Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Ten Saddest Survivor Moments

Ever since doing a podcast called Survivor Showdown, I was wanting to do a post based on one of the questions that the host had asked. He wanted the most heart breaking moment in Survivor history, but I have decided to call this the saddest moments in Survivor. Originally in the podcast, I might have picked Michael’s evacuation, but I felt it wouldn’t be a good choice anymore since he had all the legal problems and that’s why he’s not on this top ten either. While my number one from that podcast remains on this list as the number one choice, I did think that you would want to know the other numbers too. All of these moments relate to Survivor, even if they weren’t on the air.

#10 Paschal drawing the purple rock- Not even Jeff was understanding the dumb new rules of the game when the very first rock draw happened. It was such a tragic event that someone who had never had a vote against him throughout the entire game was suddenly gone from it simply by drawing the wrong rock. It was tragic yet not the only time a finale caused controversy.

#9 Jonathan and Wanda not getting picked for tribes- You take off over 39 days of work and your whole personal life and whatever else is going on to play Survivor. But then there is a twist that wasn’t fully explained until later. The first man and woman to the beach won immunity. But then tribes were picked and the two people who weren’t picked were immediately eliminated without the chance to ever play the game for real. Now they were planned for being put on the next season if certain sources are to be believed, but one of them no longer wanted anything to do with the show. It’s understandable as it was one of the worst twists ever. And it was also sad.

#8 Neal’s evacuation- While I almost question whether or not it should be on the list at all, I do feel sad at his departure from medical issues. It even seemed like such a strange way that all of the contestants were checked out by the doctor and he was pulled from it. Perhaps even more tragically, he was voted out of the jury and never got that final decision in the game.

#7 Jennifer Lyon’s death- The first of the former contestants who died left us after a battle with cancer. If you aren’t saddened by her death, well, you might not have known about it. She might not have been seen that much in Survivor, but she’s gone from us now and we’ll never see her again.

#6 Russell Swan’s evacuation- His departure from the game was quite serious. They didn’t even get to finish the challenge where these issues happened at. He didn’t want to leave from the game like this or any way. But he had to and it was sad.

#5 Jenna Lewis not getting a loved ones video- This must have been sad for Jenna that everyone else had gotten to see what their loved ones were doing in relation to the challenge, but Jenna didn’t get to see her video since it wasn’t there for her to see. This might not be on the list had another person not thought of putting it as what they thought was the most heartbreaking moment. Although, I don’t think that I wouldn’t have put it on without it anyways.

#4 Zeke is outed- I wasn’t entirely sure if I had ten choices for this list or not, but then I thought that this would be a fitting moment for this list. He had no idea going into this season that anyone would have guessed that he is transgender and used it against him. Now, it is out there for every Survivor fan and everyone else who cares about it whether he likes it or not (probably not). This was a sad moment for sure and one that changed at least one life forever.

#3 Pat’s evacuation- The most recent medical evacuation might have been one of the saddest. Can you think of not doing anything wrong and a freak accident when being taken from one place to another was why you were taken out of the game? It was tragic to see things go this way for him.

#2 Caleb Bankston’s death- While it might not seem like such a sad thing, it was. A work related accident took his life leaving a lot of us devastated. It makes you feel bad for Colton, which makes you realize just how sad the event must be if it makes you feel bad for a person like Colton.

#1 Jenna Moresca’s dying mother- Her quit from the game to be with her dying mother was, in my mind, the saddest moment in all of Survivor history. She somehow knew despite hearing nothing about her mother that she should be with her and she was right to go there. She lost her mother and that’s sad. Can you think of something sadder than this?

Well, I hope that I picked good choices. Sorry if this is more of a bummer of a post than usual. I could have put Adam Klein’s mother on this list, but I’m not sure that we got enough of the story outside of a whole lot of emotion from him throughout that season. I think that’s all for this post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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