be able to take out the duo of Wendell and Domenick? Also, they still have idols, although it wasn’t mentioned in the recap.

The challenge seems to be a more intense version of the one challenge that we’ve seen at the end of the eighteenth season that we’ve seen before. There are two teams of three and a poor sit out. Always be moving, never cheesing or choosing. The team of Sebastian and Kellyn are out first. The team of Laurel and Donathan are out next. Domenick and Wendell win the reward. Angela was the sit-out. The winners pick Laurel to join them on the reward. They then pick Sebastian to go to Ghost Island. Is there going to be that much more of that twist this season?

In the second segment of the show, we get to Sebastian arriving at Ghost Island. He does get to play a game. How are there still things that can be broken beyond what should be there? I’m confused. He gets the steal a vote from earlier this season because it was misplayed again. That seems kind of dumb. We then get to the reward. Laurel was picked because they want to make sure that she is still with them. But she seems ready to cut their throats. I’ve never heard of two strong people potentially giving the vote to a third person. It could happen, but it never has. Donathan is far too open with the fact that he is not working with these people. Donathan could ruin anyone’s game now, it seems.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. It is Laurel that wins it. There was a potential issue as Wendell might have had it first, but didn’t call it out first. But he might be okay with it as he has a hidden immunity idol still. Kellyn thinks that the vote will be easy.

In the fourth segment of the show, Laurel doesn’t want to vote out Wendell yet. She think that it would be smart to vote out Kellyn first. Everyone seems to be agreeing to it. Donathan is going bonkers in some way. Is he going to get himself targeted? Why is he so weird? Wendell wants to do a fake idol. I have missed these. A confusing moment happens and Donathan gets even more weird, it seems. I think that Donathan is the most unpredictable contestant ever in the history of the game. Before tribal council happens, Wendell wonders if it should be Donathan or Kellyn voted out tonight.

In the fifth segment of the show, Jeff talks about the challenge and how the mental power of people seem to be failing as time goes by. Domenick and Wendell talk about the bag transfer thing that had happened. Donathan wants to know information in the game. He won’t let Domenick talk. There is then some sort of secret conversation going on.

Domenick wants people to stick to the plan. Isn’t that what got people in trouble last time it came up? I’ve never heard of someone saying underdogs and big dogs before. It does make sense. I don’t know what the plans are. I’m so confused. Nobody plays an idol. There is a tie between Donathan and Kellyn. It is Kellyn who gets voted out. What happened?

On the next Survivor, there is one last visit to Ghost Island that will happen in the future. But why has it been such a lame twist? I’m really confused with what the whole point of it was supposed to be. It could have been more than what it is.

Total confessional count: Domenick- 31, Kellyn- 29, Wendell- 20, Donathan- 23, Laurel- 18, Sebastian- 8, Angela- 7. New confessionals this episode: Angela- 0, Domenick- 3, Kellyn- 4, Wendell- 3, Donathan- 5, Laurel- 3, Sebastian- 1.

Here’s a final wrap up with the confessionals. Kellyn had four this episode, the second highest with only Donathan higher. Everyone else is lower with Angela as the lowest with zero. As for total confessionals, Kellyn had twenty-nine. The only person higher than her is Domenick with thirty-one. Donathan is now the second highest with twenty-three and Wendell the third with twenty. As for the lowest, it is Angela with seven. I don’t know who will win the season. I don’t know how much the final four twist from the last season will factor into this one. Hopefully, it will seem less like it could favor a contestant and more like they are overcompensating for the last season by trying to justify its use again. I think that Domenick might be the most likely to win. We’ll see if he does or doesn’t. I don’t know if they’ll use Ghost Island again, but if they do, I hope that it works better than this season. Otherwise, get it out and keep it out. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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