Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Edge of Extinction Returning Players

This post might be considered a spoiler in some way, but I don’t think that it is. You see, they have said already who the four returning players this season are so I might as well get to explaining who they are so that you’ll understand in time for when the season starts. Most of you would probably know who these people are anyways, but I still thought that I would explain in case you don’t.

Joe originally played in Worlds Apart. He was a standout good player in a season with tons of terrible people in it. In fact, he might have been playing too well. Due to his strength in challenges, he was the target of other players as a result and was voted out when he didn’t win one.

He returned to play Cambodia, making a sort of back to back appearance. The fans really liked him. He then went on what I believe was the longest streak from the beginning of the game while being immune in some way, shape, or form. Again, due to being considered a threat, when he wasn’t immune, he was then voted right out of the game.

Aubry played Kaoh Rong at first and I might never understand why she was such a well liked player that season. Too many different things didn’t go her way and the edit culminated in her getting second place, which for me was the only ending to her game that made any sense. Still, some were really upset that she didn’t win over Michele. But I like Michele way more than Aubry.

Aubry returned to play Game Changers, although I’m not sure how being self-entitled made her one nor can I think of why she was considered a game changer. Still, she made it as far as the finale before she was voted out of the game.

Kelley Wentworth originally played San Juan del Sur and didn’t make it that far that time around. She was seemingly obscure in her exit that time around. She didn’t even make the merge. But she was at least liked by the fans and considered notable enough to be voted onto a different season.

When she played Cambodia, she made it very far and might have even been in danger of winning the game. But she was the last person voted out and the last person left from her alliance standing. I’m not sure why she’s being brought back to play this season, but I guess that defines everyone in any season that I can think of. You won't always know why they played instead of someone else.

David was originally on Millennials versus Gen X. He is the only person on this whole season to only be playing the second time as everyone else is either playing the third time or the first time. He was quite a strong player, even if he struggled a lot through the game. But he was notable for being the last person who was voted out and might even be the reason that they do the forced fire making tie-breaker instead of the traditional vote that they should still be doing.

Well, I hope that I did a good job saying who these players are, even if my opinion might not match what yours is. I hope that I can find enough good posts to write until the show comes back or I can start with the blog posts on Survivor: Gabon in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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